Early Homo sapiens Remains from the Omo River Region of South-west Ethiopia: Faunal Remains from the Omo Valley - Nature
- ️LEAKEY, R. E. F.
- ️Sat Jun 21 1969
- Article
- Published: 21 June 1969
Nature volume 222, pages 1132–1133 (1969)Cite this article
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Among the finds of the Kenya group (led by Mr Richard Leakey) of the 1967 International Palaeontological Research Expedition to the Omo River were three skulls and some skeletal material belonging to very early representatives of Homo sapiens. The sites of the two oldest skulls are no younger than mid-Upper Pleistocene and may be as old as late Middle Pleistocene. After a short account by Mr Leakey of some of the other fossils found by the expedition, and a description of the geology of the hominid sites by Professor Karl Butzer (a member of the US group), this article ends with a preliminary description of the human remains by Dr Michael H. Day.
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Kenya National Museum, Nairobi, Kenya
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LEAKEY, R. Early Homo sapiens Remains from the Omo River Region of South-west Ethiopia: Faunal Remains from the Omo Valley. Nature 222, 1132–1133 (1969). https://doi.org/10.1038/2221132a0
Issue Date: 21 June 1969
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/2221132a0