
1987–88 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup - Wikipedia

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FIS Alpine Ski World Cup 1987/88
Discipline Men Women
Overall Switzerland Pirmin Zurbriggen Switzerland Michela Figini
Downhill Switzerland Pirmin Zurbriggen Switzerland Michela Figini
Super G Switzerland Pirmin Zurbriggen Switzerland Michela Figini
Giant slalom Italy Alberto Tomba Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Mateja Svet
Slalom Italy Alberto Tomba Austria Roswitha Steiner
Nations Cup Austria Austria Switzerland Switzerland
Nations Cup overall Austria Austria
Locations 16 14
Individual 30 28

The 22nd World Cup season began in November 1987 in Italy and concluded in March 1988 in Austria. The overall champions were Pirmin Zurbriggen and Michela Figini, both of Switzerland. Zurbriggen won his third overall title; Figini her second.

Beginning this year, the limitation on the number of events that would count for overall and discipline championships, which had been present since the founding of the World Cup, was eliminated. The intent was to eliminate ties for discipline titles, although the first tiebreaker (number of wins) was retained; additionally, this would permit skiers to accumulate more points toward the overall title from their strongest disciplines.

A break in the schedule in February was for the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The alpine events were held at the new Nakiska ski area. As the Olympics was in the process of eliminating its prior ban on professionals being allowed to compete, Swedish star Ingemar Stenmark returned to the Olympics after having been banned in 1984 (although Stenmark still received his payments from sponsors at his Monaco address, not through the Swedish federation). Accordingly, from this point forward, skiers were able to turn professional and still continue to compete in the World Cup, which caused the demise of the former professional skiing circuit within a decade.

see complete table

In men's overall World Cup 1987/88 all results count. Pirmin Zurbriggen won his third Overall World Cup. The two parallel slaloms did not count for the Overall World Cup.

Place Name Country Total DH SG GS SL KB
1 Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 310 122 58 65 45 20
2 Alberto Tomba  Italy 281 0 29 82 170 0
3 Hubert Strolz  Austria 190 0 31 69 50 40
4 Günther Mader  Austria 189 2 24 57 69 37
5 Marc Girardelli  Luxembourg 142 59 38 30 15 0
6 Markus Wasmeier  West Germany 138 37 57 24 0 20
7 Franck Piccard  France 123 42 54 0 0 27
8 Franz Heinzer   Switzerland 112 94 10 0 0 8
9 Peter Müller   Switzerland 109 90 9 0 0 10
10 Michael Mair  Italy 108 108 0 0 0 0
11 Rob Boyd  Canada 100 94 0 0 0 6
12 Helmut Mayer  Austria 78 0 11 67 0 0
13 Martin Hangl   Switzerland 76 0 30 46 0 0
14 Leonhard Stock  Austria 72 42 30 0 0 0
15 Daniel Mahrer   Switzerland 68 64 4 0 0 0
Felix McGrath  United States 68 0 0 8 53 7
17 Rudolf Nierlich  Austria 67 0 0 47 20 0
18 Bernhard Gstrein  Austria 66 0 0 17 49 0
19 Felix Belczyk  Canada 65 38 27 0 0 0
20 Christophe Plé  France 59 59 0 0 0 0

see complete table

In men's downhill World Cup 1987/88 all results count.

Place Name Country Total 3 4 10 13 17 18 20 22 23 26
1 Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 122 20 20 25 20 - 3 25 5 - 4
2 Michael Mair  Italy 108 15 11 11 4 25 8 - 12 10 12
3 Franz Heinzer   Switzerland 94 7 - - - - 20 20 25 7 15
Rob Boyd  Canada 94 11 25 - 11 7 9 - 10 11 10
5 Peter Müller   Switzerland 90 6 7 1 25 - - 6 11 25 9
6 Daniel Mahrer   Switzerland 64 25 2 - - - 25 12 - - -
7 Marc Girardelli  Luxembourg 59 4 10 15 - - - - 15 15 -
Christophe Plé  France 59 10 - 10 - 10 - - 20 9 -
9 Karl Alpiger   Switzerland 50 12 - 6 2 - - - 2 3 25
10 Danilo Sbardellotto  Italy 42 9 - - 6 - 7 - - - 20
Leonhard Stock  Austria 42 - 9 9 12 - - - - 5 7
Franck Piccard  France 42 - - 12 15 - - 10 - - 5

see complete table

In men's super G World Cup 1987/88 all four results count. Pirmin Zurbriggen won the cup without a single race-win. All events were won by a different racer.

