
JCI - Bald scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia retains hair follicle stem cells but lacks CD200-rich and CD34-positive hair follicle progenitor cells

  • ️The Journal of Clinical Investigation
  • ️Tue Feb 01 2011

KRT15 expression levels correlate with epithelial stem cell characteristics of small cell size and cell cycle quiescence. To evaluate changes in hair follicle stem cell numbers in human scalp, we used KRT15 expression as a stem cell marker. We focused on cells in the top 5% of KRT15 expression (KRT15hi) by flow cytometry, since KRT15 is expressed at the highest levels in bulge cells (3, 14). To further verify that KRT15hi cells possess epithelial stem cell properties, we analyzed the relationship of KRT15 expression to the known stem cell characteristics of quiescence and cell size (12, 17).

Small cell size has been associated with stem cells in multiple tissues (1719). In epithelia, early studies indicated that small human epidermal keratinocytes were clonogenic and had the greatest proliferative potential (17). More recent analysis confirmed that cells isolated from the bulge are small in size and are highly proliferative in vitro, consistent with their role as stem cells (14). Small corneal epithelial cells also exhibit the highest proliferative potential (19). Finally, cell size may regulate cell cycle progression, since large cell size triggers proliferation (20).

Quiescence remains a defining characteristic of epithelial stem cells in the skin and other tissues (11, 21, 22). Functional assays demonstrate that quiescent epidermal cells possess the greatest proliferative potential (9, 10). Label-retaining cell (4, 7), lineage (9), and cell ablation studies (2) confirm that quiescent keratinocytes in the bulge are responsible for constant regeneration of the hair follicle. Human basal bulge cells also retain label and have a quiescent proliferative profile (3, 23).

To assess the relationship between KRT15 expression and the stem cell properties of quiescence and small cell size, we measured the cell size and cell cycle characteristics of KRT15-expressing keratinocytes from human adult scalp. We analyzed viable keratinocytes for expression of ITGA6, KRT15, and Ki67 by flow cytometry. The gating strategy is listed in Supplemental Figure 1, A–G (supplemental material available online with this article; doi: 10.1172/JCI44478DS1). Cells of increasing percentile of staining for KRT15 were measured to detect cell size by forward scatter (Figure 1A). Cells at the 50th percentile and higher of KRT15 staining were significantly smaller than cells at the 20th percentile (n = 5, P = 0.002 to P = 1.58 × 10–5). KRT15 expression positively correlated with small cell size: cells expressing the highest levels of KRT15 were smallest (Figure 1A).

KRT15 expression levels define a gradient of stem cell characteristics in iFigure 1

KRT15 expression levels define a gradient of stem cell characteristics in isolated scalp keratinocytes. (A) Using flow cytometry analysis, basal layer (ITGA6+) cells at the indicated percentiles of KRT15 staining intensity were plotted against their cell size. Increasing levels of KRT15 correlated with smaller cell size (n = 5, P = 0.002 to P = 1.58 × 10–5). (BD) Cell cycle analyses of cells expressing different levels of KRT15. Increasing levels of KRT15 correlated with quiescence. Cells at the 95th percentile for KRT15 expression were predominantly in G0 (B; n = 5, P = 3.85 × 10–5), whereas cells at the 10th percentile were predominantly in G1 (C; n = 5, P = 3.1 × 10–5) and S (D; n = 5, P = 0.0003). *P < 0.05.

To determine cell cycle attributes of cells expressing different levels of KRT15, we used flow cytometry to analyze Ki67 expression and DNA content (Figure 1, B–D, and Supplemental Figure 1, H–J). We compared cells at increasing percentiles of KRT15 staining with those at the 20th percentile. The percentage of cells in G0 significantly increased at the 40th and higher percentiles of KRT15 staining (Figure 1B; n = 5, P = 0.05 to P = 3.85 × 10–5). The percentage of proliferative, Ki67+ cells was lowest for cells at the 95th percentile of KRT15 expression: 82% ± 3% of these cells were in G0, with 12% ± 3% in G1, 5% ± 2% in G2/M, and 0.3% ± 0.1% in S (Figure 1, B–D). Coincident with the increase in the percentage of cells in G0, there was a decrease in cells in G1, which indicated that most cells not in G0 were instead in G1. The percentage of cells in G1 was significantly decreased at the higher percentiles (Figure 1C; n = 5, P = 0.05 to P = 3.1 × 10–5). Similarly, cells expressing high levels of KRT15 were less likely to be in S phase (Figure 1D; n = 5, P = 0.04 to P = 0.0003). G2/M changes were more variable according to KRT15 levels, as has been published previously (9), but were significantly decreased at the 80th and 90th percentiles (Supplemental Figure 1K; n = 5, P = 0.04 and P = 0.05). Thus, high levels of KRT15 expression correlate well with a quiescent stem cell phenotype.

