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In mathematics, real algebraic geometry is the sub-branch of algebraic geometry studying real algebraic sets, i.e. real-number solutions to algebraic equations with real-number coefficients, and mappings between them (in particular real polynomial mappings).
Semialgebraic geometry is the study of semialgebraic sets, i.e. real-number solutions to algebraic inequalities with-real number coefficients, and mappings between them. The most natural mappings between semialgebraic sets are semialgebraic mappings, i.e., mappings whose graphs are semialgebraic sets.
Nowadays the words 'semialgebraic geometry' and 'real algebraic geometry' are used as synonyms, because real algebraic sets cannot be studied seriously without the use of semialgebraic sets. For example, a projection of a real algebraic set along a coordinate axis need not be a real algebraic set, but it is always a semialgebraic set: this is the Tarski–Seidenberg theorem.[1][2] Related fields are o-minimal theory and real analytic geometry.
Examples: Real plane curves are examples of real algebraic sets and polyhedra are examples of semialgebraic sets. Real algebraic functions and Nash functions are examples of semialgebraic mappings. Piecewise polynomial mappings (see the Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture) are also semialgebraic mappings.
Computational real algebraic geometry is concerned with the algorithmic aspects of real algebraic (and semialgebraic) geometry. The main algorithm is cylindrical algebraic decomposition. It is used to cut semialgebraic sets into nice pieces and to compute their projections.
Real algebra is the part of algebra which is relevant to real algebraic (and semialgebraic) geometry. It is mostly concerned with the study of ordered fields and ordered rings (in particular real closed fields) and their applications to the study of positive polynomials and sums-of-squares of polynomials. (See Hilbert's 17th problem and Krivine's Positivestellensatz.) The relation of real algebra to real algebraic geometry is similar to the relation of commutative algebra to complex algebraic geometry. Related fields are the theory of moment problems, convex optimization, the theory of quadratic forms, valuation theory and model theory.
Timeline of real algebra and real algebraic geometry
- S. Akbulut and H.C. King, Topology of real algebraic sets, MSRI Pub, 25. Springer-Verlag, New York (1992) ISBN 0-387-97744-9
- Bochnak, Jacek; Coste, Michel; Roy, Marie-Françoise. Real Algebraic Geometry. Translated from the 1987 French original. Revised by the authors. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas (3)], 36. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. x+430 pp. ISBN 3-540-64663-9
- Basu, Saugata; Pollack, Richard; Roy, Marie-Françoise Algorithms in real algebraic geometry. Second edition. Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 10. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006. x+662 pp. ISBN 978-3-540-33098-1; 3-540-33098-4
- Marshall, Murray Positive polynomials and sums of squares. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 146. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2008. xii+187 pp. ISBN 978-0-8218-4402-1; 0-8218-4402-4
- ^ van den Dries, L. (1998). Tame topology and o-minimal structures. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. Vol. 248. Cambridge University Press. p. 31. Zbl 0953.03045.
- ^ Khovanskii, A. G. (1991). Fewnomials. Translations of Mathematical Monographs. Vol. 88. Translated from the Russian by Smilka Zdravkovska. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-4547-0. Zbl 0728.12002.
- ^ Joseph B. J. Fourier, Solution d'une question particuliére du calcul des inégalités. Bull. sci. Soc. Philomn. Paris 99–100. OEuvres 2, 315–319.
- ^ Dines, Lloyd L. (1919). "Systems of linear inequalities". Annals of Mathematics. (2). 20 (3): 191–199. doi:10.2307/1967869. JSTOR 1967869.
- ^ Theodore Motzkin, Beiträge zur Theorie der linearen Ungleichungen. IV+ 76 S. Diss., Basel (1936).
- ^ Jacques Charles François Sturm, Mémoires divers présentés par des savants étrangers 6, pp. 273–318 (1835).
- ^ Charles Hermite, Sur le Nombre des Racines d’une Équation Algébrique Comprise Entre des Limites Données, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, vol. 52, pp. 39–51 (1856).
