
Pontocerebellar fibers, the Glossary

Index Pontocerebellar fibers

The pontocerebellar fibers are the second-order fibers of the corticopontocerebellar tract.[1]

Table of Contents

  1. 27 relations: Association cortex, Ataxia, Cerebellar hemisphere, Cerebellar vermis, Cerebellothalamic tract, Cerebellum, Cerebral cortex, Corticopontine fibers, Corticospinal tract, Decussation, Dentate nucleus, Flocculonodular lobe, Inferior colliculus, Midbrain, Middle cerebellar peduncle, Motor cortex, Pons, Pontine nuclei, Pontocerebellar fibers, Posterior lobe of cerebellum, Premotor cortex, Primary motor cortex, Pyramidal tracts, Somatosensory system, Superior cerebellar peduncle, Thalamus, Ventral lateral nucleus.

  2. Central nervous system pathways
  3. Cerebellar connections
  4. Pons

Association cortex

The association cortex is a part of the cerebral cortex that performs complex cognitive functions.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Association cortex


Ataxia (from Greek α- + -τάξις.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Ataxia

Cerebellar hemisphere

The cerebellum consists of three parts, a median and two lateral, which are continuous with each other, and are substantially the same in structure. Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebellar hemisphere are Neuroanatomy stubs.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebellar hemisphere

Cerebellar vermis

The cerebellar vermis (from Latin vermis, "worm") is located in the medial, cortico-nuclear zone of the cerebellum, which is in the posterior fossa of the cranium.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebellar vermis

Cerebellothalamic tract

The cerebellothalamic tract or the tractus cerebellothalamicus, is part of the superior cerebellar peduncle. Pontocerebellar fibers and cerebellothalamic tract are cerebellar connections.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebellothalamic tract


The cerebellum (cerebella or cerebellums; Latin for "little brain") is a major feature of the hindbrain of all vertebrates.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebellum

Cerebral cortex

The cerebral cortex, also known as the cerebral mantle, is the outer layer of neural tissue of the cerebrum of the brain in humans and other mammals.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Cerebral cortex

Corticopontine fibers

Corticopontine fibers are projections from the cerebral cortex to the pontine nuclei of the ventral pons. Pontocerebellar fibers and Corticopontine fibers are Neuroanatomy stubs.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Corticopontine fibers

Corticospinal tract

The corticospinal tract is a white matter motor pathway starting at the cerebral cortex that terminates on lower motor neurons and interneurons in the spinal cord, controlling movements of the limbs and trunk.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Corticospinal tract


Decussation is used in biological contexts to describe a crossing (due to the shape of the Roman numeral for ten, an uppercase 'X' (decussis)). In Latin anatomical terms, the form decussatio is used, e.g. decussatio pyramidum.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Decussation

Dentate nucleus

The dentate nucleus is a cluster of neurons, or nerve cells, in the central nervous system that has a dentate – tooth-like or serrated – edge.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Dentate nucleus

Flocculonodular lobe

The flocculonodular lobe (vestibulocerebellum) is a small lobe of the cerebellum consisting of the unpaired midline nodule and the two flocculi - one flocculus on either side of the nodule.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Flocculonodular lobe

Inferior colliculus

The inferior colliculus (IC) (Latin for lower hill) is the principal midbrain nucleus of the auditory pathway and receives input from several peripheral brainstem nuclei in the auditory pathway, as well as inputs from the auditory cortex.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Inferior colliculus


The midbrain or mesencephalon is the rostral-most portion of the brainstem connecting the diencephalon and cerebrum with the pons. It consists of the cerebral peduncles, tegmentum, and tectum.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Midbrain

Middle cerebellar peduncle

The middle cerebellar peduncle (or brachium pontis) is a paired structure of the brain. Pontocerebellar fibers and middle cerebellar peduncle are cerebellar connections and pons.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Middle cerebellar peduncle

Motor cortex

The motor cortex is the region of the cerebral cortex involved in the planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Motor cortex


The pons (pontes; from Latin pons, "bridge", from Proto-Indo-European *pónteh₁s, “path, road”, from *pent-, “path”. Cognate with Sanskrit पन्था, pánthā-) is part of the brainstem that in humans and other mammals, lies inferior to the midbrain, superior to the medulla oblongata and anterior to the cerebellum.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Pons

Pontine nuclei

The pontine nuclei (or griseum pontis) are all neurons of the ventral pons collectively. Pontocerebellar fibers and pontine nuclei are pons.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Pontine nuclei

Pontocerebellar fibers

The pontocerebellar fibers are the second-order fibers of the corticopontocerebellar tract. Pontocerebellar fibers and pontocerebellar fibers are central nervous system pathways, cerebellar connections, Neuroanatomy stubs and pons.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Pontocerebellar fibers

Posterior lobe of cerebellum

The posterior lobe of cerebellum or neocerebellum is the portion of the cerebellum below the primary fissure. Pontocerebellar fibers and posterior lobe of cerebellum are Neuroanatomy stubs.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Posterior lobe of cerebellum

Premotor cortex

The premotor cortex is an area of the motor cortex lying within the frontal lobe of the brain just anterior to the primary motor cortex.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Premotor cortex

Primary motor cortex

The primary motor cortex (Brodmann area 4) is a brain region that in humans is located in the dorsal portion of the frontal lobe.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Primary motor cortex

Pyramidal tracts

The pyramidal tracts include both the corticobulbar tract and the corticospinal tract. Pontocerebellar fibers and pyramidal tracts are central nervous system pathways.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Pyramidal tracts

Somatosensory system

The somatosensory system is a subset of the sensory nervous system responsible for the perception of touch.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Somatosensory system

Superior cerebellar peduncle

In the human brain, the superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) is a paired structure of white matter that connects the cerebellum to the midbrain. Pontocerebellar fibers and superior cerebellar peduncle are cerebellar connections.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Superior cerebellar peduncle


The thalamus (thalami; from Greek θάλαμος, "chamber") is a large mass of gray matter on the lateral walls of the third ventricle forming the dorsal part of the diencephalon (a division of the forebrain).

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Thalamus

Ventral lateral nucleus

The ventral lateral nucleus (VL) is a nucleus in the ventral nuclear group of the thalamus.

See Pontocerebellar fibers and Ventral lateral nucleus

See also

Central nervous system pathways

Cerebellar connections



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontocerebellar_fibers

Also known as Fibrae pontocerebellares, Pontocerebellar fiber.