Substance Information - ECHA
- ️Fri Jun 09 2023
The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the molecular and structural formulas. Some substance identifiers may have been claimed confidential, or may not have been provided, and therefore not be displayed. The EC Number is the numerical identifier for substances in the EC Inventory. The EC Inventory is a combination of three independent European lists of substances from the previous EU chemicals regulatory frameworks (EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP-list). More information about the EC Inventory can be found here. If the substance was not covered by the EC Inventory, ECHA attributes a list number in the same format, starting with the numbers 6, 7, 8 or 9. The EC or list number is the primary substance identifier used by ECHA. The CAS number is the substance numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, to substances registered in the CAS registry database. A substance identified primarily by an EC or list number may be linked with more than one CAS number, or with CAS numbers that have been deleted. More information about CAS and the CAS registry can be found here. The molecular formula identifies each type of element by its chemical symbol and identifies the number of atoms of each element found in one discrete molecule of the substance. This information is only displayed if the substance is well–defined, its identity is not claimed confidential and there is sufficient information available in ECHA’s databases for ECHA’s algorithms to generate a molecular structure. The molecular structure is based on structures generated from information available in ECHA’s databases. If generated, an InChI string will also be generated and made available for searching. This information is only displayed if the substance is well-defined, its identity is not claimed confidential and there is sufficient information available in ECHA’s databases for ECHA’s algorithms to generate a molecular structure. More help available here.
Substance identity
EC (European Community) Number
CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) registry number
Molecular formula
Molecular structure
EC / List no.: 204-623-0
CAS no.: 123-38-6
Mol. formula: C3H6O
The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance based on the standardised system of statements and pictograms established under the CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. The CLP Regulation makes sure that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union. The CLP Regulation uses the UN Global Harmonised System (GHS) and European Union Specific Hazard Statements (EUH). This section is based on three sources for information (harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), REACH registrations and CLP notifications). The source of the information is mentioned in the introductory sentence of the hazard statements. When information is available in all sources, the first two are displayed as a priority. The purpose of the information provided under this section is to highlight the substance hazardousness in a readable format. It does not represent a new labelling, classification or hazard statement, neither reflect other factors that affect the susceptibility of the effects described, such as duration of exposure or substance concentration (e.g. in case of consumer and professional uses). Other relevant information includes the following: To see the full list of notified classifications and to get more information on impurities and additives relevant to classification please consult the C&L Inventory. More information about Classification and Labelling is available in the Regulations section of ECHA website. More help available here. Harmonised classification and labelling is a legally binding classification and labelling for a substance, agreed at European Community level. Harmonisation is based on the substance’s physical, toxicological and eco-toxicological hazard assessment. The ‘Hazard classification’ and labelling section uses the signal word, pictogram(s) and hazard statements of the substance under the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) as its primary source of information. If the substance is covered by more than one CLH entry (e.g. disodium tetraborate EC no. 215–540–4, is covered by three harmonisations: 005–011–00–4; 005–011–01–1 and 005–011–02–9), CLH information cannot be displayed in the InfoCard as the difference between the CLH classifications requires manual interpretation or verification. If a substance is classified under multiple CLH entries, a link to the C&L Inventory is provided to allow users to view CLH information associated with the substance and no text is automatically generated for the InfoCard. It is possible that a harmonisation is introduced through an amendment to the CLP Regulation. In that case, the ATP (Adaptation to Technical Progress) number is displayed. More info on CLH can be found here. If available, additional information on classification and labelling (C&L) is derived from REACH registration dossiers submitted by industry. This information has not been reviewed or verified by ECHA, and may change without prior notice. REACH registration dossiers have greater data requirements (such as supporting studies) than do notifications under CLP. If no EU harmonised classification and labelling exists and the substance was not registered under REACH, information derived from classification and labelling (C&L) notifications to ECHA under CLP Regulation is displayed under this section. These notifications can be provided by manufacturers, importers and downstream users. ECHA maintains the C&L Inventory, but does not review or verify the accuracy of the information. Note that for readability purposes, only the pictograms, signal words and hazard statements referred in more than 5% of the notifications under CLP are displayed.
Hazard classification and labelling
Please note:
Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH)
Classification and labelling under REACH
Notifications under the Classification Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation
Danger! According to the harmonised classification and labelling (CLP00) approved by the European Union, this substance is a highly flammable liquid and vapour, causes serious eye irritation, causes skin irritation and may cause respiratory irritation.
