
List of museums in Nebraska - Wikipedia

  • ️Sun Oct 02 2011

This list of museums in Nebraska encompasses museums which are defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.

To use the sortable table, click on the icons at the top of each column to sort that column in alphabetical order; click again for reverse alphabetical order.

Name Town/City County Region Type Summary 100th Meridian Museum Cozad Dawson Central Local history [1] Adams House and Cook Blacksmith Shop Ponca Dixon Northeast Local history Operated by the Ponca Historical Society, early 20th-century period house and restored blacksmith shop[2][3][4] Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Harrison Sioux Nebraska Panhandle Natural history Includes fossils and Native American artifacts American Historical Society of Germans From Russia Cultural Heritage Research Center Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Open air website, includes chapel, summer kitchen, barn, general store and blacksmith shop Angel De Cora Museum and Research Center Winnebago Thurston Northeast Native American Facebook site, History and culture of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, includes photos, artwork, arrowheads, beadwork, and musical instruments Anna Bemis Palmer Museum York York Central Local history Located in the York Community Center, includes period rooms and businesses, geology, Native Americans, pioneer days, military and local disasters[5] Antelope County Museum Neligh Antelope Eastern Local history website, operated by the Antelope County Historical Society, features the main museum, a reproduction log cabin and the Pioneer Church Arbor Day Farm Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Natural history website, family nature discovery center with focus on trees Arbor Lodge State Historical Park and Arboretum Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Multiple Features historic mansion, carriage house with various vehicles, log cabin, arboretum and trails Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park Royal Antelope Western Natural history Operated by the University of Nebraska State Museum, visitor center for ongoing fossil excavations Bank of Florence Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern Historic site Restored pioneer bank with vault and manager's quarters Banner County Museum Harrisburg Banner Nebraska Panhandle Open air Facebook site, includes period rooms, weapons, household items and personal collections, machine shed, sod and log houses, church, general store, schoolhouse, drug store, barn, service station, bank, operated by the Banner County Historical Society Bartels Museum Seward Seward Southeast Natural history Located in the lower level of Link Library of Concordia University, minerals, agate, fossils and rocks[6] Bayard Chimney Rock Museum Bayard Morrill Nebraska Panhandle Local history information, located in a historic railroad depot Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts Omaha Douglas Eastern Art Features 3 main galleries with over 20 exhibitions yearly in all media, including video, installation and performance art Bess Streeter Aldrich Home and Museum Elmwood Cass Southeast Biographical website, two nearby sites, one the 1922-1946 period home and the other a museum with memorabilia of author Bess Streeter Aldrich Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art David City Butler Southeast Art website, art about agriculture Boneyard Creation Museum Broken Bow Custer Sandhills Religious website, Creationist museum Boone County Historical Society Museum Albion Boone Northeast Local history website Boys Town Omaha Douglas Eastern Historic site Includes history hall of the non-profit organization for children and families, restored home of Father Flanagan, stamp museum Bowring Ranch State Historical Park Merriman Cherry Sandhills Historic house Historic working ranch with period home, sod house and visitor center about Eva Bowring, Nebraska's first woman Senator Brown County Historical Society Museum Ainsworth Brown Sandhills Local history Includes the Coleman House, Dixon House and old gas station with antique collections, clothing[7] Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park North Platte Lincoln Central Biographical Also known as Scout's Rest, home and museum about Buffalo Bill Cody Burt County Museum Tekamah Burt Eastern Local history website, includes two houses with local history and period displays and a one-room schoolhouse Butler County Veterans Museum David City Butler Southeast Military Currently seeking new location[8] Butte Community Historical Center and Museum Butte Boyd Central Local history [9] Cairo Roots Museum Cairo Hall Central Local history website, located inside the Cairo Community Center Cambridge Museum Cambridge Furnas Southwest Local history [10] Captain Bailey House Brownville Nemaha Southeast Historic house website, 19th-century period house, operated by the Brownville