
Johansen test - Wikipedia

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In statistics, the Johansen test,[1] named after Søren Johansen, is a procedure for testing cointegration of several, say k, I(1) time series.[2] This test permits more than one cointegrating relationship so is more generally applicable than the Engle-Granger test which is based on the Dickey–Fuller (or the augmented) test for unit roots in the residuals from a single (estimated) cointegrating relationship.[3]

There are two types of Johansen test, either with trace or with eigenvalue, and the inferences might be a little bit different.[4] The null hypothesis for the trace test is that the number of cointegration vectors is r = r* < k, vs. the alternative that r = k. Testing proceeds sequentially for r* = 1,2, etc. and the first non-rejection of the null is taken as an estimate of r. The null hypothesis for the "maximum eigenvalue" test is as for the trace test but the alternative is r = r* + 1 and, again, testing proceeds sequentially for r* = 1,2,etc., with the first non-rejection used as an estimator for r.

Just like a unit root test, there can be a constant term, a trend term, both, or neither in the model. For a general VAR(p) model:

{\displaystyle X_{t}=\mu +\Phi D_{t}+\Pi _{p}X_{t-p}+\cdots +\Pi _{1}X_{t-1}+e_{t},\quad t=1,\dots ,T}

There are two possible specifications for error correction: that is, two vector error correction models (VECM):

1. The longrun VECM:

{\displaystyle \Delta X_{t}=\mu +\Phi D_{t}+\Pi X_{t-p}+\Gamma _{p-1}\Delta X_{t-p+1}+\cdots +\Gamma _{1}\Delta X_{t-1}+\varepsilon _{t},\quad t=1,\dots ,T}
{\displaystyle \Gamma _{i}=\Pi _{1}+\cdots +\Pi _{i}-I,\quad i=1,\dots ,p-1.\,}

2. The transitory VECM:

{\displaystyle \Delta X_{t}=\mu +\Phi D_{t}+\Pi X_{t-1}-\sum _{j=1}^{p-1}\Gamma _{j}\Delta X_{t-j}+\varepsilon _{t},\quad t=1,\cdots ,T}
{\displaystyle \Gamma _{i}=\left(\Pi _{i+1}+\cdots +\Pi _{p}\right),\quad i=1,\dots ,p-1.\,}

The two are the same. In both VECM,

{\displaystyle \Pi =\Pi _{1}+\cdots +\Pi _{p}-I.\,}

Inferences are drawn on Π, and they will be the same, so is the explanatory power.[citation needed]

  1. ^ Johansen, Søren (1991). "Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of Cointegration Vectors in Gaussian Vector Autoregressive Models". Econometrica. 59 (6): 1551–1580. doi:10.2307/2938278. JSTOR 2938278.
  2. ^ For the presence of I(2) variables see Ch. 9 of Johansen, Søren (1995). Likelihood-based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-877450-1.
  3. ^ Davidson, James (2000). Econometric Theory. Wiley. ISBN 0-631-21584-0.
  4. ^ Hänninen, R. (2012). "The Law of One Price in United Kingdom Soft Sawnwood Imports – A Cointegration Approach". Modern Time Series Analysis in Forest Products Markets. Springer. p. 66. ISBN 978-94-011-4772-9.