A History of Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism under Macedonian and Roman Rule
...a monumental documentation, important for students of the Hellenistic East far beyond the boundaries of religious history...will be an indispensable standby...'
A.D.H. Bivar,
Journal Roman St., 1992.
...wird sicherlich noch lange ein Standardwerk für die iranische Religionsgeschichte wie auch für den orientalischen Hellenismus bleiben.'
H.-J. Klimkeit,
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 1993.
A daunting range of data of very heterogenous provenance is lucidly presented, and analysed on the basis of coherent and recognizable criteria...undoubtedly a masterpiece.'
Philip G. Kreyenbroek,
BSOAS, 1994.
...we now have a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of existing evidence for Zoroastrian, and general Iranian, customs and practices...henceforth it will be the standardwork on the subject.'
Richard N. Frye,
Journal of N.W. Sem. Langs, 1993.
This volume is an excellently researched, detailed account...The discussion opens up a wealth of ideas...indispensable for scholars with relevant interests.'
Roxanne Hakim,
Theological Book Review, 1992.
...historians of religions, scholars in the field of iranian studies, Central Asia and Classical antiquity are deeply indebted to the authors for this book.'
Manfred Hutter,
Numen, 1994.
The author has written extensively on the modern practice of faith...to wish the author health of body and long life...'
James Russell,
JAAR/JBL, 1993.
Eine Bibliographie und ein Index schließen ein Werk ab, dem man nur höchste Anerkennung zollen kann und das sicherlich für die nächsten Jahrzehnte das Standardwerk sein wird.'
K. Schippmann,
Bibliotheca Orientalis, 1994.