Annotated review and discussion of phylogenetically important characters for families and subfamilies of Gelechioidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) | Zootaxa
- ️Fri Oct 09 2009
Gelechioidea is a large, diverse superfamily of microlepidoptera that is difficult to characterize due to its species richness. The main working taxonomic unit for Gelechioidea seems to be the subfamily level, although many researchers use the taxonomy of family and subfamily interchangeably. Some researchers believe the superfamily should be split into several superfamilies to better diagnose lineages. Only recently have there been attempts at comprehensive treatments that aim to address world fauna of the entire superfamily rather than focusing on a few local families. This work reviews the revisional history of Gelechioidea, focusing on major taxonomic publications. It also addresses character state delineation and terminology for many taxa in some cases establishing equivalence across authors for the first time. Finally, it reviews major trends in phylogenetics and classification of the megadiverse lineage Gelechioidea.
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