
Help:IPA/Welsh - Wikipedia

IPA Examples English approximations
b bach, cwbl, mab be
d dydd, cadw, tad do
joio, garej, diengyd (colloquial) just
ð ddoe, deuddeg, bedd wither
f ffenest, ei phen, cyffro, corff find
ɡ glân, cegin, cig get
h haul, gwahanol have
j iaith, geiriadur you
k cig, acw, ac sky, cool
l leicio, Alban, bol like
ɬ llaw, cyllell No English equivalent; similar to the voiceless l in please but with considerably more friction
m mab, cymaint, dim me
fy mhen, ym Mhen-y-bont me but whispered
n nerth, anadlu, gwyn no
fy nhad, yn Nhywyn no, but whispered
ŋ fy ngwely, trengi, rhwng thing
ŋ̊ fy nghŵn, yng Nghymru thing but whispered
p pen, copa, map open
r radio, garw, dŵr right but trilled
rhestr, anrheg right but trilled and whispered
s Saesnes, swsus see
ʃ siarad, siop, brwsh she
t tatws, at stop
tsieini, wats chance
θ thus, athro, peth think
v faint, afal, arf very
w wedyn, ei wraig, gwlân was
χ chwaer, tuchan, bwlch Scottish loch but further back
IPA Examples English approximations
a sant, pàs pasta
mab, sâl pasta but longer
ɛ perth, mès well
peth, trên Scottish may
ə cymydog, rg about
ɪ ɪ tipyn, sgìl it
ɨ punt, gwyn roses
hir, tîm be
ɨː llun, bûm, rhy, tŷ roses but longer
ɔ bron, glòs off
bro, ôl raw
ʊ cwm, mg put
cwch, dŵr pool
ai ai tai eye
cau, nesáu pie
aːɨ hael, cae Yael
aːi Cymraeg
au llaw around
ɛu llew Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Europa
ɛi[1] ɛi[1] Seisnig pain
əu bywyd Received Pronunciation toe
ɪu ɪu lliw Cockney till
ɨu Duw, menyw
ɔi ɔi osgoi boy
ɔɨ coeden soil
ʊɨ ʊi mwy, gŵyl Louie