
1943 Woolwich West by-election - Wikipedia

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The 1943 Woolwich West by-election was held on 10 November 1943. The byelection was held due to the death of the incumbent Conservative MP, Kingsley Wood.[1]

The Conservative Party stood Francis Beech, a member of London County Council. The Independent Labour Party put forward Tom Colyer as a candidate. He was a former Labour Party Parliamentary candidate, who was working as a researcher and author. There was also an independent candidate. Beech won the election with a majority of the votes cast.[2][3]

  1. ^ Leigh Rayment's Historical List of MPs
  2. ^ "Woolwich nominations". Manchester Guardian. 2 November 1943.
  3. ^ "Woolwich seat". Manchester Guardian. 11 November 1943.
  4. ^ Whitaker's Almanack (1945), p.306