Abelian category, the Glossary
In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties.[1]
Table of Contents
105 relations: AB5 category, Abelian group, Academic Press, Additive category, Adjoint functors, Alexander Grothendieck, Algebraic geometry, Algebraic topology, American Mathematical Society, Axiom, Bilinear map, Biproduct, Category (mathematics), Category of abelian groups, Category theory, Chain complex, Class (set theory), Coherent sheaf, Cohomological dimension, Cohomology, Coimage, Cokernel, Commutative algebra, Commutative ring, Comodule, Complete category, Coproduct, David Buchsbaum, Derived functor, Dimension (vector space), Direct product, Direct sum, Direct sum of modules, Enriched category, Epimorphism, Exact category, Exact functor, Exact sequence, Field (mathematics), Filtered category, Finitary, Finite set, Finitely generated abelian group, Finitely generated module, Five lemma, Flat module, Flat morphism, Functor, Functor category, G-module, ... Expand index (55 more) »
- Additive categories
- Niels Henrik Abel
AB5 category
In mathematics, in his "Tôhoku paper" introduced a sequence of axioms of various kinds of categories enriched over the symmetric monoidal category of abelian groups. Abelian category and AB5 category are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and AB5 category
Abelian group
In mathematics, an abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the result of applying the group operation to two group elements does not depend on the order in which they are written. Abelian category and abelian group are Niels Henrik Abel.
See Abelian category and Abelian group
Academic Press
Academic Press (AP) is an academic book publisher founded in 1941.
See Abelian category and Academic Press
Additive category
In mathematics, specifically in category theory, an additive category is a preadditive category C admitting all finitary biproducts. Abelian category and additive category are additive categories.
See Abelian category and Additive category
Adjoint functors
In mathematics, specifically category theory, adjunction is a relationship that two functors may exhibit, intuitively corresponding to a weak form of equivalence between two related categories.
See Abelian category and Adjoint functors
Alexander Grothendieck
Alexander Grothendieck (28 March 1928 – 13 November 2014) was a German-born mathematician who became the leading figure in the creation of modern algebraic geometry.
See Abelian category and Alexander Grothendieck
Algebraic geometry
Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics which uses abstract algebraic techniques, mainly from commutative algebra, to solve geometrical problems.
See Abelian category and Algebraic geometry
Algebraic topology
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics that uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces.
See Abelian category and Algebraic topology
American Mathematical Society
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is an association of professional mathematicians dedicated to the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, and serves the national and international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs.
See Abelian category and American Mathematical Society
An axiom, postulate, or assumption is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.
See Abelian category and Axiom
Bilinear map
In mathematics, a bilinear map is a function combining elements of two vector spaces to yield an element of a third vector space, and is linear in each of its arguments.
See Abelian category and Bilinear map
In category theory and its applications to mathematics, a biproduct of a finite collection of objects, in a category with zero objects, is both a product and a coproduct. Abelian category and biproduct are additive categories.
See Abelian category and Biproduct
Category (mathematics)
In mathematics, a category (sometimes called an abstract category to distinguish it from a concrete category) is a collection of "objects" that are linked by "arrows".
See Abelian category and Category (mathematics)
Category of abelian groups
In mathematics, the category Ab has the abelian groups as objects and group homomorphisms as morphisms.
See Abelian category and Category of abelian groups
Category theory
Category theory is a general theory of mathematical structures and their relations.
See Abelian category and Category theory
Chain complex
In mathematics, a chain complex is an algebraic structure that consists of a sequence of abelian groups (or modules) and a sequence of homomorphisms between consecutive groups such that the image of each homomorphism is included in the kernel of the next. Abelian category and chain complex are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Chain complex
Class (set theory)
In set theory and its applications throughout mathematics, a class is a collection of sets (or sometimes other mathematical objects) that can be unambiguously defined by a property that all its members share.
See Abelian category and Class (set theory)
Coherent sheaf
In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaves are a class of sheaves closely linked to the geometric properties of the underlying space.
See Abelian category and Coherent sheaf
Cohomological dimension
In abstract algebra, cohomological dimension is an invariant of a group which measures the homological complexity of its representations. Abelian category and cohomological dimension are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Cohomological dimension
In mathematics, specifically in homology theory and algebraic topology, cohomology is a general term for a sequence of abelian groups, usually one associated with a topological space, often defined from a cochain complex.