Additionally, the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations identifies that this substance causes serious eye damage, is harmful if swallowed and is harmful if inhaled.
This section provides an overview of the calculated volume at which the substance is manufactured or imported to the European Economic Area (EU28 + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). Additionally, if available, information on the use of the substance and how consumers and workers are likely to be exposed to it can also be displayed here. The use information is displayed per substance life cycle stage (consumer use, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites or in manufacturing). The information is aggregated from the data coming from REACH substance registrations provided by industry. For a detailed overview on identified uses and environmental releases, please consult the registered substance factsheet. Use descriptors are adapted from ECHA guidance to improve readability and may not correspond textually to descriptor codes described in Chapter R.12: Use Descriptor system of ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment. The examples provided are generic examples and may not apply to the specific substance you are viewing. A substance may have its use restricted to certain articles or products and therefore not all the examples may apply to the specific substance. Furthermore, some substances can be found in an article, but with unlikely exposure (e.g. inside a watch) or with very low concentrations considered not to pose risks to human health or the environment. Please note: For readability purpose, only non-confidential use descriptors occurring in more than 5% of total occurrences are displayed. The described Product category (i.e. the products in which the substance may be used) may refer to uses as intermediate and under controlled conditions, for which there is no consumer exposure. More help is available here.
This substance is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 100 to < 1 000 tonnes per annum.
This substance is used
by professional workers (widespread uses),
in formulation or re-packing,
at industrial sites and
in manufacturing.
ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.
ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment.
ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment.
ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed.
This substance is used in the following products:
laboratory chemicals and
pH regulators and water treatment products.
ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use:
formulation of mixtures.
This substance is used in the following products:
pH regulators and water treatment products and
laboratory chemicals.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use:
manufacturing of the substance.
About this substance
Consumer Uses
Article service life
Widespread uses by professional workers
This substance is used in the following areas:
health services and
scientific research and development.
This substance is used for the manufacture of:
Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from:
indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners).
Formulation or re-packing
Uses at industrial sites
This substance has
an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).
This substance is used in the following areas:
health services and
scientific research and development.
This substance is used for the manufacture of:
chemicals and
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use:
as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates),
in processing aids at industrial sites and
as processing aid.
This section provides links to the list of precautions (precautionary statements) and to the guidance on safe use, if they have been provided in REACH registration dossiers. Please note: Precautionary measures and guidance on safe use concern the use and handling of the specific substance as such, not of the presence of the substance in other articles or mixtures. The precautionary measures and guidance on safe use are as submitted to ECHA by registrants under the REACH Regulation. Information on precautionary measures and the safe use is submitted by the registrant of a substance and the registrant is solely responsible for its accuracy and completeness. More help available here.
How to use it safely
- ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using this substance.
- Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of this substance.
about INFOCARD - Last updated: 06/09/2023
The InfoCard summarises the non-confidential data of a substance held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). InfoCards are generated automatically based on the data available at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information submitted to ECHA remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The type of uses and classifications may vary between different submissions to ECHA and for a full understanding it is recommended to consult the source data. Information on applicable regulatory frameworks is also automatically generated and may not be complete or up to date. It is the responsibility of the substance manufacturers and importers to consult official publications, e.g. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union. InfoCards are updated when new information is available. The date of the last update corresponds to the publication date of the InfoCard and not necessarily to the date in which the update occurred in the source data. More help available here.
Regulatory context
Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. This substance has been found in the following regulatory activities (directly, or inheriting the regulatory context of a parent substance):
- ECHA Legislations
- Occupational Exposure limits (OELs)
- Emission Limit Values (ELVs)
- Other chemical legislations
REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation
Substances indicated, in 2009, as being intended to be registered by at least one company in the EEA.
Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration.
CLP - Classification, Labelling and Packaging
Substances for which an agreed set of classification and labelling data has been agreed at EU level by Member States.
Substances for which classification and labeling data have been submitted to ECHA in a registration under REACH or notified by manufacturers or importers under CLP. Such notifications are required for hazardous substances, as such or in mixtures, as well as for all substances subject to registration, regardless of their hazard.
Substances for which industrial accident prevention and reporting requirements have been established.