Place Name Country Total 11 19 24 29
1 Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 58 15 20 12 11
2 Markus Wasmeier  West Germany 57 25 12 20 -
3 Franck Piccard  France 54 20 - 25 9
4 Marc Girardelli  Luxembourg 38 8 - 15 15
5 Hubert Strolz  Austria 31 4 - 7 20
6 Martin Hangl   Switzerland 30 5 - - 25
Leonhard Stock  Austria 30 10 - 10 10
8 Alberto Tomba  Italy 29 11 - 11 7
9 Felix Belczyk  Canada 27 - 25 2 -
10 Hans Enn  Austria 24 6 6 - 12
Günther Mader  Austria 24 12 3 8 1

see complete table

In men's giant slalom World Cup 1987/88 all results count.

Place Name Country Total 2 5 7 16 21 30
1 Alberto Tomba  Italy 82 25 25 - 25 7 -
2 Hubert Strolz  Austria 69 - 11 15 11 20 12
3 Helmut Mayer  Austria 67 12 - 25 15 15 -
4 Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 65 - 10 20 12 8 15
5 Günther Mader  Austria 57 - 5 10 20 12 10
6 Hans Pieren   Switzerland 48 6 15 12 - 11 4
7 Rudolf Nierlich  Austria 47 - 20 - 2 25 -
8 Martin Hangl   Switzerland 46 5 - 11 5 - 25
9 Ingemar Stenmark  Sweden 37 20 - 6 - - 11
10 Frank Wörndl  West Germany 36 10 7 8 1 4 6

see complete table

In men's slalom World Cup 1987/88 all results count. Alberto Tomba was able to win six races out of eight.

Place Name Country Total 1 6 8 12 14 25 28 31
1 Alberto Tomba  Italy 170 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 -
2 Günther Mader  Austria 69 15 - 15 7 - 15 11 6
3 Felix McGrath  United States 53 - - 4 9 9 20 - 11
4 Paul Frommelt  Liechtenstein 52 12 - - - - - 15 25
Armin Bittner  West Germany 52 - 12 - 12 - - 8 20
6 Hubert Strolz  Austria 50 - 8 8 - 11 8 - 15
7 Bernhard Gstrein  Austria 49 - - - 25 15 - - 9
Jonas Nilsson  Sweden 49 20 - - 15 - - 7 7
9 Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 45 9 - 12 - - - 12 12
10 Grega Benedik  Yugoslavia 44 5 5 9 - 6 9 10 -

see complete table

In men's combined World Cup 1987/88 both results count.

Place Name Country Total 15 27
1 Hubert Strolz  Austria 40 25 15
2 Günther Mader  Austria 37 12 25
3 Franck Piccard  France 27 15 12
4 Markus Wasmeier  West Germany 20 20 -
Pirmin Zurbriggen   Switzerland 20 - 20
6 Peter Jurko  Czechoslovakia 11 11 -
Lars-Göran Halvarsson  Sweden 11 - 11
Denis Rey  France 11 8 3
9 Ole Kristian Furuseth  Norway 10 10 -
Peter Müller   Switzerland 10 - 10

see complete table

In women's overall World Cup 1987/88 all results count. The two parallel slaloms did not count for the Overall World Cup.

