Article - The Fall of Elagabalus as Literary Narrative and Political Reality A Reconsideration | BiblioScout

  • ️Adam Kemezis

The Fall of Elagabalus as Literary Narrative and Political Reality A Reconsideration

A Reconsideration


Standard narratives of the overthrow of the emperor Elagabalus in 222 tend to see the event as an anomaly, caused especially by his aggressive and unpopular promotion of the Syrian god Elagabal. This view is not properly supported by the literary sources, and we should instead see the events of 222 in the context of a repeated pattern in the early third century whereby unstable coalitions drawn from various political constituencies ruled through young figurehead emperors. The article consists of an in-depth analysis of each of the main literary traditions (Dio, HA, Herodian) followed by an alternative reconstruction of the last part of Elagabalus’ reign.

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