Historical Society Carnegie Arts Center Alliance Box Butte Nebraska Panhandle Art website, community arts center Carson House Brownville Nemaha Southeast Historic house website, 19th-century period house, operated by the Brownville Historical Society Cass County Historical Society Museum Plattsmouth Cass Southeast Local history website, exhibits include steamboats, pioneer life, trains, farms, automobiles, telephone and radio, churches and religious life, schools, entertainment, period rooms Cedar County Historical Museum Hartington Cedar Northeast Open air information Archived 2011-10-02 at the Wayback Machine, includes log cabin, 1900 house, carriage house and exhibit hall with antique machinery and vehicles Centennial Hall Museum Valentine Cherry Sandhills Local history Includes a collection of bells Champion Mill Park Champion Chase Southwest Mill Late 19th-century water-powered mill Chase County Historical Society Museum Champion Chase Southwest Local history information Cherry County Historical Society Museum Valentine Cherry Sandhills Local history information Children's Museum of Central Nebraska Hastings Adams Central Children's website Chimney Rock National Historic Site Bayard Morrill Nebraska Panhandle History Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, includes exhibits about pioneers and the migrations in the West Civil War Veterans Museum at the G.A.R. Memorial Hall Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Civil War Classic Car Collection Kearney Buffalo Central Automobile website Clay County Museum Clay Center Clay Central Local history Operated by the Clay County Historical Society[11] Cody Park Railroad Museum North Platte Lincoln Western Railroad information, includes Union Pacific 3977 steam and Union Pacific 6922 diesel locomotives, restored railroad depot, several rail cars and a caboose Cornelius O'Connor House Homer Dakota Northeast Historic house Operated by the Dakota County Historical Society Corps of Discovery Welcome Center Crofton Knox Northeast Multiple View of Gavins Point Dam, geology, exploration, early navigation, settlement and natural history of the Missouri River region, dam construction, website[12] Crawford Historical Museum Crawford Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Local history website, operated by Crawford Historical Society Creighton Historical Center Creighton Knox Local history website Cuming County Historical Museum West Point Cuming Northeast Open air Includes 6 restored buildings, operated by the Cuming County Historical Society, open during the Cuming County Fair and at any time by request[13][14] Custer County Historical Society Museum Broken Bow Custer Sandhills Local history website, includes 19th-century general store and early 20th-century drug store displays Czechoslovak Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern Ethnic Histories of Czechs and Slovaks, open by appointment Dawes County Historical Museum Chadron Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Open air information, includes museum with displays of a general store, hospital room, blacksmith tools, farm machinery, vintage quilts, railroad room and household items, and grounds include a log house and barn, 1890s schoolhouse, pioneer church and caboose Dawson County Historical Museum Lexington Dawson Central Multiple website, local history and art, schoolhouse with agriculture displays, fire truck Decatur Museum Decatur Burt Northeast Local History Operated by the Decatur Historical Committee[15] Didier Log Cabin Brownville Nemaha Southeast Historic house website, 1854 log cabin, operated by the Brownville Historical Society Diller Bank Building Museum Diller Jefferson Southeast Local history Operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society[16] District 10 School Fairbury Jefferson Southeast School Operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society[17][16] Dixon County Museum Allen Dixon Northeast Local history Includes local history museum, schoolhouse, railroad building and agriculture machinery building, operated by the Dixon County Historical Society[18][19] Dobby's Frontier Town Alliance Box Butte Nebraska Panhandle Open air website, includes general store, post office, original bootlegger's cabin, baled straw house, bank, saloon, stable, Chinese laundry, gas station Dowse Sod House Comstock Custer Sandhills Historic house Early 20th-century sod house Dr. Spurgin's Dental Office Brownville Nemaha Southeast Historic house website, features antique dental tools and equipment, operated by the Brownville Historical Society Durham Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern History Formerly known as Durham Western Heritage Museum, history of the United States' western region Edgerton Explorit Center Aurora Hamilton Central Science website, hands-on science exhibits Eisentrager Howard Gallery Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, located on the first floor of