Substances listed in the EINECS, ELINCS, or NLP inventories.
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive-repealed
This list contains hazardous substances for purposes of Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices, particularly as regards Article 3 and Annex I (Essential Requirements). This non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 90/385/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.
Aerosol Dispensers Directive
This list contains a subset of Table 3-listed substances in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (1272/2008/EC). The non-exhaustive list is based on: (1) the flammable content, and (2) flammable aerosol definitions in sections 1.8 and 1.9, and (3) the labelling requirements given in section 2.2, of the Annex to the Aerosol Dispensers Directive 75/324/EEC.
CAD - Chemical Agents Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory based on the list of substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e., Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC). While the harmonised list covers many hazardous substances, others not listed may also meet the classification criteria in accordance with the CLP Regulation.
Construction Products Regulation
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances taken from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP; (2) the Candidate List of SVHCs; (3) Annex XIV of REACH (Authorisation List); (4) Annex XVII of REACH (Restrictions List); (5) F-gases subject to emission limits/reporting per Regulation 517/2014/EU; and (6) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the Ambient Air Directive 2008/50/EC. The basis of the list is Annex I(3) of the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EC, which stipulates that construction works must not have a high impact on human health or the environment as a result of: giving off toxic gas; emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil.
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances originating from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP (i.e., the list of harmonised substances); (2) the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs); and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List). This list is compiled on the basis of Article 6(5) of Regulation 305/2011/EC on Marketing of Construction Products. This provision requires SDSs and information on hazardous substances (i.e., SVHCs) contained in construction products be provided with the declaration of performance.
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances based on the list of hazardous substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e. Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation), and the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). Pursuant to Article 6(6) of the EU Ecolabel Regulation, the ecolabel must not be awarded to goods containing substances or mixtures classified according to the CLP as toxic; hazardous to the environment; and carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMRs). Nor are products allowed the ecolabel award when they contain SVHCs (per Article 57 of REACH). While the CLP's harmonised list contains many such substances, other ones not listed in Table 3 may also meet the criteria specified for classification under the CLP.
End-of-Life Vehicles Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances as defined by Article 2(11) of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive 2000/53/EC. It is based on the relevant subset of substances with harmonised classification listed in Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.
Food Contact Recycled Plastic Materials and Articles Regulation-repealed
This list contains the Annex I Plastic Food Contact Materials (FCMs) authorised for use in the European Union under Regulation 10/2011/EU. Pursuant to Art. 4(b) of Directive 282/2008/EC on recycled plastic FCMs, plastic recycling processes can only be authorised if input originates from plastic materials and articles manufactured in accordance with EU legislation on plastic food contact materials and articles.
General Product Safety Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the European Union's hazardous substance definitions, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annexes XIV and XVII (Authorisation and Restriction lists). They can be considered hazardous for purposes of the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC.
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive-repealed
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of essential requirements (Article 3 and Annex I) for general safety, design, manufacture and hazard communication of in vitro diagnostic medical devices. It is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Note that Regulation 2017/746/EU on in vitro diagnostic medical devices was published in the EU Official Journal on 5 May 2017. With few exceptions specified in Articles 112 and 113 of this Regulation, Directive 98/79/EC is repealed, and the rules pursuant to 2017/746/EU apply, from 26 May 2022.
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, including Chap. 2 (Placing on the market and putting into service) and Annex I (General Safety and Performance Requirements). It is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list).
Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive
This list contains the ADR Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive applies the European Agreements on the international transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
This list contains the RID Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive applies the European Agreements on the international transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
This list contains the ADN Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive establishes rules for the safe transport of dangerous goods between EU countries by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, especially as it concerns Art. 3(8), and Annexes I and III. The listed substances meet the European Union's definitions as hazardous, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (1272/2008/EC); (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List).
Medical Devices Directive-repealed
This list contains hazardous substances in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive's (MDD) design and construction requirements pursuant to Annex I, Part II (7) & (8) (i.e., chemical, physical and biological properties; and infection and microbial contamination). Specifically, the non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 93/42/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.
Medical Devices Regulation
This list contains hazardous substances for purposes of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), based on the legislation's Annex I general safety and performance requirements, including for chemical, physical and biological properties. Specifically, the non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list).
