Estimates of Loudness, Loudness Discomfort, and the Auditory Dyna...: Ingenta Connect
- ️Formby, Craig
The purpose of this series of experiments was to establish normative reference values for absolute and relative judgements of loudness discomfort and for the auditory dynamic range (DR), and to evaluate intersubject variability and intrasubject test-retest reliability for the respective measures of loudness discomfort. To establish the normal auditory DR, audiometric thresholds and loudness discomfort levels (LDLs) were measured from a group of 59 normal-hearing adults without sound tolerance problems. The resulting estimates of the LDL and DR were on the order of 100 dB HL and 95 dB, respectively. A subset (n = 18) of this larger group participated in further studies in which loudness growth functions and the upper limit of the auditory DR were measured by categorical scaling judgments. The findings revealed no significant differences between the test methods for absolute (LDL) and relative (categorical scaling) judgements of loudness discomfort, intersubject variability, or intrasubject test-retest reliability, and suggest that the simple LDL estimate of loudness discomfort is an efficient and valid clinical measure for characterizing the "threshold of discomfort." El propósito de esta serie de experimentos fue el establecer valores normativos de referencia para juicios objetivos o subjetivos de molestia ante la intensidad subjetiva (loudness) y para el rango dinámico auditivo (DR), y evaluar la variabilidad intersujeto, así como la confiabilidad del test-retest intrasujeto, para las medidas respectivas de la molestia en la intensidad subjetiva. Para establecer el DR auditivo normal, se midieron los umbrales audiométricos y los niveles de molestia en la intensidad subjetiva (LDL) en un grupo de 59 adultos normoyentes sin problemas de tolerancia al sonido. Los estimados resultantes para el LDL y el DR estuvieron en el orden de 100 dB y 95 dB, respectivamente. Un sub-grupo (n = 18) de este grupo más grande participó en estudios posteriores donde las funciones del crecimiento de la intensidad subjetiva y el límite superior del DR auditivo fueron medidos por una escala de juicios de categorización. Los hallazgos no revelaron diferencias significativas entre los métodos de evaluación absolutos (LDL) y los juicios relativos (escala de categorización) para la molestia en la intensidad subjetiva, la variabilidad intersujeto, o para la confiabilidad test-retest intrasujeto, y sugieren que el simple estimado de un LDL es una medida clínica eficiente y válida para caracterizar el "umbral de molestia".
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: 01 February 2005
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The Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA) is a scholarly peer-reviewed publication and the official journal of the American Academy of Audiology. JAAA publishes articles and clinical reports in all areas of audiology, including audiological assessment, amplification, aural habilitation and rehabilitation, auditory electrophysiology, vestibular assessment, hearing and balance public health, and hearing and vestibular science. The journal is an online-only publication with a related continuing-education assessment program available to Academy members. Beginning in January 2025, the Academy resumed its role as the publisher of JAAA. Journal issues for the 2024 volume year created by the previous publisher will be available on Ingenta in March 2025.
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