Richards Hall, exhibits the work of UNL faculty and students[20] El Museo Latino Omaha Douglas Eastern Ethnic Latino and Hispanic art and history Eleanor Barbour Cook Museum of Geology Chadron Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Natural history website, part of Chadron State College, fossils, rocks, minerals[21] Elkhorn Valley Museum Norfolk Madison Northeast Local history website, includes Johnny Carson gallery, period displays, changing exhibits and a children's discovery center Elmwood G.A.R. Hall Veterans Museum Elmwood Cass Southeast Military [22] Fairbury City Museum Fairbury Jefferson Southeast Local history information Fillmore County Museum Fairmont Fillmore Southeast Local history [23][24] Florence Depot Omaha Douglas Eastern Railroad Located in the Florence community Florence Mill Omaha Douglas Eastern Local history Restored flour mill features the Winter Quarters Mill Museum with pioneer history and the ArtLoft Gallery, located in the Florence community Fort Atkinson State Historical Park Fort Calhoun Washington Eastern Military Restored fort with periodic living history demonstrations Fort Cody Trading Post North Platte Lincoln Western History website, store that includes the Buffalo Bill's Miniature Wild West Show, a hand-carved miniature show display, and the Museum of the Old West with weapons, clothing, artifacts and natural history displays Fort Hartsuff State Historical Park Burwell Garfield Sandhills Military Restored fort with seasonal weekend living history demonstrations Fort Kearny State Historical Park Kearney Kearney Central Military Recreated stockade and exhibits about the Oregon Trail Fort Robinson Museum Crawford Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Military Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society Fort Sidney Complex Sidney Cheyenne Nebraska Panhandle Military Includes the powder house, married officer's quarters which houses the Cheyenne County Museum, and the late 19th-century period Post Commander's home Franklin County Museum Franklin Franklin Central Local history Exhibits include pioneers, Native Americans, military, local citizens, farming, school house and Ol’ Towne which replicates an old West township[25][26] Freedom Park Omaha Douglas Eastern Military Outdoor park with military museum ships and aircraft, features the USS Marlin (SST-2) submarine, USS Hazard (AM-240) minesweeper, rocket launchers, jet fighter and other aircraft Fullerton Museum Fullerton Nance Northeast Local history Operated by the Nance County Historical Society[27] Furnas-Gosper County Museum Arapahoe Furnas Southwest Local history Operated by the Furnas/Gosper County Historical Society[28][29] Gage County Museum Beatrice Gage Southeast Local history website, housed in the 1906 Burlington Railroad Depot, history of the industries, businesses, medicine, communities and the people, operated by the Gage County Historical Society Garfield County Historical Museum Burwell Garfield Sandhills Local history Period rooms include a library, surgery room, cowboy/Indian room, tool room, military room, parlor, bedroom, country school room, operated by the Garfield County Historical Society[30] General Crook House Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern Historic house 1880s Victorian period home Genoa Historical Museum Genoa Nance Northeast Local history website Archived 2006-01-08 at the Wayback Machine, includes Pawnee tribal and Mormon Trail exhibits Genoa U.S. Indian School Museum Genoa Nance Northeast Education Former boarding school for Native American youth George W. Frank House Kearney Buffalo Central Historic house Operated by the University of Nebraska at Kearney, 1880s mansion, also features artifacts related to Nebraska and UNK history Gibbon Heritage Center Gibbon Buffalo Central Local history [31] Gothenburg Historical Museum Gothenburg Dawson Central Local history website, operated by the Gothenburg Historical Society Grant County Museum Hyannis Grant Sandhills Local history Features barbed wire collection[32] Graves Library Museum Wakefield Dixon Eastern Local history Operated by the Wakefield Heritage Organization, features a large collection of wrenches[33] Great Plains Art Museum Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, dedicated to the arts of the Great Plains Great Plains Black History Museum North Omaha Douglas Eastern African American Great Plains Welsh Heritage & Culture Centre Wymore Gage Southeast Ethnic website, Welsh Americans and Welsh involvement in the U.S. westward expansion Great Platte River Road Archway Monument Kearney Buffalo Central History Nebraska's and the Platte River valley's role in westward expansion Greeley County Historical Society Courthouse Museum Greeley Greeley Central Local history [34] Greenwood Depot Museum Greenwood Cass Southeast Local history Operated by the Greenwood Historical Society, local and railroad history[35] Hansen Memorial Museum Curtis Frontier Central