
Tagalog/Lesson 2 - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

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Early Filipinos
Early Filipinos

Aralin 2 — Mga Pambati

Banaue Rice Terraces

This lesson will teach you some of the basic greetings in Tagalog.

The characters for this dialogue are Dávid and Ton. The dialogue will be in Tagalog first, then an English translation will appear aside the Tagalog original. The Tagalog words are marked with accent marks for proper accentuation. Unmarked multisyllable words have an accent on the second to the last syllable. Note: In standard written Tagalog, the accent marks are not written.

Dávid: Magandang umaga.
Ton: Magandang umaga.
Dávid: Kumusta ka?
Ton: Mabuti. Ikáw?
Dávid: Mabuti rin.
Ton: Ano ang pangalan mo?
Dávid: Ang pangalan ko ay Dávid. At ikaw?
Ton: Ikinagagalák kitáng makilala. Ang pangalan ko ay Ton.
Ton: Sige, mauuna na akó. Paalam na.
Dávid: Ingat.
Dávid: Good morning.
Ton: Good morning too.
Dávid: How are you?
Ton: Fine. You?
Dávid: Fine, too.
Ton: What's your name?
Dávid: My name is Dávid. And you?
Ton: I'm glad to meet/know you. My name is Ton.
Ton: Okay, I'll go ahead. Goodbye!
Dávid: Take care.
GreetingsMga Pambati (Mah-Ngah Pam-Bah-ti)
Pilipino Ingles
Magandáng Araw () Good day (sir/madam)
Magandáng Umaga () Good morning (sir/madam)
Magandáng Hapon () Good afternoon (sir/madam)
Magandáng Gabí () Good evening (sir/madam)
Magandáng Tanghali () Good noon (sir/madam)
Ikinagagalák kitáng makilala I'm glad to know you
Paalam () Goodbye (sir/madam)
Áalis na (pô) akó I'm going now
Paalam na (pô) Goodbye/farewell
Ingat (pô) Take care
Special GreetingsMga Espesyal na Pambati(Ma-nga Es-Peh-Siyal na Pam-bah-ti)
Pilipino Ingles
Maligayang Pag-bati Congratulations
Maligayang Kaarawan Happy Birthday
Maligayang Pasko Merry Christmas
Manigong Bagong Taon Happy New Year


  • is an expression of respect (especially for older people such as grandparents and for superiors like one's boss) or formality used in direct discourse. To those familiar, as well as those younger, pô is not used.
  • Maligayang comes from the root word Maligaya meaning Happy while Kaligayahan is Happiness.

Although it was not expressed in the dialogue, there will be cases in which salutations will be used. Usually, salutations are used to address people when that person is unknown to the person asking and/or as a sign of respect to elders and superiors.

Common salutations include the following:

  • Ginoó: Mr.
  • Binibini: Miss or Ms.
  • Ginang: Mrs.

When using the salutation with a person's name, add the ligature -ng (excluding Ginang, which already incorporates the ligature). For example, the sentence "Good morning, Mr. Sanchez" would be translated as "Magandáng umaga, Ginoóng Sanchez."

Abbreviations may also be used. Abbreviated forms of salutations include:

  • Ginoó: Gg.
  • Binibini: Bb.
  • Ginang: Gng.

Also, as a show of respect, always add or after the greeting if a salutation will be used.

The history of the word Kumusta starts from the Spanish colonial times, Kumusta is actually Como Esta and when Como Esta is said quickly it becomes Kumusta.

Kumusta ka?How are you?
Pilipino Ingles
Kumusta () kayo? How are you? (sir/madam)
Kumusta ka? How are you? (informal)
Mabuti Good/Fine
Hindi Mabuti Not Good/Fine

How to say What's your name? in Tagalog and answering it.

Ano ang pangalan mo?What's your name?
Pilipino Ingles
Ano ang pangalan niyo () What is your name? (sir/madam)
Ano ang pangalan mo? What is your name? (Informal)
Ang pangalan ko ay ... at ikaw? My name is ... and you?


  • Pangalan(Pah-Nga-Lan) - Name

The word paalam means "goodbye", and as such is used when conversations end. Note that in Tagalog, double vowels are pronounced separately.

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