
Lectotypification of Ruiz and Pavón’s names in <i>Solanum</i> (Solanaceae) | Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid

  • ️Tue Dec 30 2008





typification, historic collections, America, exploration, Peru, Chile


Lectotypes or neotypes are confirmed or designated here for the 41 names coined by Hipólito Ruiz and José Pavón in the Flora peruviana et chilensis that were either described, or today recognised as, members of the large genus Solanum (Solanaceae): Solanum acuminatum, S. acutifolium, S. anceps, S. angulatum, S. angustifolium, S. asperolanatum, S. biformifolium, S. calygnaphalum, S. conicum, S. crispum, S. cymosum, S. dichotomum, S. diffusum, S. filiforme, S. foetidum, S. glandulosum, S. grandiflorum, S. incanum, S. incarceratum, S. incurvum, S. laciniatum, S. lanceolatum, S. lineatum, S. mite, S. multifidum, S. nitidum, S. nutans. S. obliquum, S. oblongum, S. oppositifolium, S. pendulum, S. pinnatifidum, S. pubescens, S. runcinatum, S. scabrum, S. sericeum, S. sessile, S. stellatum, S. ternatum, S. variegatum and S. viridiflorum. A introduction assesses the importance of Ruiz and Pavón to the botany of their time, and identifies difficulties in lectotypifying names coined by them. The currently accepted name for each taxon is given. Each typification is accompanied by a discussion of the reasoning behind the choice of specimen, and all types are illustrated.


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