Local history website, early 20th-century farmhouse with china, glassware, antique furniture, and historical items from old Keith's General Merchandise[36] Harlan County Museum Orleans Harlan Central Local history [37][38] Hastings Museum Hastings Adams Central Multiple Exhibits on Kool-Aid, natural history dioramas, local history, weapons, life of pioneers on the Plains, rocks, minerals, fossils, antique vehicles, coins, planetarium Heartland Museum of Military Vehicles Lexington Dawson Central Military Includes helicopters, tanks, half-tracks, ambulances, a jeep, weapons, uniforms and memorabilia Heritage Center Museums Hay Springs Sheridan Nebraska Panhandle Local history Operated by the Sheridan County Historical Society[39][40] Heritage Park Henderson York Central Open air website, includes period farmhouse, heritage house of Russian Mennonite immigrants Holt County Historical Museum O'Neill Holt Sandhills Local history website, operated by the Holt County Historical Society, also known as the Moses P. Kinkaid Law Office Museum Homestead National Monument of America Beatrice Gage Southeast History Influence of the Homestead Act and pioneers Hooker County Historical Society Museum Mullen Hooker Sandhills Local history information Howard County Historical Village Saint Paul Howard North central Open air website, includes church, school, store, blacksmith shop, post office and a depot Hudson-Meng Bison Kill Crawford Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Natural history Ongoing excavations of a bison kill International Quilt Study Center & Museum Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Textile Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, includes examples of American and European quilts, contemporary studio quilts and international quilts John Deere Museum Tecumseh Johnson Southeast Commodity Private collection of John Deere memorabilia, including toy vehicles, pocket ledgers, trade cards, calendars, signs, machinery manuals, open by appointment[41] John G. Neihardt State Historic Site Bancroft Cuming Northeast Biographical Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, study and museum of poet John Neihardt Johnson County Historical Museum Tecumseh Johnson Southeast Local history Operated by the Johnson County Historical Society[41][42] Joslyn Art Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern Art Strengths in nineteenth and twentieth century American and European art, Western and Native American art Joslyn Castle Omaha Douglas Eastern Historic house Kearney Area Children’s Museum Kearney Buffalo Central Children's website Keya Paha County Historical Museum Springview Keya Paha North Central Local history Operated by the Keya Paha County Historical Society[43] Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Art website, changing exhibits Klown Doll Museum Plainview Pierce Northeast Doll website[usurped], collection of clown dolls and figurines Knight Museum and Sand Hills Center Alliance Box Butte Nebraska Panhandle Local history website, exhibits on life in the Sandhills, Native Americans, rural, country and city life, railroads Kregel Windmill Museum Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Technology Factory and collection of water-pumping windmills Kruger Collection Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art website, located within the College of Architecture at University of Nebraska–Lincoln, miniature furniture and decorative arts Legacy of the Plains Museum Gering Scotts Bluff Nebraska Pandhandle Agriculture and local history website, includes pioneer and early community artifacts, antique tractors and farm implements, an 80-acre working farm, historic farmstead structures Lester F. Larsen Tractor Museum Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Agriculture Historic tractor testing equipment and tractors, part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Headquarters and Visitor Center Omaha Douglas Eastern History Exhibits about the explorers and information about sites along the trail Lewis and Clark Visitor Center at Calumet Bluff Crofton Cedar Northeast Multiple History of the Expedition, geology, exploration, settlement and natural history of the Missouri River region, construction of the Gavins Point Dam Lighthouse Museum Republican City Harlan Central Commodity Period displays and collectibles include clothing, stoves, toys and dolls, Lionel and American Flyer train sets, clocks, glassware, kitchen room displays, farm tools, McCoy pottery[44] Lincoln Children's Museum Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Children's website Lincoln County Historical Museum North Platte Lincoln Sandhills Open air website, exhibits include World War II canteen display, period room settings, doctor's office, telephone office, post office, beauty shop, DAR collection, natural history, a model railroad, railroad, household items; complex includes barn, 1860 Pony Express log building, Fort