Last name GILLIAT: origin and meaning
Origin, popularity and meaning of the last name GILLIAT
Gilliat : see Gillett
Information source :
FANBI : The Oxford Dictionary if Family Names in Britain and Ireland, ©2016, University of the West of England
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Popularity of the name GILLIAT
GILLIAT is in 25,188th position in the surnames found at Geneanet
Not very common
Very common
Last name frequency
Geographic distribution of the 840 individuals with the name GILLIAT on Geneanet.
The geographical distribution of the name, from 1600 to the present day, is calculated on the basis of names recorded in the Geneanet databases.
Most common municipalities for the surname GILLIAT:
This last name in the online family trees
See below the Geneanet members' family trees which contain the last name "GILLIAT"
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