The family Closteroviridae revised - Archives of Virology

  • ️Yoshikawa, N.
  • ️Tue Oct 01 2002


 Recently obtained molecular and biological information has prompted the revision of the taxonomic structure of the family Closteroviridae. In particular, mealybug-transmitted species have been separated from the genus Closterovirus and accommodated in a new genus named Ampelovirus (from ampelos, Greek for grapevine). Thus, the family now comprises three genera. Their major properties are (i) Closterovirus: type species Beet yellows virus, genome monopartite, 15.5–19.3 kb in size, a 22–25 kDa major coat protein (CP), the gene encoding the divergent CP analogue (CPd) upstream of the CP cistron, transmission by aphids, a membership of 8 definitive and 4 tentative species; (ii) Ampelo-virus: type species Grapevine leafroll virus 3, genome monopartite 16.9–19.5 kb in size, a 35–37 kDa major CP, a CPd cistron generally located downstream of the CP gene, transmission by pseudococcid and coccid mealybugs, a membership of 6 definitive and 5 tentative species; (iii) Crinivirus: type species Lettuce infectious yellows virus, genome essentially bipartite 15.3–19 kb in size, a 28–33 kDa CP, a CPd cistron downstream of the CP gene, transmission by whiteflies (Bemisia, Trialeurodes), a membership of 7 definitive and 3 tentative species. There are five unassigned species in the family.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Dipartimento Protezione Piante, University of Bari, Italy, , , , , , IT

    G.P. Martelli (Chair)

  2. Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, , , , , , RU

    A.A. Agranovsky

  3. Volcani Agricultural Research Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, , , , , , IL

    M. Bar-Joseph

  4. Istituto Virologia Vegetale CNR, Sezione Bari, Italy, , , , , , IT

    D. Boscia

  5. Station de Pathologie Végétale, INRA, Villenave d’Ornon, France, , , , , , FR

    T. Candresse

  6. Imperial College, London, U.K., , , , , , GB

    R.H.A. Coutts

  7. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, U.S.A., , , , , , US

    V.V. Dolja

  8. Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, U.S.A., , , , , , US

    B.W. Falk

  9. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA, Hilo, Hawaii, U.S.A., , , , , , US

    D. Gonsalves

  10. Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Obstbau, Dossenheim, Germany, , , , , , DE

    W. Jelkmann

  11. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Doylestown, U.S.A., , , , , , US

    A.V. Karasev

  12. Istituto Virologia Vegetale CNR, Sezione Bari, Italy, , , , , , IT

    A. Minafra

  13. Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan, , , , , , JP

    S. Namba

  14. Biologische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany, , , , , , DE

    H.J. Vetten

  15. Deparment of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A., , , , , , US

    G.C. Wisler

  16. Iwate University, Morioka, Japan, , , , , , JP

    N. Yoshikawa


  1. G.P. Martelli

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  2. A.A. Agranovsky

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  3. M. Bar-Joseph

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Martelli, G., Agranovsky, A., Bar-Joseph, M. et al. The family Closteroviridae revised. Arch Virol 147, 2039–2044 (2002).

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  • Issue Date: October 2002

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