Last name GARCIA: origin and meaning
Origin, popularity and meaning of the last name GARCIA
Garcia : Spanish (García) and Portuguese: from a medieval personal name of uncertain origin. It is normally found in medieval records in the Latin form Garsea and may well be of pre-Roman origin perhaps akin to Basque (h)artz ‘bear’. This is the most common surname in Spain and also one of the most common surnames elsewhere in Spanish-speaking world. In the US where it is also found among Native Americans (mainly Pueblos in NM) it is the sixth most frequent surname. Compare De Garcia.
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Information source :
DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press
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Popularity of the name GARCIA
GARCIA is in 2,899th position in the surnames found at Geneanet
Not very common
Very common
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The geographical distribution of the name, from 1600 to the present day, is calculated on the basis of names recorded in the Geneanet databases.
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