McPherson Headquarters building, DAR Log Cabin, school/library, Lutheran Church, school, 1899 furnished house, barber shop, general store, depot, two story log house, caboose Lodgepole Depot Museum Lodgepole Cheyenne Nebraska Panhandle Local history Includes period antiques and household items, operated by the Lodgepole Historical Society[45] Long Pine Heritage House Museum Long Pine Brown Sandhills Local history [46][47] Love’s Jazz and Art Center Omaha Douglas Eastern African American African American art, culture, jazz, history Louis E. May Museum Fremont Dodge Northeast Historic house website, operated by the Dodge County Historical Society, late 19th-early 20th-century period mansion, grounds are a Nebraska Arboretum Site Lux Center for the Arts Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art website, includes Lux Museum with contemporary art, craft, and design Madison County Museum Madison Madison Northeast Local history website, operated by the Madison County Historical Society, includes firefighting equipment, telephone pioneers communications, model railroad, baseball player Richie Ashburn, area fur farms displays, Christmas village Mansion on the Hill Ogallala Keith Sandhills Historic house website, 1887 Victorian mansion, operated by the Keith County Historical Society Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center Chadron Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Multiple Part of Chadron State College, life and literature of Mari Sandoz and the culture of the High Plains Marxhausen Gallery of Art Seward Seward Southeast Art Part of Concordia University[48] Mayhew Cabin & Historic Village Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Historic house 1855 cabin, site along the Underground Railroad, also known as John Brown's Cave Merrick County Historical Museum Central City Merrick Central Local history Operated by the Merrick County Historical Society[49] Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Interpretive Trail & Visitors Center Nebraska City Otoe Southeast History website, features keelboat replica, flora, fauna and scientific discoveries recorded by the Lewis & Clark expedition Mormon Trail Center Omaha Douglas Eastern History website, information, Mormon pioneer history, located in Winter Quarters Murdock Museum Murdock Cass Southeast Local history website, operated by the Murdock Historical Society Musbach Museum Scribner Dodge Northeast Local history [50] Museum of American Speed Lincoln Lancaster Southeast Automobile Racing and hot rodding cars, engines, parts, toys and memorabilia Museum of Nebraska Major League Baseball Saint Paul Howard North central Sports website Museum of Nebraska Art Kearney Buffalo Central Art Official state museum of art, part of University of Nebraska at Kearney Museum of Nebraska History Lincoln Lancaster Eastern State History Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society Museum of Missouri River History Brownville Nemaha Southeast Maritime Housed in the museum ship Captain Meriwether Lewis Museum of the Fur Trade Chadron Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Industry Story of the fur trade industry Museum of the High Plains McCook Red Willow Central Local history [51] National Museum of Roller Skating Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Sports Established in 1980, the museum maintains the largest collection of roller skating artifacts and textual materials in the world, including both inline skates and quad skates. website Nelson House Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Historic house website, operated by the Nebraska City Historical Society, Victorian-period house and displays of local history, also known as the Taylor-Wessel-Bickel House Nebraska Baseball Hall of Fame Beatrice Gage Southeast Sports website, players, umpires, managers and entrepreneurs to semi-professional baseball Nebraska City Museum Of Firefighting Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Firefighting website, historic firefighting vehicles, equipment, uniforms Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Education Center Kearney Buffalo Central Firefighting website Nebraska Governor's Mansion Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Historic house Nebraska Jewish Historical Society Omaha Douglas Eastern Jewish Jewish history in Nebraska, includes the Riekes Museum, a re-creation of a neighborhood shul Nebraska Prairie Museum Holdrege Phelps South central History website, operated by the Phelps County Historical Society, exhibits include period clothing, antique toys, farm equipment, tools and household items, a W.W.II German POW exhibit room Nebraska School for Deaf Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern History History of the school and deaf culture Nebraska State Historical Society Lincoln Lancaster Eastern History Headquarters in Lincoln features an exhibit about the history of the Society Neligh Mill State Historic Site