
B*, the Glossary

Index B*

In computer science, B* (pronounced "B star") is a best-first graph search algorithm that finds the least-cost path from a given initial node to any goal node (out of one or more possible goals).[1]

Table of Contents

  1. 14 relations: A* search algorithm, Alpha–beta pruning, Artificial Intelligence (journal), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, B-tree, Best-first search, Branch and bound, Computer science, Goal node (computer science), Graph traversal, Hans Berliner, Maven (Scrabble), Tree (graph theory), Vertex (graph theory).

  2. Routing algorithms

A* search algorithm

A* (pronounced "A-star") is a graph traversal and pathfinding algorithm, which is used in many fields of computer science due to its completeness, optimality, and optimal efficiency. B* and a* search algorithm are Combinatorial optimization, Game artificial intelligence, graph algorithms, Routing algorithms and search algorithms.

See B* and A* search algorithm

Alpha–beta pruning

Alpha–beta pruning is a search algorithm that seeks to decrease the number of nodes that are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search tree. B* and Alpha–beta pruning are Game artificial intelligence, graph algorithms and search algorithms.

See B* and Alpha–beta pruning

Artificial Intelligence (journal)

Artificial Intelligence is a scientific journal on artificial intelligence research.

See B* and Artificial Intelligence (journal)

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (AIMA) is a university textbook on artificial intelligence, written by Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig.

See B* and Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach


In computer science, a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time.

See B* and B-tree

Best-first search is a class of search algorithms, which explores a graph by expanding the most promising node chosen according to a specified rule. B* and Best-first search are search algorithms.

See B* and Best-first search

Branch and bound

Branch and bound (BB, B&B, or BnB) is a method for solving optimization problems by breaking them down into smaller sub-problems and using a bounding function to eliminate sub-problems that cannot contain the optimal solution. B* and Branch and bound are Combinatorial optimization.

See B* and Branch and bound

Computer science

Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation.

See B* and Computer science

Goal node (computer science)

In computer science, a goal node is a node in a graph that meets defined criteria for success or termination. B* and goal node (computer science) are graph algorithms.

See B* and Goal node (computer science)

Graph traversal

In computer science, graph traversal (also known as graph search) refers to the process of visiting (checking and/or updating) each vertex in a graph. B* and graph traversal are graph algorithms.

See B* and Graph traversal

Hans Berliner

Hans Jack Berliner (January 27, 1929 – January 13, 2017) was an American chess player, and was the World Correspondence Chess Champion, from 1965–1968.

See B* and Hans Berliner

Maven (Scrabble)

Maven is an artificial intelligence Scrabble player, created by Brian Sheppard.

See B* and Maven (Scrabble)

Tree (graph theory)

In graph theory, a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by path, or equivalently a connected acyclic undirected graph.

See B* and Tree (graph theory)

Vertex (graph theory)

In discrete mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a vertex (plural vertices) or node is the fundamental unit of which graphs are formed: an undirected graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges (unordered pairs of vertices), while a directed graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of arcs (ordered pairs of vertices).

See B* and Vertex (graph theory)

See also

Routing algorithms


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B*

Also known as B star search, B* algorithm, B* search, B* search algorithm, B-star search algorithm.