Place Name Country Total DH SG GS SL KB
1 Michela Figini   Switzerland 244 143 65 29 0 7
2 Brigitte Oertli   Switzerland 226 119 12 4 41 50
3 Anita Wachter  Austria 211 8 22 74 75 32
4 Blanca Fernández Ochoa  Spain 190 0 40 66 73 11
5 Vreni Schneider   Switzerland 185 0 9 76 80 20
6 Mateja Svet  Yugoslavia 167 0 24 87 56 0
7 Maria Walliser   Switzerland 143 82 5 40 0 16
8 Ulrike Maier  Austria 132 0 34 39 49 10
9 Catherine Quittet  France 116 12 26 78 0 0
10 Sigrid Wolf  Austria 110 55 36 19 0 0
11 Karen Percy  Canada 107 59 15 0 9 24
12 Christa Kinshofer  West Germany 105 0 16 22 67 0
13 Roswitha Steiner  Austria 87 0 0 0 87 0
14 Michaela Gerg  West Germany 84 24 32 16 0 12
15 Regine Mösenlechner  West Germany 80 38 40 0 0 2
16 Corinne Schmidhauser   Switzerland 77 0 0 11 66 0
17 Petra Kronberger  Austria 76 37 15 0 0 24
18 Marina Kiehl  West Germany 70 40 10 20 0 0
19 Carole Merle  France 69 10 0 59 0 0
20 Camilla Nilsson  Sweden 66 0 0 16 50 0

see complete table

In women's downhill World Cup 1987/88 all results count. Michela Figini won her third Downhill World Cup. Swiss athletes were able to win all races.

Place Name Country Total 4 5 6 16 17 19 24 27
1 Michela Figini   Switzerland 143 20 7 25 25 20 12 9 25
2 Brigitte Oertli   Switzerland 119 11 3 15 10 15 20 25 20
3 Maria Walliser   Switzerland 82 25 - 10 12 25 10 - -
4 Veronika Wallinger  Austria 59 - - 3 3 12 15 11 15
Karen Percy  Canada 59 7 - 8 20 6 7 - 11
6 Sigrid Wolf  Austria 55 3 9 20 11 7 - - 5
7 Beatrice Gafner   Switzerland 43 - - - 9 9 25 - -
8 Marina Kiehl  West Germany 40 10 20 - - - 10 - -
9 Regine Mösenlechner  West Germany 38 5 5 5 - - - 20 3
10 Petra Kronberger  Austria 37 - - 1 15 - 11 - 10
Kerrin Lee  Canada 37 2 8 - - 3 5 10 9
Laurie Graham  Canada 37 12 2 11 - 10 - - 2
13 Katrin Gutensohn  Austria 36 - - - 4 11 1 8 12
Chantal Bournissen   Switzerland 36 6 25 - - 1 3 - 1

see complete table

In women's super G World Cup 1987/88 all four results count.

Place Name Country Total 2 7 15 28
1 Michela Figini   Switzerland 65 - 25 15 25
2 Sylvia Eder  Austria 45 15 20 - 10
3 Regine Mösenlechner  West Germany 40 4 15 9 12
Blanca Fernández Ochoa  Spain 40 10 11 11 8
5 Sigrid Wolf  Austria 36 25 - - 11
6 Ulrike Maier  Austria 34 - 4 10 20
7 Michaela Gerg  West Germany 32 12 8 12 -
8 Catherine Quittet  France 26 - - 20 6
9 Zoe Haas   Switzerland 25 - - 25 -
10 Mateja Svet  Yugoslavia 24 20 - 4 -

see complete table

In women's giant slalom World Cup 1987/88 all results count.

Place Name Country Total 11 13 14 22 26 29
1 Mateja Svet  Yugoslavia 87 12 10 3 25 12 25
2 Catherine Quittet  France 78 25 20 12 11 10 -
3 Vreni Schneider   Switzerland 76 20 25 11 20 - -
4 Anita Wachter  Austria 74 10 11 9 15 9 20
5 Blanca Fernández Ochoa  Spain 66 8 - 15 15 20 8
6 Carole Merle  France 59 7 15 25 5 7 -
7 Christina Meier  West Germany 53 5 - 1 10 25 12
8 Maria Walliser   Switzerland 40 11 9 20 - - -
9 Ulrike Maier  Austria 39 - - - 9 15 15
10 Michela Figini   Switzerland 29 15 12 2 - - -

see complete table

In women's slalom World Cup 1987/88 all results count. Every race saw a different winner.