See Abelian category and Cohomology
In algebra, the coimage of a homomorphism is the quotient of the domain by the kernel.
See Abelian category and Coimage
The cokernel of a linear mapping of vector spaces is the quotient space of the codomain of by the image of.
See Abelian category and Cokernel
Commutative algebra
Commutative algebra, first known as ideal theory, is the branch of algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings.
See Abelian category and Commutative algebra
Commutative ring
In mathematics, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative.
See Abelian category and Commutative ring
In mathematics, a comodule or corepresentation is a concept dual to a module.
See Abelian category and Comodule
Complete category
In mathematics, a complete category is a category in which all small limits exist.
See Abelian category and Complete category
In category theory, the coproduct, or categorical sum, is a construction which includes as examples the disjoint union of sets and of topological spaces, the free product of groups, and the direct sum of modules and vector spaces.
See Abelian category and Coproduct
David Buchsbaum
David Alvin Buchsbaum (November 6, 1929 – January 8, 2021) was a mathematician at Brandeis University who worked on commutative algebra, homological algebra, and representation theory.
See Abelian category and David Buchsbaum
Derived functor
In mathematics, certain functors may be derived to obtain other functors closely related to the original ones. Abelian category and derived functor are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Derived functor
Dimension (vector space)
In mathematics, the dimension of a vector space V is the cardinality (i.e., the number of vectors) of a basis of V over its base field.
See Abelian category and Dimension (vector space)
Direct product
In mathematics, one can often define a direct product of objects already known, giving a new one.
See Abelian category and Direct product
Direct sum
The direct sum is an operation between structures in abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics.
See Abelian category and Direct sum
Direct sum of modules
In abstract algebra, the direct sum is a construction which combines several modules into a new, larger module.
See Abelian category and Direct sum of modules
Enriched category
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, an enriched category generalizes the idea of a category by replacing hom-sets with objects from a general monoidal category.
See Abelian category and Enriched category
In category theory, an epimorphism is a morphism f: X → Y that is right-cancellative in the sense that, for all objects Z and all morphisms, Epimorphisms are categorical analogues of onto or surjective functions (and in the category of sets the concept corresponds exactly to the surjective functions), but they may not exactly coincide in all contexts; for example, the inclusion \mathbb\to\mathbb is a ring epimorphism.
See Abelian category and Epimorphism
Exact category
In mathematics, specifically in category theory, an exact category is a category equipped with short exact sequences. Abelian category and exact category are additive categories and homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Exact category
Exact functor
In mathematics, particularly homological algebra, an exact functor is a functor that preserves short exact sequences. Abelian category and exact functor are additive categories and homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Exact functor
Exact sequence
An exact sequence is a sequence of morphisms between objects (for example, groups, rings, modules, and, more generally, objects of an abelian category) such that the image of one morphism equals the kernel of the next. Abelian category and exact sequence are additive categories and homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Exact sequence
Field (mathematics)
In mathematics, a field is a set on which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined and behave as the corresponding operations on rational and real numbers.
See Abelian category and Field (mathematics)
Filtered category
In category theory, filtered categories generalize the notion of directed set understood as a category (hence called a directed category; while some use directed category as a synonym for a filtered category).
See Abelian category and Filtered category
In mathematics and logic, an operation is finitary if it has finite arity, i.e. if it has a finite number of input values.
See Abelian category and Finitary
Finite set
In mathematics, particularly set theory, a finite set is a set that has a finite number of elements.
See Abelian category and Finite set
Finitely generated abelian group
In abstract algebra, an abelian group (G,+) is called finitely generated if there exist finitely many elements x_1,\dots,x_s in G such that every x in G can be written in the form x.
See Abelian category and Finitely generated abelian group
Finitely generated module
In mathematics, a finitely generated module is a module that has a finite generating set.
See Abelian category and Finitely generated module
Five lemma
In mathematics, especially homological algebra and other applications of abelian category theory, the five lemma is an important and widely used lemma about commutative diagrams. Abelian category and five lemma are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Five lemma
Flat module
In algebra, flat modules include free modules, projective modules, and, over a principal ideal domain, torsion free modules. Abelian category and flat module are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Flat module
Flat morphism
In mathematics, in particular in the theory of schemes in algebraic geometry, a flat morphism f from a scheme X to a scheme Y is a morphism such that the induced map on every stalk is a flat map of rings, i.e., is a flat map for all P in X. A map of rings A\to B is called flat if it is a homomorphism that makes B a flat A-module.
