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ザ・コレクターズライブ/イベント/コンサート情報 TOP NEWSnew What's...
Disney’s Frozen was on fire tonight at the 41st Annie Awards and now is generating real heat for the upcoming Academy Awards. Having made $864.4M worldwide at the box office since its late-November release, the 3D fantasy musical snagged 5 Annies tonight. Frozen won Best Animated Feature, Best Directing for Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, Best […]
Golgatan paikka Pyhän Haudan kirkossa. Paikalla on ortodoksinen alttaripöytä. Golgata (arameaksi Gulgalta 'pääkallo', m.kreik. Γολγοθα[1] golgotha) oli pääkallonpaikaksi[2] kutsuttu kukkula, jolla Jeesus...