The Past in the Present: A Cleavage Theory of Party Response to European Integration | British Journal of Political Science | Cambridge Core

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Sitter, Nick 2001. The politics of opposition and European integration in Scandinavia: Is Euro‐scepticism a government‐opposition dynamic?. West European Politics, Vol. 24, Issue. 4, p. 22.

Taggart, Paul and Szczerbiak, Aleks 2002. Europeanisation, euroscepticism and party systems: Party‐based euroscepticism in the candidate states of Central and Eastern Europe. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 3, Issue. 1, p. 23.

Alexandre-Collier, Agnès 2002. Le phénomène eurosceptique au sein du parti conservateur britannique. Politique européenne, Vol. n° 6, Issue. 2, p. 53.

Aylott, Nicholas 2002. Let's Discuss this Later. Party Politics, Vol. 8, Issue. 4, p. 441.

Lees, Charles 2002. ‘Dark Matter’: Institutional Constraints and the Failure of Party-Based Euroscepticism in Germany. Political Studies, Vol. 50, Issue. 2, p. 244.

Aspinwall, Mark 2002. Preferring Europe. European Union Politics, Vol. 3, Issue. 1, p. 81.

Hooghe, Liesbet 2002. The European Commission and the Integration of Europe.

Gabel, Matthew J. and Anderson, Christopher J. 2002. The Structure of Citizen Attitudes and the European Political Space. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 35, Issue. 8, p. 893.

Marks, Gary and Steenbergen, Marco 2002. Understanding Political Contestation in the European Union. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 35, Issue. 8, p. 879.

Batory, Agnes 2002. Attitudes to Europe. Party Politics, Vol. 8, Issue. 5, p. 525.

Hooghe, Liesbet Marks, Gary and Wilson, Carole J. 2002. Does Left/Right Structure Party Positions on European Integration?. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 35, Issue. 8, p. 965.

Cabrol, Karine 2002. Les partis politiques britanniques et l 'intégration européenne. Politique européenne, Vol. n° 6, Issue. 2, p. 5.

Raunio, Tapio 2002. Why European Integration Increases Leadership Autonomy within Political Parties. Party Politics, Vol. 8, Issue. 4, p. 405.

Hix, Simon Kreppel, Amie and Noury, Abdul 2003. The Party System in the European Parliament: Collusive or Competitive?. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 41, Issue. 2, p. 309.

Faas, Thorsten 2003. Europäische Integration in der öffentlichen Meinung. p. 395.

Hough, Dan and Handl, Vladimír 2004. The post-communist left and the European Union: The Czech Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) and the German Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS). Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 37, Issue. 3, p. 319.

Ansell, Christopher K. and Di Palma, Giuseppe 2004. Restructuring Territoriality.

Chari, Raj S. Iltanen, Suvi and Kritzinger, Sylvia 2004. Examining and Explaining the Northern League's ‘U-Turn’ from Europe. Government and Opposition, Vol. 39, Issue. 3, p. 423.

BATORY, AGNES and SITTER, NICK 2004. Cleavages, competition and coalition‐building: Agrarian parties and the European question in Western and East Central Europe. European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 43, Issue. 4, p. 523.

Marks, Gary and Steenbergen, Marco R. 2004. European Integration and Political Conflict.