See Abelian category and Flat morphism
In mathematics, specifically category theory, a functor is a mapping between categories.
See Abelian category and Functor
Functor category
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a functor category D^C is a category where the objects are the functors F: C \to D and the morphisms are natural transformations \eta: F \to G between the functors (here, G: C \to D is another object in the category).
See Abelian category and Functor category
In mathematics, given a group G, a G-module is an abelian group M on which G acts compatibly with the abelian group structure on M. This widely applicable notion generalizes that of a representation of ''G''.
See Abelian category and G-module
Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Graduate Texts in Mathematics (GTM) is a series of graduate-level textbooks in mathematics published by Springer-Verlag.
See Abelian category and Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Grothendieck topology
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C that makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space.
See Abelian category and Grothendieck topology
Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper
The article "Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique" by Alexander Grothendieck, now often referred to as the Tôhoku paper, was published in 1957 in the Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Abelian category and Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper
Group (mathematics)
In mathematics, a group is a set with an operation that associates an element of the set to every pair of elements of the set (as does every binary operation) and satisfies the following constraints: the operation is associative, it has an identity element, and every element of the set has an inverse element.
See Abelian category and Group (mathematics)
Homological algebra
Homological algebra is the branch of mathematics that studies homology in a general algebraic setting.
See Abelian category and Homological algebra
Image (category theory)
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the image of a morphism is a generalization of the image of a function.
See Abelian category and Image (category theory)
Initial and terminal objects
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, an initial object of a category is an object in such that for every object in, there exists precisely one morphism.
See Abelian category and Initial and terminal objects
In mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping.
See Abelian category and Isomorphism
Kernel (category theory)
In category theory and its applications to other branches of mathematics, kernels are a generalization of the kernels of group homomorphisms, the kernels of module homomorphisms and certain other kernels from algebra.
See Abelian category and Kernel (category theory)
Lattice (order)
A lattice is an abstract structure studied in the mathematical subdisciplines of order theory and abstract algebra.
See Abelian category and Lattice (order)
Lie group
In mathematics, a Lie group (pronounced) is a group that is also a differentiable manifold, such that group multiplication and taking inverses are both differentiable.
See Abelian category and Lie group
Local ring
In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, local rings are certain rings that are comparatively simple, and serve to describe what is called "local behaviour", in the sense of functions defined on algebraic varieties or manifolds, or of algebraic number fields examined at a particular place, or prime.
See Abelian category and Local ring
Localizing subcategory
In mathematics, Serre and localizing subcategories form important classes of subcategories of an abelian category. Abelian category and localizing subcategory are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Localizing subcategory
Maschke's theorem
In mathematics, Maschke's theorem, named after Heinrich Maschke, is a theorem in group representation theory that concerns the decomposition of representations of a finite group into irreducible pieces.
See Abelian category and Maschke's theorem
Mathematics is a field of study that discovers and organizes abstract objects, methods, theories and theorems that are developed and proved for the needs of empirical sciences and mathematics itself.
See Abelian category and Mathematics
Mitchell's embedding theorem
Mitchell's embedding theorem, also known as the Freyd–Mitchell theorem or the full embedding theorem, is a result about abelian categories; it essentially states that these categories, while rather abstractly defined, are in fact concrete categories of modules. Abelian category and Mitchell's embedding theorem are additive categories.
See Abelian category and Mitchell's embedding theorem
Module (mathematics)
In mathematics, a module is a generalization of the notion of vector space in which the field of scalars is replaced by a ring.
See Abelian category and Module (mathematics)
Monoidal category
In mathematics, a monoidal category (or tensor category) is a category \mathbf C equipped with a bifunctor that is associative up to a natural isomorphism, and an object I that is both a left and right identity for ⊗, again up to a natural isomorphism.
See Abelian category and Monoidal category
In the context of abstract algebra or universal algebra, a monomorphism is an injective homomorphism.
See Abelian category and Monomorphism
In mathematics, a morphism is a concept of category theory that generalizes structure-preserving maps such as homomorphism between algebraic structures, functions from a set to another set, and continuous functions between topological spaces.
