
Alapin's Opening - Wikipedia

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Alapin's Opening

a8 black rook

b8 black knight

c8 black bishop

d8 black queen

e8 black king

f8 black bishop

g8 black knight

h8 black rook

a7 black pawn

b7 black pawn

c7 black pawn

d7 black pawn

f7 black pawn

g7 black pawn

h7 black pawn

e5 black pawn

e4 white pawn

a2 white pawn

b2 white pawn

c2 white pawn

d2 white pawn

e2 white knight

f2 white pawn

g2 white pawn

h2 white pawn

a1 white rook

b1 white knight

c1 white bishop

d1 white queen

e1 white king

f1 white bishop

h1 white rook

Moves1.e4 e5 2.Ne2
Named afterSemyon Alapin
ParentOpen Game

Alapin's Opening is an unusual chess opening that starts with the moves:

1. e4 e5
2. Ne2

It is named after the Russo-Lithuanian player and openings analyst Semyon Alapin (1856–1923). Although this opening is rarely used, Ljubojević (as Black) played against it at Groningen in 1970.

Alapin's Opening is offbeat, but perfectly playable for White. It is mainly used to avoid highly theoretical lines such as the Ruy Lopez, or to surprise the opponent. White intends to play f2–f4 soon. There is similarity to the Smyslov Position (Smyslov–Botvinnik, 1958) if White tries to play something in the lines of g3, Nbc3, d3, Bg2.

However, Alapin's Opening also incurs several problems for White. First, the development of White's light-square bishop, and also of his queen, is blocked, and will require another move of the knight or another pawn move, both of which go against the opening principle to develop the minor pieces quickly. Second, the knight on e2, although flexible, has no control over Black's half of the centre, and will need to be moved again to become more useful.

It is relatively easy for Black to equalise in this opening; for example, 2...Nf6, 2...Nc6, and 2...d5 all equalize, although Black should be careful to avoid being caught by surprise by an eventual f2–f4.