- ^ C. G. A. Harnack Über Vieltheiligkeit der ebenen algebraischen Curven, Mathematische Annalen 10 (1876), 189–199
- ^ I. G. Petrovski˘ı and O. A. Ole˘ınik, On the topology of real algebraic surfaces, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser.Mat. 13, (1949). 389–402
- ^ John Milnor, On the Betti numbers of real varieties, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15 (1964), 275–280.
- ^ René Thom, Sur l’homologie des vari´et´es algebriques r´eelles, in: S. S. Cairns (ed.), Differential and Combinatorial Topology, pp. 255–265, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1965.
- ^ Basu, Saugata (1999). "On bounding the Betti numbers and computing the Euler characteristic of semi-algebraic sets". Discrete & Computational Geometry. 22 (1): 1–18. doi:10.1007/PL00009443. hdl:2027.42/42421. S2CID 7023328.
- ^ Hilbert, David (1888). "Uber die Darstellung definiter Formen als Summe von Formenquadraten". Mathematische Annalen. 32 (3): 342–350. doi:10.1007/BF01443605. S2CID 177804714.
- ^ Farkas, Julius. "Über die Theorie der Einfachen Ungleichungen". Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 124: 1–27.
- ^ Comessatti, Annibale (1914). "Sulla connessione delle superfizie razionali reali". Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 23 (3): 215–283. doi:10.1007/BF02419577. S2CID 121297483.
- ^ Lipót Fejér, ¨Uber trigonometrische Polynome, J. Reine Angew. Math. 146 (1916), 53–82.
- ^ Frigyes Riesz and Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Functional Analysis, Frederick Ungar Publ. Co., New York, 1955.
- ^ Artin, Emil (1927). "Uber die Zerlegung definiter Funktionen in Quadrate". Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg. 5: 85–99. doi:10.1007/BF02952512. S2CID 122881707.
- ^ Krull, Wolfgang (1932). "Allgemeine Bewertungstheorie". Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 1932 (167): 160–196. doi:10.1515/crll.1932.167.160. S2CID 199547002.
- ^ Baer, Reinhold (1927), "Über nicht-archimedisch geordnete Körper", Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 8: 3–13
- ^ George Pólya, Über positive Darstellung von Polynomen Vierteljschr, Naturforsch. Ges. Zürich 73 (1928) 141–145, in: R.P. Boas (Ed.), Collected Papers Vol. 2, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974, pp. 309–313
- ^ B. L. van der Waerden, Topologische Begründung des Kalküls der abzählenden Geometrie. Math. Ann. 102, 337–362 (1929).
- ^ Alfred Tarski, A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry, Rand. Corp.. 1948; UC Press, Berkeley, 1951, Announced in : Ann. Soc. Pol. Math. 9 (1930, published 1931) 206–7; and in Fund. Math. 17 (1931) 210–239.
- ^ Abraham Seidenberg, A new decision method for elementary algebra, Annals of Mathematics 60 (1954), 365–374.
- ^ Herbert Seifert, Algebraische approximation von Mannigfaltigkeiten, Mathematische Zeitschrift 41 (1936), 1–17
- ^ Selman Akbulut and Henry C. King, Submanifolds and homology of nonsingular real algebraic varieties, American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 107, no. 1 (Feb., 1985) p.72
- ^ Stone, Marshall (1940). "A general theory of spectra. I." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 26 (4): 280–283. Bibcode:1940PNAS...26..280S. doi:10.1073/pnas.26.4.280. PMC 1078172. PMID 16588355.
- ^ Kadison, Richard V. (1951), "A representation theory for commutative topological algebra", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 7: 39 pp, MR 0044040
- ^ Dubois, Donald W. (1967). "A note on David Harrison's theory of preprimes". Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 21: 15–19. doi:10.2140/pjm.1967.21.15. MR 0209200. S2CID 120262803.
- ^ Mihai Putinar, Positive polynomials on compact semi-algebraic sets. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 42 (1993), no. 3, 969–984.