Bald scalp retains KRT15hi stem cells. Having verified that cells with the highest level of KRT15 expression possess properties of epithelial stem cells, we next addressed whether hair follicle stem cell numbers decrease in bald versus haired scalp from men with AGA. We isolated single-cell suspensions of epithelial cells from bald and haired scalp from the same individuals. These cells were stained with antibodies against ITGA6 and KRT15 and then analyzed by flow cytometry (Figure 2). We defined KRT15hi cells as those in the top 5% of staining in haired scalp. In each paired sample from the same individual, an identical gate defining the top 5% of cells in haired scalp was applied to the cells from bald scalp. The flow cytometry was performed on the same day with identical instrument settings (see Methods for details). On average, the percentage of KRT15hi cells was the same in bald and haired scalp (Figure 2, A–C; 4.6% ± 0.9% vs. 5.0% ± 0.02%, P = 0.3, n = 8).

Preservation of KRT15hi hair follicle stem cells in bald scalp, but depletiFigure 2

Preservation of KRT15hi hair follicle stem cells in bald scalp, but depletion of CD200hiITGA6hi and CD34hi progenitor cells. Pseudocolor dot plots (A, B, D, E, G, and H) or overlay graphs (C, F, and I) from FACS analysis of epithelial cells stained with the indicated antibodies. Overlay graphs are plotted first with cells from haired scalp, then layered over with cells from bald scalp. (AC) Representative example showing KRT15hi cells preserved in bald scalp (n = 8, P = 0.3). In contrast, a defined population of CD200hiITGA6hi cells (DF; n = 9, P = 0.005) and CD34hi cells (GI; n = 3, P = 0.011) were depleted in bald scalp. Numerical values represent percent cells in the gated population, of all cells plotted in the representative experiments.

Immunohistochemical staining for KRT15 also showed many strongly positive cells in miniaturized follicles from scalp with androgenetic alopecia (Supplemental Figure 2, A and B), which supported the notion that hair follicle stem cells are maintained in bald scalp.

Progenitor cell populations distinct from KRT15hi stem cells are depleted in bald scalp. Recently, CD200 expression was identified in human bulge cells in haired scalp from women (13, 14). In these studies, the CD200+ population overlapped substantially with the K15+ population. To define changes in CD200+ cells in men with AGA, we analyzed CD200 expression together with expression of the epithelial basal cell marker ITGA6 by flow cytometry in matched bald and haired scalp. We excluded CD45+ hematopoietic cells and CD117+ melanocytes from the starting population and confirmed that the CD200+ cells were negative for these nonepithelial markers (Supplemental Figure 1, L and M).

Surprisingly, we found that a well-demarcated population of cells expressing high levels of both CD200 and ITGA6 was markedly decreased in haired versus bald scalp (Figure 2, D–F; 2.3% ± 0.7% vs. 0.28% ± 0.1%, P = 0.005, n = 9). This population represented 10.0% ± 0.1% (n = 9) of the entire CD200+ population; to our knowledge, it has not been studied previously.

To better characterize CD200hiITGA6hi cells with respect to their stem cell properties, we determined their level of KRT15 expression, cell size, and degree of quiescence. We compared cells gated as CD200hiITGA6hi (Figure 2D), as well as cells gated as KRT15hiITGA6hi (Figure 2A), with an otherwise ungated population of all ITGA6hi cells (Supplemental Figure 1E). CD200hiITGA6hi cells expressed lower levels of KRT15 compared with KRT15hi cells (n = 3, P = 0.036), and higher levels of KRT15 (n = 3, P = 0.046) compared with ITGA6hi cells (Figure 3A). In line with this, we found almost no CD200 expression among the KRT15hi cells (Figure 3D; n = 3, P = 0.008), which indicates that these populations are distinct. Given the intermediate expression of KRT15 in the CD200hiITGA6hi cells, the gradient of stem cell characteristics (Figure 1) predicts that these cells would be intermediate in cell size and cell cycle; indeed, this was the case (Figure 3, B and C). CD200hiITGA6hi cells were 75% ± 2% as large as all ITGA6+ cells (Figure 3B; n = 6, P = 3 × 10–5), but were significantly larger than the KRT15hi cells (n = 6, P = 0.007). Thus, CD200hiITGA6hi cells were of intermediate size compared with the KRT15hi cells.