See Abelian category and Morphism
Nine lemma
right In mathematics, the nine lemma (or 3×3 lemma) is a statement about commutative diagrams and exact sequences valid in the category of groups and any abelian category. Abelian category and nine lemma are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Nine lemma
Noetherian ring
In mathematics, a Noetherian ring is a ring that satisfies the ascending chain condition on left and right ideals; if the chain condition is satisfied only for left ideals or for right ideals, then the ring is said left-Noetherian or right-Noetherian respectively.
See Abelian category and Noetherian ring
Noetherian scheme
In algebraic geometry, a Noetherian scheme is a scheme that admits a finite covering by open affine subsets \operatornameSpec A_i, where each A_i is a Noetherian ring.
See Abelian category and Noetherian scheme
Normal morphism
In category theory and its applications to mathematics, a normal monomorphism or conormal epimorphism is a particularly well-behaved type of morphism.
See Abelian category and Normal morphism
Partially ordered set
In mathematics, especially order theory, a partial order on a set is an arrangement such that, for certain pairs of elements, one precedes the other.
See Abelian category and Partially ordered set
Pathological (mathematics)
In mathematics, when a mathematical phenomenon runs counter to some intuition, then the phenomenon is sometimes called pathological.
See Abelian category and Pathological (mathematics)
Pre-abelian category
In mathematics, specifically in category theory, a pre-abelian category is an additive category that has all kernels and cokernels. Abelian category and pre-abelian category are additive categories.
See Abelian category and Pre-abelian category
Preadditive category
In mathematics, specifically in category theory, a preadditive category is another name for an Ab-category, i.e., a category that is enriched over the category of abelian groups, Ab. Abelian category and preadditive category are additive categories.
See Abelian category and Preadditive category
Product (category theory)
In category theory, the product of two (or more) objects in a category is a notion designed to capture the essence behind constructions in other areas of mathematics such as the Cartesian product of sets, the direct product of groups or rings, and the product of topological spaces.
See Abelian category and Product (category theory)
Pullback (category theory)
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a pullback (also called a fiber product, fibre product, fibered product or Cartesian square) is the limit of a diagram consisting of two morphisms and with a common codomain.
See Abelian category and Pullback (category theory)
Pushout (category theory)
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a pushout (also called a fibered coproduct or fibered sum or cocartesian square or amalgamated sum) is the colimit of a diagram consisting of two morphisms f: Z → X and g: Z → Y with a common domain.
See Abelian category and Pushout (category theory)
Regular category
In category theory, a regular category is a category with finite limits and coequalizers of a pair of morphisms called kernel pairs, satisfying certain exactness conditions.
See Abelian category and Regular category
Representation theory
Representation theory is a branch of mathematics that studies abstract algebraic structures by representing their elements as linear transformations of vector spaces, and studies modules over these abstract algebraic structures.
See Abelian category and Representation theory
Ring (mathematics)
In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist.
See Abelian category and Ring (mathematics)
Samuel Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg (September 30, 1913 – January 30, 1998) was a Polish-American mathematician who co-founded category theory (with Saunders Mac Lane) and homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Samuel Eilenberg
Saunders Mac Lane
Saunders Mac Lane (August 4, 1909 – April 14, 2005), born Leslie Saunders MacLane, was an American mathematician who co-founded category theory with Samuel Eilenberg.
See Abelian category and Saunders Mac Lane
Scheme (mathematics)
In mathematics, specifically algebraic geometry, a scheme is a structure that enlarges the notion of algebraic variety in several ways, such as taking account of multiplicities (the equations x.
See Abelian category and Scheme (mathematics)
Semisimple module
In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a semisimple module or completely reducible module is a type of module that can be understood easily from its parts.
See Abelian category and Semisimple module
Sheaf (mathematics)
In mathematics, a sheaf (sheaves) is a tool for systematically tracking data (such as sets, abelian groups, rings) attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them.
See Abelian category and Sheaf (mathematics)
Short five lemma
In mathematics, especially homological algebra and other applications of abelian category theory, the short five lemma is a special case of the five lemma. Abelian category and short five lemma are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Short five lemma
Snake lemma
The snake lemma is a tool used in mathematics, particularly homological algebra, to construct long exact sequences. Abelian category and snake lemma are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Snake lemma
In mathematics, specifically category theory, a subcategory of a category C is a category S whose objects are objects in C and whose morphisms are morphisms in C with the same identities and composition of morphisms.