- ^ T. Jacobi, A representation theorem for certain partially ordered commutative rings. Mathematische Zeitschrift 237 (2001), no. 2, 259–273.
- ^ Nash, John (1952). "Real algebraic manifolds". Annals of Mathematics. 56 (3): 405–421. doi:10.2307/1969649. JSTOR 1969649.
- ^ Birkhoff, Garrett; Pierce, Richard Scott (1956). "Lattice ordered rings". Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 28: 41–69.
- ^ Mahé, Louis (1984). "On the Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture". Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 14 (4): 983–985. doi:10.1216/RMJ-1984-14-4-983. MR 0773148.
- ^ Krivine, J.-L. (1964). "Anneaux préordonnés" (PDF). Journal d'Analyse Mathématique. 12: 307–326. doi:10.1007/BF02807438.
- ^ G. Stengle, A nullstellensatz and a positivstellensatz in semialgebraic geometry. Math. Ann. 207 (1974), 87–97.
- ^ S. Lang, Algebra. Addison–Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass. 1965 xvii+508 pp.
- ^ S. Lojasiewicz, Triangulation of semi-analytic sets, Ann. Scu. Norm. di Pisa, 18 (1964), 449–474.
- ^ Heisuke Hironaka, Resolution of singularities of an algebraic variety over a field of characteristic zero. I, Annals of Mathematics (2) 79 (1): (1964) 109–203, and part II, pp. 205–326.
- ^ Hassler Whitney, Local properties of analytic varieties, Differential and combinatorial topology (ed. S. Cairns), Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton N.J. (1965), 205–244.
- ^ Theodore S. Motzkin, The arithmetic-geometric inequality. 1967 Inequalities (Proc. Sympos. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1965) pp. 205–224 MR0223521.
- ^ "Proof of Gudkov's hypothesis". V. A. Rokhlin. Functional Analysis and Its Applications, volume 6, pp. 136–138 (1972)
- ^ Alberto Tognoli, Su una congettura di Nash, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 27, 167–185 (1973).
- ^ George E. Collins, "Quantifier elimination for real closed fields by cylindrical algebraic decomposition", Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 33, 134–183, 1975 MR0403962.
- ^ Jean-Louis Verdier, Stratifications de Whitney et théorème de Bertini-Sard, Inventiones Mathematicae 36, 295–312 (1976).
- ^ Marie-Françoise Coste-Roy, Michel Coste, Topologies for real algebraic geometry. Topos theoretic methods in geometry, pp. 37–100, Various Publ. Ser., 30, Aarhus Univ., Aarhus, 1979.
- ^ Oleg Ya. Viro, Gluing of plane real algebraic curves and constructions of curves of degrees 6 and 7. In Topology (Leningrad, 1982), volume 1060 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 187–200. Springer, Berlin, 1984
- ^ Viro, Oleg Ya. (1980). "Кривые степени 7, кривые степени 8 и гипотеза Рэгсдейл" [Curves of degree 7, curves of degree 8 and the hypothesis of Ragsdale]. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 254 (6): 1306–1309. Translated in "Curves of degree 7, curves of degree 8 and Ragsdale's conjecture". Soviet Mathematics - Doklady. 22: 566–570. 1980. Zbl 0422.14032.
- ^ Itenberg, Ilia; Mikhalkin, Grigory; Shustin, Eugenii (2007). Tropical algebraic geometry. Oberwolfach Seminars. Vol. 35. Basel: Birkhäuser. pp. 34–35. ISBN 978-3-7643-8309-1. Zbl 1162.14300.
- ^ Mikhalkin, Grigory (2005). "Enumerative tropical algebraic geometry in ". Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 18: 313–377. doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-05-00477-7.
- ^ Selman Akbulut and Henry C. King, The topology of real algebraic sets with isolated singularities, Annals of Mathematics 113 (1981), 425–446.
- ^ Selman Akbulut and Henry C. King, All knots are algebraic, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 56, Fasc. 3 (1981), 339–351.
