
Inès d'Aquitaine b. 1052 d. 1089 - Rodovid EN

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Lineage Aquitaine
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Inès d'Aquitaine


1052 birth:

marriage: Ramiro I of Aragon ? [Jiménez] b. 1008 d. 8 May 1063

1089 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==

Ramiro I of Aragon ?

birth: 1008
marriage: Inès d'Aquitaine
title: 1035, King of Aragon
title: 1036, Roi de Ribagorce et de Sobrarbe
marriage: Ermesinda of Bigorre Foix , Jaca, Spain
death: 8 May 1063

== 1 ==