Place Name Country Total 1 3 8 10 18 20 23 25
1 Roswitha Steiner  Austria 87 11 - 11 11 9 - 20 25
2 Vreni Schneider   Switzerland 80 15 - - - 20 25 20 -
3 Anita Wachter  Austria 75 - 25 8 - 3 7 12 20
4 Blanca Fernández Ochoa  Spain 73 25 - 15 6 10 6 11 -
5 Christa Kinshofer  West Germany 67 12 - - 25 - 20 10 -
6 Corinne Schmidhauser   Switzerland 66 10 - 10 12 12 15 7 -
7 Ida Ladstätter  Austria 60 2 20 25 - 4 9 - -
8 Mateja Svet  Yugoslavia 56 20 - - - - 11 25 -
9 Camilla Nilsson  Sweden 50 6 12 20 - - 12 - -
10 Ulrike Maier  Austria 49 3 15 - 10 7 8 6 -
11 Patricia Chauvet  France 48 - 11 2 20 15 - - -
12 Brigitte Oertli   Switzerland 41 - - 4 8 25 4 - -

see complete table

In women's combined World Cup 1987/88 both results count.

Place Name Country Total 9 21
1 Brigitte Oertli   Switzerland 50 25 25
2 Anita Wachter  Austria 32 20 12
3 Petra Kronberger  Austria 24 9 15
Karen Percy  Canada 24 15 9
5 Vreni Schneider   Switzerland 20 - 20
6 Maria Walliser   Switzerland 16 10 6
7 Lucia Medzihradzká  Czechoslovakia 15 11 4
8 Michaela Gerg  West Germany 12 12 -
9 Blanca Fernández Ochoa  Spain 11 - 11
10 Ulrike Maier  Austria 10 - 10
Place Country Total Men Ladies
1  Austria 2004 980 1024
2   Switzerland 1975 891 1084
3  West Germany 845 328 517
4  Italy 727 687 40
5  France 578 247 331
6  Canada 471 246 225
7  Yugoslavia 310 113 197
8  Sweden 290 197 93
9  United States 191 85 106
10  Spain 190 0 190
11  Luxembourg 142 142 0
12  Norway 77 77 0
13  Liechtenstein 76 70 6
14  Japan 51 46 5
15  Czechoslovakia 49 18 31
16  United Kingdom 21 18 3
17  Soviet Union 16 0 16
18  Australia 13 13 0
19  New Zealand 2 0 2
20  Denmark 1 1 0
 Chile 1 0 1

All points were shown. But without parallel slaloms, because result ? (Also possible, that the parallel slaloms were only show-events.)

Place Country Total DH SG GS SL KB Racers Wins
1  Austria 980 148 149 293 313 77 22 5
2   Switzerland 891 477 111 194 56 53 15 10
3  Italy 687 210 65 133 279 0 20 10
4  West Germany 328 75 58 73 97 25 14 1
5  France 247 117 64 23 5 38 8 1
6  Canada 246 211 27 0 0 8 7 2
7  Sweden 197 22 15 46 94 20 6 0
8  Luxembourg 142 59 38 30 15 0 1 0
9  Yugoslavia 113 0 1 23 89 0 5 0
10  United States 85 9 0 8 53 15 5 0
11  Norway 77 38 8 0 12 19 6 0
12  Liechtenstein 70 0 9 9 52 0 2 1
13  Japan 46 4 0 0 42 0 2 0
14  Czechoslovakia 18 0 0 0 1 17 2 0
 United Kingdom 18 13 5 0 0 0 2 0
16  Australia 13 3 7 0 0 3 1 0
17  Denmark 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

All points were shown. But without parallel slaloms, because result ? (Also possible, that the parallel slaloms were only show-events.)

Place Country Total DH SG GS SL KB Racers Wins
1   Switzerland 1084 484 126 167 214 93 15 16
2  Austria 1024 243 167 150 390 74 19 4
3  West Germany 517 130 125 154 75 33 12 2
4  France 331 22 26 172 111 0 8 2
5  Canada 225 167 19 0 10 29 6 0
6  Yugoslavia 197 0 24 87 86 0 4 3
7  Spain 190 0 40 66 73 11 1 1
8  United States 106 29 12 15 44 6 14 0
9  Sweden 93 0 0 16 77 0 5 0
10  Italy 40 18 14 0 8 0 3 0
11  Czechoslovakia 31 0 0 0 16 15 2 0
12  Soviet Union 16 16 0 0 0 0 2 0
13  Liechtenstein 6 0 0 6 0 0 1 0
14  Japan 5 0 0 0 0 5 1 0
15  United Kingdom 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0
16  New Zealand 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0
17  Chile 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0