CD200hiITGA6hi and CD34hi cells are distinct from KRT15hi stem cells and poFigure 3

CD200hiITGA6hi and CD34hi cells are distinct from KRT15hi stem cells and possess a progenitor cell phenotype. (AC) CD200hiITGA6hi cells were intermediate in KRT15 levels (A; n = 3), cell size (B; n = 6), and percent of cells in G0 (C; n = 2) compared with all basal-layer keratinocytes and with KRT15hi cells. (D) As an indication of their distinct identities, the majority of KRT15hi cells expressed almost no CD200 (n = 3). (E and F) CD34hi cells expressed low levels of KRT15 (E; n = 4) and were larger than KRT15hi cells (F; n = 4). FSC, forward scatter.

To determine the level of quiescence of the CD200hiITGA6hi cells, we performed cell cycle analysis. The CD200hiITGA6hi population showed 69% ± 5% of cells in G0 (Figure 3C; n = 2), significantly higher than all basal cells (21% ± 1.9%, P = 0.02), but lower than the percentage of KRT15hi cells in G0 (98% ± 0.6%, P = 0.05). Thus, CD200hiITGA6hi cells were of intermediate size and quiescence compared with KRT15hi cells.

To assess whether other progenitor cell populations were depleted in bald scalp, we quantitated the number of CD34+ cells, which juxtapose the bulge and localize below it in the outer root sheath. We found that CD34+ cells were diminished roughly 10-fold in bald versus haired scalp (Figure 2, G–I; 1.9% ± 1% vs. 10.5% ± 0.3%, P = 0.01, n = 3). CD34+ cells expressed low levels of KRT15 and were larger than the KRT15hi stem cells (Figure 3, E and F). These findings are consistent with a role for these cells as progenitors descendent from the bulge cells (14).

Human CD200hiITGA6hi cells localize to the hair follicle bulge and to the secondary germ. To better localize the CD200hiITGA6hi cells that were depleted in bald scalp, we isolated these cells from haired scalp and analyzed them for expression of markers from different compartments of the hair follicle (Figure 4). In addition to KRT15, we used follistatin (FST) as a bulge cell marker (13). The majority of CD200hiITGA6hi cells were positive for both KRT15 and FST (Figure 4, B and C). However, approximately 15% were negative, which indicates that this portion resides outside of the bulge.

CD200hiITGA6hi cells localize to the hair follicle bulge and to the secondaFigure 4

CD200hiITGA6hi cells localize to the hair follicle bulge and to the secondary germ. (A) Gated population of CD200hiITGA6hi used for analysis in B, C, F, and G. (B and C) The majority of CD200+ cells were positive for the bulge markers KRT15 (B) and FST (C). (DF) Ber-EP4 expression marked the secondary germ (D), and CD200 expression overlapped with Ber-Ep4 by double immunofluorescence (E) and flow cytometry (F). (E) Higher numbers of CD200+ cells were present in the upper (left) than in the lower (right) secondary hair germ. (G) As assessed by qPCR, sorted CD200hiITGA6hi cells were enriched in LGR5, a marker for activated bulge/secondary hair germ cells (n = 3). (H) Consistent with this enrichment, LGR5 expression was markedly reduced in bald scalp, whereas KRT15 was maintained, when tested by qPCR (n = 4). *P < 0.01. Scale bars: 100 μm. Numbers within dot plots indicate percent cells in the respective gate or quadrant.

To further define the location of the CD200hiITGA6hi cells that did not localize to the bulge, we used the Ber-EP4 antibody, which detects epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), to stain for secondary germ cells (Figure 4, D–F, Supplemental Figure 3, A and B, and ref. 24). Of the CD200hiITGA6hi cells, 16% were positive for Ber-EP4 (Figure 4F), indicative of their localization to the secondary germ. By immunohistochemistry, we detected CD200 expression in the bulge region and in secondary germ cells in telogen human hair follicles from haired scalp (Figure 4E and Supplemental Figure 4, D and E). In agreement with our fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis, we found a qualitative decrease in staining for CD200+ cells in bald scalp (Supplemental Figure 2, C and D).

To further investigate the relationship of CD200hiITGA6hi cells to the secondary germ cells, we evaluated expression of LGR5 by quantitative PCR (qPCR). LGR5 recently has been touted as a marker of hair follicle progenitor cells in the lower bulge and secondary germ (11, 25). We found LGR5 mRNA elevated 1,443-fold in CD200hiITGA6hi versus CD200ITGA6hi cells (Figure 4G; n = 3, P < 0.01).