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King, Real algebraic structures on topological spaces, Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 53 (1981), 79–162.
- ^ S. Akbulut and L. Taylor, A topological resolution theorem, Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 53 (1981), 163–196.
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King, The topology of real algebraic sets, L'Enseignement Mathématique 29 (1983), 221–261.
- ^ Selman Akbulut and Henry C. King, Topology of real algebraic sets, MSRI Pub, 25. Springer-Verlag, New York (1992) ISBN 0-387-97744-9
- ^ Coste, Michel; Kurdyka, Krzysztof (1992). "On the link of a stratum in a real algebraic set". Topology. 31 (2): 323–336. doi:10.1016/0040-9383(92)90025-d. MR 1167174.
- ^ McCrory, Clint; Parusiński, Adam (2007), "Algebraically constructible functions: real algebra and topology", Arc spaces and additive invariants in real algebraic and analytic geometry, Panoramas et Synthèses, vol. 24, Paris: Société mathématique de France, pp. 69–85, arXiv:math/0202086, MR 2409689
- ^ Bröcker, Ludwig (1984). "Minimale erzeugung von Positivbereichen". Geometriae Dedicata (in German). 16 (3): 335–350. doi:10.1007/bf00147875. MR 0765338. S2CID 117475206.
- ^ C. Scheiderer, Stability index of real varieties. Inventiones Mathematicae 97 (1989), no. 3, 467–483.
- ^ R. Benedetti and M. Dedo, Counterexamples to representing homology classes by real algebraic subvarieties up to homeomorphism, Compositio Mathematica, 53, (1984), 143–151.
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King, All compact manifolds are homeomorphic to totally algebraic real algebraic sets, Comment. Math. Helv. 66 (1991) 139–149.
- ^ K. Schmüdgen, The K-moment problem for compact semi-algebraic sets. Math. Ann. 289 (1991), no. 2, 203–206.
- ^ T. Wörmann Strikt Positive Polynome in der Semialgebraischen Geometrie, Univ. Dortmund 1998.
- ^ B. Reznick, Uniform denominators in Hilbert's seventeenth problem. Math. Z. 220 (1995), no. 1, 75–97.
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King On approximating submanifolds by algebraic sets and a solution to the Nash conjecture, Inventiones Mathematicae 107 (1992), 87–98
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King, Algebraicity of Immersions, Topology, vol. 31, no. 4, (1992), 701–712.
- ^ R. Benedetti and A. Marin, Déchirures de variétés de dimension trois ...., Comment. Math. Helv. 67 (1992), 514–545.
- ^ E. Bierstone and P.D. Milman, Canonical desingularization in characteristic zero by blowing up the maximum strata of a local invariant, Inventiones Mathematicae 128 (2) (1997) 207–302.
- ^ G. Mikhalkin, Blow up equivalence of smooth closed manifolds, Topology, 36 (1997) 287–299
- ^ János Kollár, The Nash conjecture for algebraic threefolds, ERA of AMS 4 (1998) 63–73
- ^ C. Scheiderer, Sums of squares of regular functions on real algebraic varieties. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 352 (2000), no. 3, 1039–1069.
- ^ C. Scheiderer, Sums of squares on real algebraic curves, Mathematische Zeitschrift 245 (2003), no. 4, 725–760.
- ^ C. Scheiderer, Sums of squares on real algebraic surfaces. Manuscripta Mathematica 119 (2006), no. 4, 395–410.
- ^ János Kollár, The Nash conjecture for nonprojective threefolds, arXiv:math/0009108v1
- ^ J.-Y. Welschinger, Invariants of real rational symplectic 4-manifolds and lower bounds in real enumerative geometry, Inventiones Mathematicae 162 (2005), no. 1, 195–234. Zbl 1082.14052
- ^ S. Akbulut and H.C. King, Transcendental submanifolds of RPn Comment. Math. Helv., 80, (2005), 427–432
- ^ S. Akbulut, Real algebraic structures, Proceedings of GGT, (2005) 49–58, arXiv:math/0601105v3.