
Femtosecond laser systems – EKSPLA

  • ️Sun Jan 19 2025

Industrial femtosecond lasers

ModelRepetition ratePulse durationMax pulse energySpecial feature
FemtoLux 502 MHz350 fs – 1 ps300 µJ
FemtoLux 304 MHz400 fs – 1 ps1 mJ
FemtoLux 310 MHz300 fs – 5 ps3 µJ



Ultrashort Pulse Bursts for Surface Laser Polishing

S. Steponavičiūtė, P. Gečys, G. Račiukaitis, M. Gedvilas, and A. Žemaitis, in Optics, Photonics and Lasers OPAL’ 2024 Conference Proceedings, S. Y. Yurish, ed. (IFSA Publishing, 2024), pp. 44.

High intensity femtosecond laser systems

ModelRepetition ratePulse durationMax pulse energySpecial feature
UltraFlux HR1 kHzdown to 10 fs20 mJHigh repetition rate tunable wavelength fs OPCPA Systems
UltraFlux HE100 Hzdown to 10 fs1 JHigh energy fs OPCPA systems
UltraFlux Custom1 kHzdown to 8 fs1 JCustom multi TW few cycle OPCPA systems



Femtosecond fiber seeders

ModelRepetition ratePulse durationMax pulse energySpecial feature
FFS100CHI25 kHz – 50 MHzUp to 30 ps,
compressible down to < 200 fs
1 nJ
FFS200CHI100 kHz – 50 MHz> 50 ps,
compressible down to < 250 fs
250 nJ
FFS20025 kHz – 50 MHz<140 fs5 nJ



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