As another test of the hypothesis that loss of the CD200hiITGA6hi population in AGA represents a loss of activated bulge cells, but not quiescent bulge cells, we compared changes in LGR5 and KRT15 mRNA levels in haired and bald scalp using qPCR (Figure 4H). Loss of epithelial cells expressing LGR5 and KRT15 in bald scalp would result in a haired/bald ratio of gene expression greater than 1. The haired/bald ratio of KRT15 mRNA was 0.58 ± 0.14, indicating at least proportional, if not absolute, maintenance of signal in miniaturized hair follicles (Supplemental Figure 5). However, the ratio of haired to bald scalp mRNA for LGR5 was significantly elevated at 3.3 ± 0.87 (Figure 4H; n = 4, P < 0.01), indicative of a loss of LGR5 mRNA in bald scalp. The enrichment of LGR5 in the CD200hiITGA6hi population and the loss of LGR5 in bald scalp underscores that the decrease of CD200hiITGA6hi cells in bald scalp is not simply due to downregulation of CD200 expression, but rather to loss of these cells.

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells localize to the hair follicle bulge and secondary germ. To enable functional studies of the CD200hiITGA6hi cells, we sought to define an analogous cell population in the mouse hair follicle. In mice, CD200hiItga6hi cells accounted for approximately 8% of the total viable epithelial cell population from back skin (Figure 5C and Supplemental Figure 6). To localize these cells, we took advantage of the known specific expression of CD34 by hair follicle bulge cells in the mouse epithelium (15) and compared CD34 and CD200 staining patterns. Immunostaining demonstrated overlap of their expression in the bulge, but extension of CD200 staining into the CD34 secondary germ (Figure 5, A and B, and Supplemental Figure 3C). By FACS analysis, approximately 82% of the CD200hiItga6hi cells were CD34+ and therefore localized to the bulge (Figure 5F). Together with the immunostaining data, these results indicate that roughly 18% of CD200hiItga6hi cells localized to the secondary germ. This corresponds closely to the 15% of human CD200hiITGA6hi cells that localized to the secondary germ based on their Ber-EP4hi status (Figure 4F). Thus, the mouse and human CD200hiITGA6hi populations localize to both bulge and secondary germ in equivalent ratios.

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cell location, cell cycle status, and gene expressionFigure 5

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cell location, cell cycle status, and gene expression are similar to those of human CD200hiITGA6hi cells. (A and B) As assessed by immunohistology of mouse skin, CD200 was expressed in bulge and secondary hair germ cells (A), whereas CD34 was expressed in bulge cells, but not secondary hair germ cells (B). (C) FACS identified a CD200hiItga6hi population. (D) CD200 versus CD34 identified bulge cells (CD200hiCD34+) and secondary hair germ cells (CD200hiCD34). (E) CD34hiItga6hi cells (Supplemental Figure 6E) overlaying CD200hiItga6hi cells (as in C) demonstrated that CD200hiItga6hi cells extended to a CD34 population, but CD34hiItga6hi cells were entirely CD200+. In F, only the CD200hiItga6hi population is shown, exhibiting overlap to the secondary hair germ. (G) Cell cycle analysis demonstrated the lowest frequency of G0/G1 in CD200hiItga6hi cells in the secondary hair germ (CD34; n = 3, P = 0.02). (H) Enriched gene lists from microarray expression analysis of human CD200hiITGA6hi, mouse bulge (CD200hiCD34+), and mouse secondary hair germ (CD200hiCD34) cells demonstrated that the human CD200hiITGA6hi population overlapped with both mouse populations, but more so with murine bulge than with murine secondary hair germ. Scale bars: 100 μm. Numbers within dot plots indicate percent cells in the respective gate or quadrant.

To further compare the human CD200hiITGA6hi population with mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells, we performed cell cycle analysis of the mouse as we did on human CD200hiItga6hi cells (Figure 3). Specifically, we compared cell cycle features in mouse bulge (CD200+CD34+) and secondary hair germ (CD200+CD34) cells (Figure 5G) with the human CD200hiITGA6hi population (Figure 3).

