Module:Sandbox/SD0001/Chessboard - Wikipedia
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local Arguments = require('Module:Arguments') local Pgn = require('Module:Pgn') local p = {} p.main = function(frame) local args = Arguments.getArgs(frame) metadata, moves = Pgn.main(args.pgn) local initalPos = args.initial or '1' local totalMoves = #moves -- Note this is actually the number of halfmoves + 1 (for initial position) local wikitext = '<div class="calculator-container" data-calculator-refresh-on-load="true">' .. '{{calculator|type=hidden|id=ply|default='..initalPos..'}}' .. '{{calculator button|contents=←|for=ply|type=default|formula=max(1, ply-1)}}' .. '{{calculator button|contents=→|for=ply|type=default|formula=min('..totalMoves..', ply+1)}}' for ply = 1, #moves, 1 do local fen = moves[ply] wikitext = wikitext .. '{{calculator-hideifzero' .. '|element=div' .. '|formula=not(ply-'..ply..')' .. '|text={{chess diagram|fen='..fen..'}}' .. '}}' end wikitext = wikitext .. '</div>' return frame:preprocess(wikitext) end return p