Neligh Antelope Eastern Mill Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, restored 1880s water-powered grist mill Nemaha Valley Museum Auburn Nemaha Southeast Local history website Niobrara Museum Niobrara Knox Northeast Local history [52][53] North Platte Area Children's Museum North Platte Lincoln Sandhills Children's website Nuckolls County Museum Superior Nuckolls Southeast Local history Operated by the Nuckolls County Historical Society, artifacts in eight buildings[54] Old Freighters Museum Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Historic house website, operated by the Nebraska City Historical Society, mid 19th-century house, history and importance of transportation to the development of the community Old West Trail Center Odell Gage Southeast Local history Area transportation history and local history[55] Omaha Black Music Hall of Fame Omaha Douglas Eastern Hall of fame Omaha Children's Museum Omaha Douglas Eastern Children's Otoe County Museum of Memories Syracuse Otoe Southeast Local history Includes church with period room and business displays[56][57] Pawnee City Historical Society & Museum Pawnee City Pawnee Southeast Open air [58][59] Pedal Clinic Pawnee City Pawnee Southeast Commodity Restored antique pedal cars and tractors, open on special occasions or by appointment only[59] Perkins County Historical Museum Grant Perkins Central Local history [60] Peru Museum Peru Nemaha Southeast Local history [61] Petrified Wood Gallery Ogallala Keith Sandhills Natural history website, ancient woods and fossils from around the world, Native American arrowheads and area artifacts Pierce Historical Society Museum Pierce Pierce Northeast Open air website, includes main museum with period history and business displays, a depot with household furnishings and items, machine shop with antique farm equipment and vehicles, blacksmith shop and one room schoolhouse Pierson Wildlife Museum Learning Center Neligh Antelope Eastern Natural history website, mounted big game trophy dioramas Pilger Museum Pilger Stanton Northeast Local history Operated by the Historical Society of Stanton County[62][63] Pioneer Trails Museum Bridgeport Morrill Nebraska Panhandle Local history [64][65] Pioneer Village Minden Kearney Central Open air Features 28 buildings on 20 acres (81,000 m2) including frontier buildings, early cars and airplanes, tractors and other farm implements and an art collection Plains Historical Museum Kimball Kimball Nebraska Panhandle Local history Open in the summer Plainsman Museum Aurora Hamilton Central Local history Everyday life of the plains settlers, area agricultural history, period rooms, period shop and business displays, American Civil War, wildlife mounts, automobiles, dolls, late 19th-century house, schoolhouse, working blacksmith shop Plainview Historical Museum Plainview Pierce Northeast Local history Operated by the Plainview Historical Society, housed in a former depot Platte County Museum Columbus Platte Local history website, includes fossils, Indian stone tools, local historical artifacts, Victorian clothing, furnishings and heirlooms Polk County Historical Society Museum Osceola Polk Open air [66][67] Polish Heritage Center Ashton Sherman Central Ethnic Facebook site, Polish history and culture, history of area Polish settlers and immigrants Ponca State Park Ponca Dixon Northeast Local history Includes the Missouri National Recreational River Resource and Education Center with exhibits about the Missouri River and its history Ponca Tribal Museum and Library Niobrara Knox Northeast Native American website, history and culture of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, includes photos, headdresses, tools, beadwork, jewelry, musical instruments, carvings Pony Express Station Gothenburg Dawson Central History Two former Pony Express station sites[68][69] Potter Historical Museum Potter Cheyenne Nebraska Panhandle Local history Open by appointment[70] Prairie Country School Murdock Cass Southeast Education website, 1890s-period one room schoolhouse Prairie Schooner Museum Dalton Cheynne Nebraska Panhandle Local history [71] Richardson County Historical Museum Falls City Richardson Southeast Local history website, operated by the Richardson County Historical Society[72] Richardson County Military Museum Falls City Richardson Southeast Military Located in the courthouse, includes photographs, uniforms and equipment[72] River Country Nature Center Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Natural history Nature dioramas, animal mounts, Native American artifacts[73] Riverside Discovery Center Scottsbluff Scotts Bluff Nebraska Panhandle Natural history Park and zoo, will include natural history displays of the former Wildlife World Robert Henri Museum Cozad Cozad Central Art, Local History Facebook site, Childhood home of artist Robert Henri, houses a large collection of original works Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Textile