Consistent with previous studies demonstrating quiescence of the bulge cells (4, 9, 15), the proportion of bulge cells in S phase (0.84% ± 0.1%) was significantly lower than in all cells (Figure 5G; 1.44% ± 0.004%, n = 3, P = 0.02). The mouse bulge did show increased numbers of cells in G2/M (all cells 1.46% ± 0.5%, bulge cells 2.84% ± 0.5%, P = 0.02), as described previously (9). The 4.44% ± 1.5% of secondary germ cells (CD34) in G2/M was higher than that of the bulge (26). The cells demonstrating the highest percentage of G2/M were CD200hiItga6hi in the secondary hair germ (Figure 5G; 6.07% ± 0.3%, n = 3, P = 0.01).

In an inverse pattern, the percentage of cells in G1/G0 was decreased in cells with elevated levels of G2/M. Therefore, CD200hiItga6hi cells of the secondary hair germ showed significantly lower levels of cells in G1/G0 (89.5% ± 0.4%, n = 3) than did bulge cells (95.7% ± 0.2%, n = 3, P = 0.02). In summary, the decreased proportion of cells in G1/G0 in the mouse CD200hiItga6hiCD34 population compared with CD34+ bulge cells was similar to our cell cycle analysis demonstrating decreased G0 levels in human CD200hiItga6hi cells compared with KRT15hi bulge cells (Figure 3). We conclude that both mouse and human CD200hiITGA6hi cells show evidence of cell cycle activation compared with cells of the bulge.

To further compare the mouse and human CD200hiItga6hi cells, we analyzed their global gene expression patterns using microarrays. Given that mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells were composed of both bulge and secondary hair germ cells (Figure 5, E and F), we compared the expression of human CD200hiItga6hi cells with those of mouse bulge and mouse secondary hair germ in a cross-species comparison. Gene lists of enriched genes for each population were created (see Methods) and compared for overlap (Figure 5H). Although mouse bulge and mouse secondary hair germ gene expression patterns showed the most overlap (499 genes), it is likely that this is explained by species homogeneity. All 3 populations shared 178 genes. Interestingly, of the populations uniquely shared between the human CD200hiITGA6hi cells and the mouse cell populations, more genes were shared with mouse bulge (151 genes) than with mouse secondary hair germ (39 genes). The greater overlap with the bulge compared with the secondary hair germ matches the cellular composition of the CD200hiITGA6hi populations in both mice and humans. Further analysis of these gene lists (Supplemental Figure 9) showed that shared human and mouse genes present in the bulge were enriched in biologic adhesion proteins, whereas transcripts of the secondary hair germ were enriched in genes regulating death and apoptosis. These results are consistent with the concept that substrate attachment maintains the quiescent phenotype of the bulge cells and that the loss of these adhesions is associated with differentiation to secondary hair germ cells.

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells are multipotent and capable of regenerating hair follicles in a skin reconstitution assay. We performed functional analysis on the CD200hiItga6hi population using a reconstitution assay, which tests the ability of isolated cell populations to regenerate hair follicles. Isolated single cells from epithelium are combined with neonatal dermal cells and injected intradermally into an immunodeficient mouse host. After 4 weeks, the injected tissue is examined for the presence of newly formed hair follicles, epidermis, and sebaceous glands (9, 27).

We sorted CD200hiItga6hi or CD200Itga6hi cells from ROSA26 reporter mice. Grafting of CD200hiItga6hi keratinocytes together with neonatal dermis successfully reconstituted hair follicles (Figure 6, A, B, and E). CD200Itga6hi keratinocytes produced few hair follicles, despite injection of equal numbers of cells (Figure 6, C–E). Contaminating neonatal epidermis from neonatal dermal preparations contributed to some hair follicle formation in both samples (Figure 6, A–D), but could be distinguished by its lack of β-galactosidase activity. Histologic sectioning of reconstituted hair-bearing cysts demonstrated contribution of CD200hiItga6hi cells to all hair follicle lineages, including outer root sheath, inner root sheath, and sebaceous gland (Supplemental Figure 7, A–C), indicative of the multipotency of these cells.

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells are multipotent and capable of reconstituting aFigure 6

Mouse CD200hiItga6hi cells are multipotent and capable of reconstituting a hair follicle. (AD) Stereoscopic images of grossly dissected subcutaneous cysts from SCID mouse hosts after injection of sorted cells isolated from ROSA26 mice that constitutively express β-galactosidase, which allows for development of blue color. Hair follicle regeneration from injected CD200hiItga6hi cells (A and B) appeared greater than that from CD200Itga6hi cells (C and D). (E) Quantitation of the number of blue hairs originating from sorted cells demonstrated a greater number of de novo hair follicles in CD200hiItga6hi compared with CD200Itga6hi cells in 2 subsequent independent repeat experiments.