Effect of Light on Selenium During the Passage of An Electric Current * - Nature
- ️Thu Feb 20 1873
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- Published: 20 February 1873
Nature volume 7, page 303 (1873)Cite this article
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BEING desirous of obtaining a more suitable highresist ance for use at the Shore Station in connection with my system of testing and signalling during the submersion of long submarine cables, I was induced to experiment with, bars of selenium, a known metal of very high resistance. I obtained several bars varying in length from 5 to 10 centimetres, and of a diameter from I to 11/2 millimetres. Each bar was hermetically sealed in a glass tube, and a platinum wire projected from each end for the purpose of connection.
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Effect of Light on Selenium During the Passage of An Electric Current * . Nature 7, 303 (1873). https://doi.org/10.1038/007303e0
Issue Date: 20 February 1873
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/007303e0