Paolo Magrassi - Wikipedia
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Paolo Magrassi is an Italian technologist[1] known as one of the authors[2] of the Supranet concept, the co-creator of the AlphaIC methodology for assessing the value of information technology expenditures,[3][4] and the manager of the Pontifex project, which in the mid-1980s introduced a novel approach to complex fleet scheduling.[5]
In the early 2000s, Magrassi also was instrumental in introducing to the industrial and business world[6][7] then-emerging miniature RFID and internet of things technologies such as those proposed by the MIT's Auto-ID Center.[8][9]
He also published several books, including The Caricature Of A Revolution (2012), Digitalmente confusi (2011), La good-enough society (2010), Difendersi dalla complessità (2009), Il filo conduttore (2006), 2015 Weekend nel futuro (2005), A World Of Smart Objects (2002).
- ^ Who's Who in the World 1998, 15th Edition, Marquis, New Providence, NJ
- ^ Australian National Training Authority, "Radio Frequency Identity Tags", in Shared Technology: A Road Map for Traditional and Emerging Industries to 2008, Chapter 17, Anta Publishers, Brisbane, Australia, September 2003
- ^ F.Frey, S.Williams-Allen, H.Vogl, L.Chandra, "Digital Asset Management: A Closer Look At The Literature", A Research Monograph at the Print Industry Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, March 2005
- ^ P.Griffiths, D.Remenyi, "Information Technology in Financial Services: A Model for Value Creation", Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluations, 2003 / Issue 2 / paper 12, ACI, Reading, UK
- ^ European Commission, Directorate-General XIII – Information Technology, ESPRIT Project Information Services and Summaries, Brussels, 1992
- ^ US Patent 7118034: "Systems and methods for package sortation and delivery using radio frequency identification technology", A.Baldassari, D.Anderson, R.Peters (United Parcel Service of America), October 10, 2006
- ^ Scientific service of the French Embassy in Norway, Science and Technology In France, N.13, J.B. Gouyon ed., May 2002
- ^ P.Magrassi, "E-Tagging: From Niches to the Supranet", Research Note, Gartner, Stamford (CT), USA, 2001.
- ^ P.Magrassi, "A World Of Smart Objects: The Role Of Auto Identification Technologies", Strategic Analysis Report, Gartner, Stamford (CT), USA, 2001.