See Abelian category and Subcategory
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a subobject is, roughly speaking, an object that sits inside another object in the same category.
See Abelian category and Subobject
In the mathematical fields of category theory and abstract algebra, a subquotient is a quotient object of a subobject.
See Abelian category and Subquotient
Tensor product
In mathematics, the tensor product V \otimes W of two vector spaces and (over the same field) is a vector space to which is associated a bilinear map V\times W \rightarrow V\otimes W that maps a pair (v,w),\ v\in V, w\in W to an element of V \otimes W denoted.
See Abelian category and Tensor product
Tohoku Mathematical Journal
The Tohoku Mathematical Journal is a mathematical research journal published by Tohoku University in Japan.
See Abelian category and Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Topological space
In mathematics, a topological space is, roughly speaking, a geometrical space in which closeness is defined but cannot necessarily be measured by a numeric distance.
See Abelian category and Topological space
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
The Transactions of the American Mathematical Society is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal of mathematics published by the American Mathematical Society.
See Abelian category and Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Triangulated category
In mathematics, a triangulated category is a category with the additional structure of a "translation functor" and a class of "exact triangles". Abelian category and triangulated category are homological algebra.
See Abelian category and Triangulated category
In mathematics, a unipotent element r of a ring R is one such that r − 1 is a nilpotent element; in other words, (r − 1)n is zero for some n. In particular, a square matrix M is a unipotent matrix if and only if its characteristic polynomial P(t) is a power of t − 1.
See Abelian category and Unipotent
Vector bundle
In mathematics, a vector bundle is a topological construction that makes precise the idea of a family of vector spaces parameterized by another space X (for example X could be a topological space, a manifold, or an algebraic variety): to every point x of the space X we associate (or "attach") a vector space V(x) in such a way that these vector spaces fit together to form another space of the same kind as X (e.g.
See Abelian category and Vector bundle
Vector space
In mathematics and physics, a vector space (also called a linear space) is a set whose elements, often called ''vectors'', can be added together and multiplied ("scaled") by numbers called ''scalars''.
See Abelian category and Vector space
Zariski tangent space
In algebraic geometry, the Zariski tangent space is a construction that defines a tangent space at a point P on an algebraic variety V (and more generally).
See Abelian category and Zariski tangent space
Zero morphism
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a zero morphism is a special kind of morphism exhibiting properties like the morphisms to and from a zero object.
See Abelian category and Zero morphism
0 (zero) is a number representing an empty quantity.
See also
Additive categories
- Abelian category
- Additive category
- Biproduct
- Double complex
- Exact category
- Exact functor
- Exact sequence
- Grothendieck category
- Homotopy category of chain complexes
- Mitchell's embedding theorem
- Pre-abelian category
- Preadditive category
- Quasi-abelian category
- Semi-abelian category
Niels Henrik Abel
- Abel (crater)
- Abel Prize
- Abel equation
- Abel transform
- Abel's identity
- Abel's inequality
- Abel's theorem
- Abel–Jacobi map
- Abel–Ruffini theorem
- Abelian category
- Abelian group
- Abelian variety
- August Leopold Crelle
- Bernt Michael Holmboe
- List of things named after Niels Henrik Abel
- Niels Henrik Abel
- Søren Georg Abel
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abelian_category
Also known as Abelian categories.
, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Grothendieck topology, Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper, Group (mathematics), Homological algebra, Image (category theory), Initial and terminal objects, Isomorphism, Kernel (category theory), Lattice (order), Lie group, Local ring, Localizing subcategory, Maschke's theorem, Mathematics, Mitchell's embedding theorem, Module (mathematics), Monoidal category, Monomorphism, Morphism, Nine lemma, Noetherian ring, Noetherian scheme, Normal morphism, Partially ordered set, Pathological (mathematics), Pre-abelian category, Preadditive category, Product (category theory), Pullback (category theory), Pushout (category theory), Regular category, Representation theory, Ring (mathematics), Samuel Eilenberg, Saunders Mac Lane, Scheme (mathematics), Semisimple module, Sheaf (mathematics), Short five lemma, Snake lemma, Subcategory, Subobject, Subquotient, Tensor product, Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Topological space, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Triangulated category, Unipotent, Vector bundle, Vector space, Zariski tangent space, Zero morphism, 0.