Plastic Materials and Articles Regulation
This list contains the Union list of authorised monomers, other starting substances, macromolecules obtained from microbial fermentation, additives and polymer production aids. It is taken from Annex I of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
Pressure Equipment Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances based on Article 13(1)(a) of Directive 2014/68/EU, defining Group 1 fluids for purposes of classifying pressure equipment in accordance with the Directive. The list is derived from a subset of the substances with harmonised classifications, as listed on Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.
Protection of Young People Directive
This list contains biological and chemical agents, in accordance with Art. 7 and points 2 and 3 of the Annex to Directive 94/33/EC, to which young persons (under 18 years of age) may not be exposed at the workplace. The list is a non-exhaustive inventory of such substances based on: 1) agents of risk groups 3 and 4 under Directive 2000/54/EC; 2) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation; 3) and Annex I of Directive 2004/37/EC.
Recycled Plastic Food Contact Materials
The list contains the Union list of authorised substances for the purposes of compositional requirements related to recycled plastic FCMs. The list is taken from Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. Recycled plastic FCMs shall comply with the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. In addition, plastic waste inputs shall originate only from plastic materials and articles manufactured in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 10/2011.
Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive
This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the scope of the European Union's definition of hazardous chemical and biological substances, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; and (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents). The EU's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Framework Directive 89/391/EEC applies to risks arising from chemical, physical and biological agents at the workplace.
Safety and/or Health Signs at Work Directive
This list contains hazardous substances based on Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC. According to the annexes to Directive 92/58/EEC, storage areas and containers containing chemical substances or mixtures that are classified as hazardous according to the CLP Regulation must be duly marked and/or labeled. Directive 92/58/EEC requires employers to ensure proper signage is posted in areas where hazards cannot be avoided or reduced.
WFD - Waste Framework Directive
This list contains substances that have been assigned hazard property (HP) waste codes 1-15, as defined in terms of the hazard class and category, hazard (H) statement, and/or concentration limits provided in Annex III of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC. The classifications of the substances listed in the list are based on their harmonised classifications per Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.
Substance names and other identifiers
propanal; propionaldehyde
Aerosols Directive - Flammable Contents - Labelling Requirements, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Pressure Equipment Directive - Group 1 Fluids Hazardous Substances, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Fertiliser Regulation- Annex I, E.3 (chelating and complexing agents), Other
EC Inventory, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADR, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RID, FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances, FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use, Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616, Other
Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex III - ADN, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADR, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RID, FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances, FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use, Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616, Other
Other, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADR, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RID, FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances, FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use, Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616
Pre-Registration process, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADR, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RID, FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances, FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use, Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616, Other
Propionaldehyde (natural)
Propanaal Propioonaldehüüd (et)
C&L Inventory
propanal aldehido propiónico (es)
C&L Inventory
propanal aldehyd propionowy (pl)
C&L Inventory
propanal aldeído propiónico (pt)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehda (ro)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehid (hu)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehid (sl)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehyd (cs)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehyd (da)
C&L Inventory
Propanal Propionaldehyd (de)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehyd (no)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehyd (sv)
C&L Inventory
propanal propionaldehyde (nl)
C&L Inventory
propanal; propionaldéhyde aldéhyde propionique (fr)
C&L Inventory
propanale aldeide propionica (it)
C&L Inventory
propanalis propiono aldehidas (lt)
C&L Inventory
propanál propiónaldehyd (sk)
C&L Inventory
propanāls propionaldehīds (lv)
C&L Inventory
προπανάλη προπιονική αλδεΰδ (el)
C&L Inventory
пропанал пропионалдехид (bg)
C&L Inventory
Propional , Aldehyde propionique , Methylacetaldehyde
Registration dossier
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier
Propionaldehyde (7CI, 8CI)
Registration dossier
EC Inventory, C&L Inventory, Registration dossier, Pre-Registration process, Aerosols Directive - Flammable Contents - Labelling Requirements, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex III - ADN, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADR, Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RID, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex I - Authorised Substances, Pressure Equipment Directive - Group 1 Fluids Hazardous Substances, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, FCMs Recycled Plastic & Articles Regulation - Annex I - Authorised Use, Recycled Plastic FCMs - Regulation (EU) 2022/1616, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Fertiliser Regulation- Annex I, E.3 (chelating and complexing agents), Other
CAS number
C&L Inventory
Index Number