
List of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1101 to 1200 - Wikipedia

This is a list of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1101 to 1200 adopted between 28 March 1997 and 30 September 1998.

Resolution Date Vote Concerns 1101 28 March 1997 14–0–1 (abstention: China) Establishes multinational protection force in Albania during the 1997 rebellion 1102 31 March 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission III 1103 31 March 1997 15–0–0 Increases strength of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1104 8 April 1997 15–0–0 Nominations for judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 1105 9 April 1997 15–0–0 Suspends reduction of the military component of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force in Macedonia 1106 16 April 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission III; withdrawal of military units 1107 16 May 1997 15–0–0 Increases number of police personnel as part of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1108 22 May 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1109 28 May 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force 1110 28 May 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force 1111 4 June 1997 15–0–0 Extends Oil-for-Food Programme in Iraq 1112 12 June 1997 15–0–0 Appoints Carlos Westendorp as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina 1113 12 June 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan 1114 19 June 1997 14–0–1 (abstention: China) Temporarily extends mandate of the multinational force in Albania 1115 21 June 1997 15–0–0 Iraq's refusal to allow access to sites by the United Nations Special Commission 1116 27 June 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia 1117 27 June 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus 1118 30 June 1997 15–0–0 Establishes the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola 1119 14 July 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka 1120 14 July 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Transitional Authority for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium 1121 22 July 1997 15–0–0 Establishes the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal for peacekeeping 1122 29 July 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 1123 30 July 1997 15–0–0 Establishes the United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti 1124 31 July 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia 1125 6 August 1997 15–0–0 Authorises continuation of the Inter-African Mission to Monitor the Implementation of the Bangui Agreements in the Central African Republic 1126 27 August 1997 15–0–0 Completion of cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia by judges with terms due to expire 1127 28 August 1997 15–0–0 Imposes sanctions on UNITA for non-compliance with the Lusaka Protocol in Angola 1128 12 September 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan 1129 12 September 1997 14–0–1 (abstention: Russia) Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme 1130 29 September 1997 15–0–0 Suspends the coming-into-force of sanctions against UNITA in Angola 1131 29 September 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1132 8 October 1997 15–0–0 Imposes oil and arms embargo on Sierra Leone during the civil war 1133 20 October 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1134 23 October 1997 10–0–5 (abstentions: China, Egypt, France, Kenya, Russia) Iraq's continued refusal to allow access to sites by the United Nations Special Commission 1135 29 October 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola; withdrawal of military units 1136 6 November 1997 15–0–0 Authorises continuation of the Inter-African Mission to Monitor the Implementation of the Bangui Agreements in the Central African Republic 1137 12 November 1997 15–0–0 Imposes sanctions and travel bans on Iraq following non-compliance with the United Nations Special Commission 1138 14 November 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan 1139 21 November 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force 1140 28 November 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force 1141 28 November 1997 15–0–0 Establishes the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti 1142 4 December 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force for a final time 1143 4 December 1997 15–0–0 Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme 1144 19 December 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the International Police Task Force 1145 19 December 1997 15–0–0 Establishes support group of civilian police monitors in the Danube region 1146 23 December 1997 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus 1147 13 January 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka 1148 26 January 1998 15–0–0 Conditions for the identification process for the referendum in Western Sahara 1149 27 January 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola 1150 30 January 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia 1151 30 January 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 1152 5 February 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the Mission interafricaine de surveillance des Accords de Bangui 1153 20 February 1998 15–0–0 Measures to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people 1154 2 March 1998 15–0–0 Acceptance by Iraq of the conditions of Resolution 687 (1991) 1155 16 March 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the Mission interafricaine de surveillance des Accords de Bangui 1156 16 March 1998 15–0–0 Terminates petroleum sanctions against Sierra Leone 1157 20 March 1998 15–0–0 Modalities of the United Nations presence in Angola 1158 25 March 1998 15–0–0 Extends Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme 1159 27 March 1998 15–0–0 Establishes the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic 1160 31 March 1998 14–0–1 (abstention: China) Imposes arms embargo against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) 1161 9 April 1998 15–0–0 Reactivates international commission of inquiry to investigate violations of arms embargo against Rwanda 1162 17 April 1998 15–0–0 Deploys military liaison and security advisory personnel to Sierra Leone 1163 17 April 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1164 29 April 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola 1165 30 April 1998 15–0–0 Establishes third trial chamber at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 1166 13 May 1998 15–0–0 Establishes third trial chamber at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 1167 14 May 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan 1168 21 May 1998 15–0–0 Strengthens the International Police Task Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1169 27 May 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force 1170 28 May 1998 15–0–0 Conflict prevention and peace and security in Africa 1171 5 June 1998 15–0–0 Terminates arms embargo against the Government of Sierra Leone; imposes travel ban 1172 6 June 1998 15–0–0 Condemns nuclear tests carried out by India and Pakistan 1173 12 June 1998 15–0–0 Imposes further sanctions against UNITA in Angola 1174 15 June 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1175 19 June 1998 15–0–0 Permits states to provide equipment to Iraq allowing it to increase oil exports 1176 24 June 1998 15–0–0 Measures against UNITA in Angola 1177 26 June 1998 15–0–0 War between Eritrea and Ethiopia 1178 29 June 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus 1179 29 June 1998 15–0–0 Settlement of the Cyprus dispute 1180 29 June 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola; resumes withdrawal of military component 1181 13 July 1998 15–0–0 Establishes the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone 1182 14 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic 1183 15 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka 1184 16 July 1998 15–0–0 Establishes court monitoring programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1185 20 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1186 21 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force 1187 30 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia 1188 30 July 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 1189 13 August 1998 15–0–0 Condemns terrorist bombings in Kenya and Tanzania 1190 13 August 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola; dispatch of Special Envoy 1191 27 August 1998 15–0–0 Nominations for judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 1192 27 August 1998 15–0–0 Arrangements for trial of 2 Libyans for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 1193 28 August 1998 15–0–0 Civil war in Afghanistan 1194 9 September 1998 15–0–0 Iraq's decision to suspend co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Special Commission 1195 15 September 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola 1196 16 September 1998 15–0–0 Monitoring of arms embargoes in Africa 1197 18 September 1998 15–0–0 Co-operation between the United Nations and Organisation of African Unity 1198 18 September 1998 15–0–0 Extends mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 1199 23 September 1998 14–0–1 (abstention: China) War in Kosovo 1200 30 September 1998 15–0–0 Nominations for judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda