
List of existentialists - Wikipedia

Name Lived Nationality Occupation Notes Nicola Abbagnano July 15, 1901 – September 9, 1990 Italy Philosopher Also associated with neopositivism Gonzalo Arango January 18, 1931 – September 25, 1976 Colombia Philosopher Founded Nadaism Hannah Arendt[1] October 14, 1906 – December 4, 1975 Germany Philosopher Also associated with phenomenology, associate of Heidegger Abdel Rahman Badawi February 17, 1917 – July 25, 2002 Egypt Philosopher Hazel Barnes December 16, 1915 – March 18, 2008 United States Philosopher, author Translated Sartre into English Karl Barth May 10, 1886 – December 10, 1968 Switzerland Theologian Founder of neo-orthodoxy Nikolai Berdyaev March 18, 1874 – March 25, 1948 Russia Theologian, philosopher Christian existentialist Steve Biko December 18, 1946 – September 12, 1977 South Africa Activist Martin Buber February 8, 1878 – June 13, 1965 Germany Theologian Worked with Rosenzweig Rudolf Bultmann August 20, 1884 – July 30, 1976 Germany Theologian Dino Buzzati October 16, 1906 – January 28, 1972 Italy Author Also associated with magical realism Albert Camus November 27, 1913 – January 4, 1960 France Philosopher, author Founded Les Temps modernes with de Beauvoir and Sartre; developer of the Absurdism Jane Welsh Carlyle July 14, 1801 – April 21, 1866 United Kingdom Essayist Wife of Thomas Carlyle Thomas Carlyle December 4, 1795 – February 5, 1881 United Kingdom Author, historian Husband of Jane Welsh Carlyle Emil Cioran April 8, 1911 – June 20, 1995 Romania Philosopher, essayist Also associated with pessimism Simone de Beauvoir January 9, 1908 – April 14, 1986 France Philosopher, anthropologist Founded Les Temps modernes with Camus and Sartre; predecessor of second-wave feminism Walter A. Davis November 9, 1942 – United States Philosopher, playwright, cultural critic Author of Inwardness and Existence: Subjectivity in/and Hegel, Heidegger, Marx and Freud Fyodor Dostoyevsky November 11, 1821 – February 9, 1881 Russia Novelist Foundational figure of existentialism William A. Earle 1919 – October 16, 1988 United States Philosopher Also associated with Phenomenology, co-founded the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy with Wild and James M. Edie Ralph Ellison[2] May 1, 1913 – April 16, 1994 United States Novelist Wrote Invisible Man, associate of Wright Frantz Fanon July 20, 1925 – December 6, 1961 France (Martinique), Algeria Philosopher, anthropologist, psychiatrist Also associated with Marxism Vilém Flusser May 12, 1920 – November 17, 1991 Czechoslovakia Philosopher Also associated with phenomenology Benjamin Fondane November 14, 1898 – October 2 or 3, 1944 Romania Author, poet, film director James Anthony Froude April 23, 1818 – October 20, 1894 United Kingdom Historian Alberto Giacometti October 10, 1901 – January 11, 1966 Switzerland Artist Known for his artistic style and the existential crisis within Juozas Girnius 1915–1994 Lithuania Philosopher Christian existentialist Fernando González April 24, 1895 – February 16, 1964 Colombia Philosopher, Lawyer Works inspired Nadaism Lewis Gordon 1962– United States Philosopher Also associated with Africana philosophy, Black existentialism, and phenomenology Martin Heidegger September 26, 1889 – May 26, 1976 Germany Philosopher Also associated with phenomenology and hermeneutics, associate of Arendt, rejected the label of "existentialist" Edmund Husserl April 8, 1859 – April 26, 1938 Austria, Germany Philosopher Founder of Phenomenology Nae Ionescu June 16, 1890 – March 15, 1940 Romania Philosopher, mathematician Eugène Ionesco November 26, 1909 – March 28, 1994 Romania Playwright, essayist Foundational figure of absurdism William James[1] January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910 United States Philosopher, psychologist Foundational figure of pragmatism Karl Jaspers February 23, 1883 – February 26, 1969 Germany Philosopher Also associated with neo-Kantianism Franz Kafka July 3, 1883 – June 3, 1924 Austria-Hungary (Bohemian) Novelist Foundational figure of existentialism Walter Kaufmann July 1, 1921 – September 4, 1980 United States Philosopher Translated Hegel, Goethe, Buber and Nietzsche's works into English Søren Kierkegaard May 5, 1813 – November 11, 1855 Denmark Theologian, philosopher, author Foundational figure of existentialism, Christian existentialist Ladislav Klíma August 8, 1878 – April 19, 1928 Czechoslovakia Philosopher, novelist Also associated with subjective idealism Emmanuel Levinas January 12, 1906 – December 25, 1995 Lithuania, France Philosopher, theologian Studied with Heidegger and Husserl John Macquarrie June 27, 1919 – May 28, 2007 United Kingdom Theologian Christian existentialist Vytautas Mačernis June 5, 1921 – October 7, 1944 Lithuania Poet Naguib Mahfouz December 11, 1911 – August 30, 2006 Egypt Novelist Gabriel Marcel December 7, 1889 – October 8, 1973 France Theologian, philosopher Christian existentialist Maurice Merleau-Ponty March 14, 1908 – May 3, 1961 France Philosopher Also associated with phenomenology, associate of de Beauvoir and Sartre Friedrich Nietzsche October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900 Germany Philosopher Foundational figure of existentialism, also associated with nihilism José Ortega y Gasset May 9, 1883 – October 18, 1955 Spain Philosopher Also associated with perspectivism, pragmatism, vitalism, and historicism Viktor Petrov 1894–1969 Ukraine Novelist, anthropologist Franz Rosenzweig December 26, 1887 – December 10, 1929 Germany Theologian, philosopher Worked with Buber Jean-Paul Sartre June 21, 1905 – April 15, 1980 France Philosopher, novelist, activist Also associated with Marxism, co-founded Les Temps modernes with de Beauvoir and Camus Aous Shakra April 22, 1908 – April 1, 1992 Palestine Politician, philosopher Lev Shestov January 31, 1866 – November 19, 1938 Russia, France Philosopher Also associated with Irrationalism Joseph B. Soloveitchik February 27, 1903 – April 9, 1993 United States Rabbi Paul Tillich August 20, 1886 – October 22, 1965 United States, Germany Theologian, philosopher Christian existentialist Rick Turner 1942–1978 South Africa Philosopher Also associated with Marxism, studied with Sartre Miguel de Unamuno September 29, 1864 – December 31, 1936 Spain Novelist, essayist, dramatist, philosopher John Daniel Wild April 10, 1902 – October 23, 1972 United States Philosopher Originally associated with empiricism, realism, and pragmatism; later associated with phenomenology; co-founded the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy with Earle and James M. Edie Colin Wilson June 26, 1931 – December 5, 2013 United Kingdom Author Wrote The Outsider Richard Wright September 4, 1908 – November 28, 1960 United States Author Pioneer of Black existentialism and chronicler of the black experience in the American South. Onetime mentor of James Baldwin; strongly influenced Fanon and other Négritude writers, close friends with Sartre and De Beauvoir. Had significant impact on European and African literary existentialism Peter Wessel Zapffe December 18, 1899 – October 12, 1990 Norway Philosopher Founded biosophy Muhammad Iqbal[3] November 9, 1877 – 21 April 1938 Pakistan Philosopher, writer, poet, politician National Poet of Pakistan Zachary A. Behlok October 3, 1996 – Present United States Philosopher Also associated with Sociology

Several thinkers who lived prior to the rise of existentialism have been retroactively considered proto-existentialists for their approach to philosophy and lifestyle.

Name Lived Nationality Occupation Notes Augustine of Hippo[1][4] November 13, 354 – August 28, 430 Algeria Theologian At various times associated with neoplatonism, Doctor of the Church Giacomo Leopardi[5] June 29, 1798 – June 14, 1837 Italy Poet, writer and philosopher Romanticism, classicism and pessimism Mulla Sadra 1571–1636 Persia Philosopher Islamic philosopher associated with illuminationism and transcendent theosophy Blaise Pascal[4] June 19, 1623 – August 19, 1662 France Mathematician, physicist, philosopher, theologian Jean-Jacques Rousseau[1] June 28, 1712 – July 2, 1778 Switzerland Philosopher Foundational figure of social contract theory, French Revolution, socialism Socrates[1] 469–399 BC Greece Philosopher Founder of Western philosophy Stoics[1] fl. 3rd century BC – AD 529 Greece – Philosophical school influenced by Socrates through Plato Henry David Thoreau[1] July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862 United States Author, poet Foundational figure of transcendentalism Arthur Schopenhauer February 22, 1788  – September 21,1860 Germany Philosopher Post-Kantian philosophy, German idealism Max Stirner[6] October 25, 1806  – June 26,1856 Germany Philosopher Egoist anarchism, Young Hegelians