
Alpha recursion theory - Wikipedia

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In recursion theory, α recursion theory is a generalisation of recursion theory to subsets of admissible ordinals {\displaystyle \alpha }. An admissible set is closed under {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}(L_{\alpha })} functions, where {\displaystyle L_{\xi }} denotes a rank of Godel's constructible hierarchy. {\displaystyle \alpha } is an admissible ordinal if {\displaystyle L_{\alpha }} is a model of Kripke–Platek set theory. In what follows {\displaystyle \alpha } is considered to be fixed.

The objects of study in {\displaystyle \alpha } recursion are subsets of {\displaystyle \alpha }. These sets are said to have some properties:

There are also some similar definitions for functions mapping {\displaystyle \alpha } to {\displaystyle \alpha }:[3]

Additional connections between recursion theory and α recursion theory can be drawn, although explicit definitions may not have yet been written to formalize them:

We say R is a reduction procedure if it is {\displaystyle \alpha } recursively enumerable and every member of R is of the form {\displaystyle \langle H,J,K\rangle } where H, J, K are all α-finite.

A is said to be α-recursive in B if there exist {\displaystyle R_{0},R_{1}} reduction procedures such that:

{\displaystyle K\subseteq A\leftrightarrow \exists H:\exists J:[\langle H,J,K\rangle \in R_{0}\wedge H\subseteq B\wedge J\subseteq \alpha /B],}
{\displaystyle K\subseteq \alpha /A\leftrightarrow \exists H:\exists J:[\langle H,J,K\rangle \in R_{1}\wedge H\subseteq B\wedge J\subseteq \alpha /B].}

If A is recursive in B this is written {\displaystyle \scriptstyle A\leq _{\alpha }B}. By this definition A is recursive in {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \varnothing } (the empty set) if and only if A is recursive. However A being recursive in B is not equivalent to A being {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}(L_{\alpha }[B])}.

We say A is regular if {\displaystyle \forall \beta \in \alpha :A\cap \beta \in L_{\alpha }} or in other words if every initial portion of A is α-finite.

Work in α recursion


Shore's splitting theorem: Let A be {\displaystyle \alpha } recursively enumerable and regular. There exist {\displaystyle \alpha } recursively enumerable {\displaystyle B_{0},B_{1}} such that {\displaystyle A=B_{0}\cup B_{1}\wedge B_{0}\cap B_{1}=\varnothing \wedge A\not \leq _{\alpha }B_{i}(i<2).}

Shore's density theorem: Let A, C be α-regular recursively enumerable sets such that {\displaystyle \scriptstyle A<_{\alpha }C} then there exists a regular α-recursively enumerable set B such that {\displaystyle \scriptstyle A<_{\alpha }B<_{\alpha }C}.

Barwise has proved that the sets {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}}-definable on {\displaystyle L_{\alpha ^{+}}} are exactly the sets {\displaystyle \Pi _{1}^{1}}-definable on {\displaystyle L_{\alpha }}, where {\displaystyle \alpha ^{+}} denotes the next admissible ordinal above {\displaystyle \alpha }, and {\displaystyle \Sigma } is from the Levy hierarchy.[5]

There is a generalization of limit computability to partial {\displaystyle \alpha \to \alpha } functions.[6]

A computational interpretation of {\displaystyle \alpha }-recursion exists, using "{\displaystyle \alpha }-Turing machines" with a two-symbol tape of length {\displaystyle \alpha }, that at limit computation steps take the limit inferior of cell contents, state, and head position. For admissible {\displaystyle \alpha }, a set {\displaystyle A\subseteq \alpha } is {\displaystyle \alpha }-recursive iff it is computable by an {\displaystyle \alpha }-Turing machine, and {\displaystyle A} is {\displaystyle \alpha }-recursively-enumerable iff {\displaystyle A} is the range of a function computable by an {\displaystyle \alpha }-Turing machine. [7]

A problem in α-recursion theory which is open (as of 2019) is the embedding conjecture for admissible ordinals, which is whether for all admissible {\displaystyle \alpha }, the automorphisms of the {\displaystyle \alpha }-enumeration degrees embed into the automorphisms of the {\displaystyle \alpha }-enumeration degrees.[8]

Relationship to analysis


Some results in {\displaystyle \alpha }-recursion can be translated into similar results about second-order arithmetic. This is because of the relationship {\displaystyle L} has with the ramified analytic hierarchy, an analog of {\displaystyle L} for the language of second-order arithmetic, that consists of sets of integers.[9]

In fact, when dealing with first-order logic only, the correspondence can be close enough that for some results on {\displaystyle L_{\omega }={\textrm {HF}}}, the arithmetical and Levy hierarchies can become interchangeable. For example, a set of natural numbers is definable by a {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}^{0}} formula iff it's {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}}-definable on {\displaystyle L_{\omega }}, where {\displaystyle \Sigma _{1}} is a level of the Levy hierarchy.[10] More generally, definability of a subset of ω over HF with a {\displaystyle \Sigma _{n}} formula coincides with its arithmetical definability using a {\displaystyle \Sigma _{n}^{0}} formula.[11]

  1. ^ P. Koepke, B. Seyfferth, Ordinal machines and admissible recursion theory (preprint) (2009, p.315). Accessed October 12, 2021
  2. ^ R. Gostanian, The Next Admissible Ordinal, Annals of Mathematical Logic 17 (1979). Accessed 1 January 2023.
  3. ^ a b Srebrny, Marian, Relatively constructible transitive models (1975, p.165). Accessed 21 October 2021.
  4. ^ W. Richter, P. Aczel, "Inductive Definitions and Reflecting Properties of Admissible Ordinals" (1974), p.30. Accessed 7 February 2023.
  5. ^ T. Arai, Proof theory for theories of ordinals - I: recursively Mahlo ordinals (1998). p.2
  6. ^ S. G. Simpson, "Degree Theory on Admissible Ordinals", pp.170--171. Appearing in J. Fenstad, P. Hinman, Generalized Recursion Theory: Proceedings of the 1972 Oslo Symposium (1974), ISBN 0 7204 22760.
  7. ^ P. Koepke, B. Seyfferth, "Ordinal machines and admissible recursion theory". Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol. 160 (2009), pp.310--318.
  8. ^ D. Natingga, Embedding Theorem for the automorphism group of the α-enumeration degrees (p.155), PhD thesis, 2019.
  9. ^ P. D. Welch, The Ramified Analytical Hierarchy using Extended Logics (2018, p.4). Accessed 8 August 2021.
  10. ^ G. E. Sacks, Higher Recursion Theory (p.152). "Perspectives in Logic", Association for Symbolic Logic.
  11. ^ P. Odifreddi, Classical Recursion Theory (1989), theorem IV.3.22.