website, part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, located on the second floor of the Home Economics building Rock Bluffs School Rock Bluff Cass Southeast School Open by appointment with the Cass County Historical Society Rock County Historical Museum Bassett Rock Sandhills Open air Operated by the Rock County Historical Society, complex includes depot museum with local history and period historic displays, schoolhouse, log house with period displays, historic church[74] Rock Creek Station State Historical Park Endicott Jefferson Southeast History Reconstructed buildings and corrals of the road ranch, Pony Express Station and Stagecoach stop along the Oregon Trail, visitor center exhibits Rock Island Depot Railroad Museum Fairbury Jefferson Southeast Railroad Rock Island Railroad artifacts and history[75][16] Rock School House Museum Oshkosh Garden Nebraska Panhandle Local history Operated by the Garden County Historical Society[76][77] Rotunda Gallery Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln[78] Russ Snyder Museum Oak Nuckolls Southeast Biographical Life of baseball player Russ Snyder, also local history[79][80] Saline County Historical Society Museum Dorchester Saline Local history [81] Sallows Military Museum Alliance Box Butte Nebraska Panhandle Military website, includes flags, helmets, gas masks, medals, uniforms and accessories Sandhills Museum Valentine Cherry Sandhills History Open by appointment, collections include pre-1928 cars, firearms, farm machinery and tools, steam-driven band saw, moonshine still, broom making machine, lamps, dishes and a calf with two heads and five legs[82] Sarpy County Museum Bellevue Sarpy Southeast Local history Includes period room displays, Native American artifacts, model of historic Fort Crook/Offutt Field and depot Saunders County Museum Wahoo Saunders Eastern Open air website, operated by the Saunders County Historical Society, includes main museum with displays about movie producer Darryl F. Zanuck, composer Howard Hanson, baseball player Sam Crawford, artist C. W. Anderson, scientist George Beadle and a complex including an 1873 log home, 1890s schoolhouse, 1889 country church, railroad depot, post office and machine shed Sautter House Papillion Sarpy Southeast Historic house Operated by the Papillion Area Historical Society[83] Scamahorn Museum Gordon Sheridan Western Local history Operated by the Sheridan County Historical Society[84][85] Schramm Park State Recreation Area Gretna Sarpy Southeast Natural history Includes fish hatchery museum, Aksarben Aquarium with fish, reptiles and amphibians, geologic display Schuyler/Colfax County Museum Schuyler Colfax Northeast Local history [86] Scotts Bluff National Monument Gering Scotts Bluff Nebraska Panhandle History Features the Oregon Trail Museum and Visitor Center, including art by William Henry Jackson Sellors Barton Museum Ainsworth Brown Sandhills Local history [87] Senator George Norris State Historic Site McCook Red Willow Central Biographical Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, home of George W. Norris Seward County Historical Society Museum Goehner Seward Southeast Local history Facebook site, includes main museum, a historic house, schoolhouse, model railroad, antique farm equipment and vehicles Sheldon Museum of Art Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Art Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, American art in all media Sheridan County Historical Museum Rushville Sheridan Nebraska Panhandle Local history Operated by the Sheridan County Historical Society[88][89] Sherman County Historical Society Museum Loup City Sherman Central Local history information Silver Hills Museum Oshkosh Garden Nebraska Panhandle Local history Operated by the Garden County Historical Society, also known as the Opera House Museum, features bird collection, period rooms[76][77] Sioux County Historical Museum Harrison Sioux Nebraska Panhandle Local history Includes museum, post office, schoolhouse and house/telephone office[90][91] Smith Lime Kiln Fairbury Jefferson Southeast Historic house Operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society[92][16] Sod House Museum Gothenburg Dawson Central Historic house Sod house, world's largest plow, bison made of barb wire[68][93] Stanton Heritage Museum Stanton Stanton Northeast Local history [94] Steele City Museum Steele City Jefferson Eastern Open air Operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society, includes working blacksmith shop, livery barn, school, bank, 1880s stone church, antique farm machinery display[95][96] Strang Museum Strang Fillmore Southeast Local history Open during special events or by appointment[23] Strategic Air and Space Museum Ashland Cass Eastern Aerospace United States Air Force military aircraft and nuclear missiles Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer Grand Island Hall Central Living Stuhr Museum is known for providing