
Flag flying days in Finland - Wikipedia

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National Flag of Finland
State Flag of Finland
Flag of Finland waving from a pole

Flag flying days in Finland are days of the year when the national flag is flown nationwide, either by law or by custom. The flag of Finland is generally flown only on special occasions to celebrate or honour someone or something. On certain days of the year the state officially flies the flag, and recommends all private citizens to do so as well, these are the flag flying days as listed below.[1] Any citizen has a right to fly the flag on their own property if they deem it appropriate,[2][3] for example in celebration of birthdays or weddings in the family. Midsummer's day is additionally celebrated as Flag Day in Finland.

By law, the Finnish flag must be flown from public buildings on the following days.[4] It is recommended that private citizens to also fly the flag on these days.

Date English name[3] Finnish name[2] Swedish name[5] Remarks
28 February Kalevala Day,

Day of Finnish culture

Kalevalan päivä or suomalaisen kulttuurin päivä Kalevaladagen or den finska kulturens dag On this day in 1835, Elias Lönnrot signed the preface of the first edition of Kalevala.
1 May Labour Day vappu första maj
Second Sunday in May Mother's Day äitienpäivä morsdagen
4 June Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces puolustusvoimain lippujuhlan päivä försvarets fanfest Birthday of Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland
Saturday between 20 and 26 June Midsummer Day juhannus midsommardagen The occasion is also celebrated as the Day of the Finnish Flag. The flag is hoisted on Midsummer's eve at 6 PM and flown through the night until 9 PM the next day.
Second Sunday in November Father's Day isänpäivä farsdagen
6 December Independence Day itsenäisyyspäivä självständighetsdagen Finnish Declaration of Independence was adopted on December 6 1917.
Movable Days when Finland holds parliamentary, presidential and local elections, elections to the European Parliament, or a referendum
Movable The day the President of Finland is inaugurated presidentin virkaanastumispäivä den dag då republikens president tillträder sitt ämbete 1 February or 1 March in every six years

Customary flag days


It has become customary to fly the Finnish flag on the following occasions. These dates are also listed in the Finnish State Calendar compiled by the University of Helsinki, and it is recommended that the flag is flown on these occasions.[6]

Date English name Finnish name Swedish name Remarks
5 February Runeberg Day Runebergin päivä Runebergsdagen Birthday of the national poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg
19 March Minna Canth Day, Day of Equality Minna Canthin päivä or tasa-arvon päivä Minna Canth-dagen or jämställdhetsdagen Birthday of novelist and playwright Minna Canth
9 April Mikael Agricola Day, Day of the Finnish language suomen kielen päivä Mikael Agricoladagen or finska språkets dag On this day, Mikael Agricola, the founder of the literary Finnish language died, and Elias Lönnrot, a collector of folklore was born.
27 April National Veterans' Day kansallinen veteraanipäivä nationella veterandagen World War II in Finland ended on 27 April 1945.
9 May Europe Day Eurooppa-päivä Europadagen It is advised by the Finnish Ministry of the Interior that the European Union flag is flown alongside the Finnish flag on this day.[7]
12 May Day of Finnish Identity J.V. Snellmannin päivä or suomalaisuuden päivä Snellmansdagen or finskhetens dag Birthday of the statesman Johan Vilhelm Snellman
Third Sunday in May Remembrance Day kaatuneitten muistopäivä de stupades dag A memorial day for everyone who has died in Finnish wars, combat-like duties or peacekeeping operations both during fighting and after they've ceased, including those executed or who have died as a POW.
6 July Eino Leino Day,

Day of Summer and Poetry

Eino Leinon päivä or Runon ja suven päivä Eino Leinodagen or diktens och sommarens dag Birthday of the poet Eino Leino
The last Saturday in August Finland's Nature Day Suomen luonnon päivä den finska naturens dag
1 October Miina Sillanpää Day, Day of Civic Participation Minna Sillanpään päivä or kansalaisvaikuttamisen päivä Miina Sillanpää-dagen or

medborgarinflytandets dag

The date commemorates the declaration of universal suffrage in Finland on 1 October 1906.[8]
10 October Aleksis Kivi Day,

Finnish Literature Day

Aleksis Kiven päivä or suomalaisen kirjallisuuden päivä Aleksis Kividagen or

den finska litteraturens dag

Birthday of the national writer Aleksis Kivi
24 October United Nations Day Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien päivä FN-dagen United Nations began its operations on 24 October 1945.
6 November Finnish Swedish Heritage Day ruotsalaisuuden päivä svenska dagen Coincides with Gustavus Adolphus Day in Sweden.[9]
20 November Day of Children's Rights lapsen oikeuksien päivä barnkonventionens dag Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN on 20 November 1959.
8 December Jean Sibelius Day, Finnish Music Day Jean Sibeliuksen päivä or

suomalaisen musiikin päivä

Jean Sibeliusdagen or den finländska musikens dag Birthday of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.


Date[10] English name Finnish name Swedish name Remarks
3 February Alvar and Aino Aalto Day, Day of Finnish Architecture and Design Alvar ja Aino Aallon sekä suomalaisen arkkitehtuurin ja muotoilun päivä Alvar och Aino Aaltos samt finsk arkitekturs och formgivnings dag Birthday of the architect Alvar Aalto
6 February Sámi National Day saamelaisten kansallispäivä samernas nationaldag The first international Sámi congress began on February 6 1917.
8 April International Romani Day Romanien kansallispäivä Romernas nationaldag In honour of the first major international Romani meeting on 7–12 April 1971
9 August Tove Jansson Day, Day of Finnish Art Tove Janssonin ja suomalaisen taiteen päivä Tove Janssons samt finska konstens dag Birthday of the artist Tove Jansson
  1. ^ "Flag Days and Holidays – Yliopiston almanakkatoimisto". almanakka.helsinki.fi. Archived from the original on 18 June 2019. Retrieved 18 June 2019.
  2. ^ a b "Liputuspäivät ja liputusajat". Sisäministeriö. Archived from the original on 6 February 2020. Retrieved 18 June 2019.
  3. ^ a b "Finnish flag days – Ministry of the Interior". Sisäministeriö. Archived from the original on 22 October 2019. Retrieved 22 October 2019.
  4. ^ Asetus liputuksesta Suomen lipulla (383/1978) Archived 31 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine. (Decree on flying the Finnish flag), 2§ as changed with decree 187/1996. Retrieved 2 June 2008. (in Finnish)
  5. ^ "Flaggdagar och tider". Inrikesministeriet (in Swedish). Retrieved 19 January 2025.
  6. ^ Vakiintuneet liputuspäivät Archived 26 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine (Customary flag days). Finnish ministry of interior affairs. Retrieved 2 June 2008. (in Finnish)
  7. ^ "Liputus EU-lipulla". Sisäministeriö. Archived from the original on 7 February 2023. Retrieved 28 January 2023.
  8. ^ "Miina Sillanpään liputuspäivä". Miina Sillanpään Seura. Retrieved 11 February 2025.
  9. ^ "Svenska dagen". Uppslagsverket Finland. Retrieved 6 November 2024.
  10. ^ "Liputuspäivät vuonna 2025". Sisäministeriö (in Finnish). Retrieved 3 February 2025.