European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development - Wikipedia
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The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) is a committee of the European Parliament.
Responsibilities of the Committee
AGRI is the European Parliament committee responsible for:
- The operation and development of the Common Agricultural Policy
- Rural development (including the activities of the relevant financial instruments)
- Legislation on:
- Veterinary and plant-health matters, animal feedingstuffs provided such measures are not intended to protect against risks to human health
- Animal husbandry and welfare
- Improvements in the quality of agricultural products
- Supplies of raw materials for agriculture
- The Community Plant Variety Office
- Forestry
Members, 8th Parliament
Those members listed as United Kingdom members are no longer members of the Committee.
The Committee is directly supported by a research service, the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies.[1] Most of its research studies and briefings are published online. The research reports do not necessarily reflect the view of the Committee.
Recent publications (as of September 2018):
Agricultural trade: assessing reciprocity of standards
Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in the EU
EU – UK agricultural trade: state of play and possible impacts of Brexit
Young farmers – Policy implementation after the 2013 CAP reform
The EU Cattle Sector: Challenges and Opportunities – Milk and Meat
CAP implementation: Flexibility given to Member States – state of play and perspectives
Preserving agricultural soils in the EU
The service also publishes a regular current awareness bulletin on research, documents and news in the fields of agriculture and rural development, titled 'Research for AGRI : News'. Recent editions can be found here on the 'Research for AGRI Committee' site.
- Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Council of the European Union)
- European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
- ^ European Parliament, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, accessed 19 June 2022