
Stock Profile of Hilsa Shad Population in Bay of Bengal Region- A Review

Abstract            Volume:4  Issue-6  Year-2016         Original Research Articles

Stock Profile of Hilsa Shad Population in Bay of Bengal Region- A Review

Former Head of Division, Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding author


Hilsa shad, also known as Indian shad, migrates to freshwater environment of the River systems for breeding and thereafter, nourishment of the young ones. Hilsa populations of different rivers are distinct and may be distinguished from one another by morphometric, serological and meristic characters. There is controversy regarding stocks or races of Hilsa in different water bodies of Bangladesh. Genetic and otolith data both showed that Hilsa from India Myanmar were not significantly different from the fish collected from coastal areas of Bangladesh, and suggest that fresh water environment of the River systems for breeding and thereafter, nourishment of the young ones. Most of the stocks of Hilsa are anadromous, breeding much above tidal limits. Some stocks have also been reported to remain permanently in the freshwater stretch of Rivers. The Hilsa shad is largely an anadromous species, but two other ecotypes - a fluvial potamodromous type and a marine type - have been recognised. The possibility of existence of different races of Hilsa was expressed by many workers. Some studies indicated that Hilsa populations of different rivers are distinct and may be distinguished from one another by mo Hilsa in the Bay of Bengal were a single stock. In Pakistan only one homogenous population of Hilsa ascends the river Indus. In Pakistan only one homogenous population of Hilsa ascends the river Indus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Hilsa from Bay of Bengal origin and Arabian Sea origin formed two distinct different clusters. However, proper measures are very much warranted towards conservation the stocks for sustainable management of Hilsa fishery in Bay of Bengal region.

Keywords: Race,Cluster, Morphometric, Meristic, Phylogenetic, Allozyme,

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