immersive historical, educational, and cultural experiences for visitors. Key highlights include Railroad Town, open May through mid-September each year, and a variety of permanent and rotating exhibits in the Leo B. Stuhr Building, open year-round. Sturdevant-McKee Museum Atkinson Holt Sandhills Historic house Open by appointment and for events, mid 20th-century period house Sudman-Niemann Heritage House Museum Chappell Deuel Nebraska Panhandle Historic house Early 20th-century period house[97] Swedish Heritage Center Oakland Burt Northeast Ethnic Swedish memorabilia and culture Table Rock Pioneer History Museum Table Rock Pawnee Local history Operated by the Table Rock Historical Society"Table Rock Historical Society". Pawnee County NE GenWeb. Retrieved December 23, 2014. Thayer County Museum Belvidere Thayer Southeast Local history website, includes museum with local history displays, period rooms, natural and cultural history displays, household items, agriculture building with farm tools and equipment, school house, caboose, operated by the Thayer County Historical Society Thomas County Historical Society Museum Thedford Thomas Sandhills Local history [98] Thomas P. Kennard House Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Historic house Operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1870s Victorian period house A Touch Of The Past Museum De Witt Saline Southeast History Open by appointment, private collection of arrowheads, buffalo skulls, Native American jewelry, coins, early 1800s newspapers, mastodon teeth, ox shoes, antique farm equipment[99] Trails & Rails Museum Kearney Buffalo Central Open air website, operated by the Buffalo County Historical Society, includes depot, steam engine, caboose, 1850s ranch house, 1880s hotel, 1898 church, 1860s log cabin, 1871 schoolhouse Trailside Museum of Natural History Crawford Dawes Nebraska Panhandle Natural history Operated by the University of Nebraska State Museum, located inside Fort Robinson State Park, features fossils from Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park and near the fort Tri-State Old Time Cowboys Memorial Museum Gordon Sheridan Western History Ranching and cowboy life artifacts and history[100][101] University of Nebraska State Museum Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Natural history Part of University of Nebraska–Lincoln, fossils, dinosaurs, ancient life, wildlife dioramas, gems and minerals, American Indian and African exhibits Valley County Museum Ord Valley North central Local history Operated by the Valley County Historical Society[102] Valley Historical Society Museum Valley Douglas Eastern Local history [103] Verdigre Heritage Museum Verdigre Knox Northeast Open air Features four buildings including a jail and grist mill, open by appointment and for special events[104] Wakefield Train Depot Wakefield Dixon Eastern Railroad Operated by the Wakefield Heritage Organization[33] Washington County Museum Fort Calhoun Washington Northeast Local history Operated by the Washington County Historical Association, also tours by appointment of the early 20th-century Frahm House Wayne County Museum Wayne Wayne Northeast Local history Webster County Historical Museum Red Cloud Red Cloud Northeast Local history information Weeping Water Museum Weeping Water Cass Southeast Local history website, operated by the Weeping Water Historical Society, includes the Heritage House Museum, Memory Lane Museum, displays on Native American culture, frontier life, fossils and geology, doctor's office, area businesses Wessels Living History Farm York York Central Farm website, features 1925 period farmhouse, barn, tractor museum and windmill in a working farm Wheel Museum Brownville Nemaha Southeast Transportation website, horse-drawn vehicles, farming equipment and more, operated by the Brownville Historical Society White Horse Heritage Village and Museum Stuart Holt Sandhills Local history [105][106] Wilber Czech Museum Wilber Saline Southeast Ethnic website, includes Czech dolls, clothing, household items, replicas of early immigrant homes and early Wilber businesses Wildwood Historic Center Nebraska City Otoe Southeast Historic house website, 1869 Victorian house and art gallery Willa Cather State Historic Site Red Cloud Webster Northeast Biographical website[usurped], operated by the Nebraska State Historical Society, includes the Willa Cather House, the Cather Museum in the Garber Bank, and several sites important in her life and works William Jennings Bryan House Lincoln Lancaster Eastern Biographical Also known as Fairview, home of orator William Jennings Bryan Willow Point Gallery Ashland Cass Eastern Multiple Also known as Gene Roncka Gallery/Museum, commercial art gallery with natural history dioramas of the Archie Hightshoe Big Game Collection[107][108] Wisner Heritage Museum Wisner Cuming Northeast Local history [109][110] York Area Children's Museum York York Central Children's website