
Size-dependent intersubband optical properties of dome-shaped InAs/GaAs quantum dots with wetting layer

  • ️Mohammad Sabaeian
  • ️Wed Jun 20 2012


In this work, the effects of size and wetting layer (WL) on subband electronic envelop functions, eigenenergies, linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients, and refractive indices of a dome-shaped InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) were investigated. In our model, a dome of InAs QD with its WL embedded in a GaAs matrix was considered. A finite height barrier potential at the InAs/GaAs interface was assumed. To calculate envelope functions and eigenenergies, the effective one-electronic-band Hamiltonian and electron effective mass approximation were used. The linear and nonlinear optical properties were calculated by the density matrix formalism.

©2012 Optical Society of America

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