
Montel space - Wikipedia

  • ️Mon Jan 01 1990

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In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a Montel space, named after Paul Montel, is any topological vector space (TVS) in which an analog of Montel's theorem holds. Specifically, a Montel space is a barrelled topological vector space in which every closed and bounded subset is compact.

A topological vector space (TVS) has the Heine–Borel property if every closed and bounded subset is compact. A Montel space is a barrelled topological vector space with the Heine–Borel property. Equivalently, it is an infrabarrelled semi-Montel space where a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space is called a semi-Montel space or perfect if every bounded subset is relatively compact.[note 1] A subset of a TVS is compact if and only if it is complete and totally bounded. A Fréchet–Montel space is a Fréchet space that is also a Montel space.

A separable Fréchet space is a Montel space if and only if each weak-* convergent sequence in its continuous dual is strongly convergent.[1]

A Fréchet space {\displaystyle X} is a Montel space if and only if every bounded continuous function {\displaystyle X\to c_{0}} sends closed bounded absolutely convex subsets of {\displaystyle X} to relatively compact subsets of {\displaystyle c_{0}.} Moreover, if {\displaystyle C^{b}(X)} denotes the vector space of all bounded continuous functions on a Fréchet space {\displaystyle X,} then {\displaystyle X} is Montel if and only if every sequence in {\displaystyle C^{b}(X)} that converges to zero in the compact-open topology also converges uniformly to zero on all closed bounded absolutely convex subsets of {\displaystyle X.} [2]

Sufficient conditions


Semi-Montel spaces

A closed vector subspace of a semi-Montel space is again a semi-Montel space. The locally convex direct sum of any family of semi-Montel spaces is again a semi-Montel space. The inverse limit of an inverse system consisting of semi-Montel spaces is again a semi-Montel space. The Cartesian product of any family of semi-Montel spaces (resp. Montel spaces) is again a semi-Montel space (resp. a Montel space).

Montel spaces

The strong dual of a Montel space is Montel. A barrelled quasi-complete nuclear space is a Montel space.[1] Every product and locally convex direct sum of a family of Montel spaces is a Montel space.[1] The strict inductive limit of a sequence of Montel spaces is a Montel space.[1] In contrast, closed subspaces and separated quotients of Montel spaces are in general not even reflexive.[1] Every Fréchet Schwartz space is a Montel space.[3]

Montel spaces are paracompact and normal.[4] Semi-Montel spaces are quasi-complete and semi-reflexive while Montel spaces are reflexive.

No infinite-dimensional Banach space is a Montel space. This is because a Banach space cannot satisfy the Heine–Borel property: the closed unit ball is closed and bounded, but not compact. Fréchet Montel spaces are separable and have a bornological strong dual. A metrizable Montel space is separable.[1]

Fréchet–Montel spaces are distinguished spaces.

In classical complex analysis, Montel's theorem asserts that the space of holomorphic functions on an open connected subset of the complex numbers has this property.[citation needed]

Many Montel spaces of contemporary interest arise as spaces of test functions for a space of distributions. The space {\displaystyle C^{\infty }(\Omega )} of smooth functions on an open set {\displaystyle \Omega } in {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} is a Montel space equipped with the topology induced by the family of seminorms[5] {\displaystyle \|f\|_{K,n}=\sup _{|\alpha |\leq n}\sup _{x\in K}\left|\partial ^{\alpha }f(x)\right|} for {\displaystyle n=1,2,\ldots } and {\displaystyle K} ranges over compact subsets of {\displaystyle \Omega ,} and {\displaystyle \alpha } is a multi-index. Similarly, the space of compactly supported functions in an open set with the final topology of the family of inclusions {\displaystyle \scriptstyle {C_{0}^{\infty }(K)\subset C_{0}^{\infty }(\Omega )}} as {\displaystyle K} ranges over all compact subsets of {\displaystyle \Omega .} The Schwartz space is also a Montel space.

Every infinite-dimensional normed space is a barrelled space that is not a Montel space.[6] In particular, every infinite-dimensional Banach space is not a Montel space.[6] There exist Montel spaces that are not separable and there exist Montel spaces that are not complete.[6] There exist Montel spaces having closed vector subspaces that are not Montel spaces.[7]

  1. ^ a b c d e f Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 194–195.
  2. ^ Lindström 1990, pp. 191–196.
  3. ^ Khaleelulla 1982, pp. 32–63.
  4. ^ "Topological vector space". Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Retrieved September 6, 2020.
  5. ^ Hogbe-Nlend & Moscatelli 1981, p. 235
  6. ^ a b c Khaleelulla 1982, pp. 28–63.
  7. ^ Khaleelulla 1982, pp. 103–110.