
Katherine [Catalina, Catherine, Katherine of Aragon] (1485–1536), queen of England, first consort of Henry VIII

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Katherine [Catalina, Catherine, Katherine of Aragon]locked


  • C. S. L. Davies
  • , and John Edwards

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J. S. Brewer, J. Gairdner, & R. H. Brodie, eds., Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII, 23 vols. in 38 (1862–1932); repr. (1965)

National Archives of the United Kingdom, Public Record Office, London

G. A. Bergenroth, P. De Gayangos, & others, eds., Calendar of letters, despatches, and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain, 13 vols., PRO (1862–1954); M. A. S. Hume, ed., Calendar of letters and state papers, relating to English affairs, preserved in the archives of Simancas, 4 vols., PRO (1892–9); repr. (1971)

R. Brown, H. F. Brown, & A. B. Hinds, eds., Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of northern Italy (1864–1947)

National Portrait Gallery, London