
Symmetric set - Wikipedia

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In mathematics, a nonempty subset S of a group G is said to be symmetric if it contains the inverses of all of its elements.

In set notation a subset {\displaystyle S} of a group {\displaystyle G} is called symmetric if whenever {\displaystyle s\in S} then the inverse of {\displaystyle s} also belongs to {\displaystyle S.} So if {\displaystyle G} is written multiplicatively then {\displaystyle S} is symmetric if and only if {\displaystyle S=S^{-1}} where {\displaystyle S^{-1}:=\left\{s^{-1}:s\in S\right\}.} If {\displaystyle G} is written additively then {\displaystyle S} is symmetric if and only if {\displaystyle S=-S} where {\displaystyle -S:=\{-s:s\in S\}.}

If {\displaystyle S} is a subset of a vector space then {\displaystyle S} is said to be a symmetric set if it is symmetric with respect to the additive group structure of the vector space; that is, if {\displaystyle S=-S,} which happens if and only if {\displaystyle -S\subseteq S.} The symmetric hull of a subset {\displaystyle S} is the smallest symmetric set containing {\displaystyle S,} and it is equal to {\displaystyle S\cup -S.} The largest symmetric set contained in {\displaystyle S} is {\displaystyle S\cap -S.}

Sufficient conditions


Arbitrary unions and intersections of symmetric sets are symmetric.

Any vector subspace in a vector space is a symmetric set.

In {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ,} examples of symmetric sets are intervals of the type {\displaystyle (-k,k)} with {\displaystyle k>0,} and the sets {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } and {\displaystyle (-1,1).}

If {\displaystyle S} is any subset of a group, then {\displaystyle S\cup S^{-1}} and {\displaystyle S\cap S^{-1}} are symmetric sets.

Any balanced subset of a real or complex vector space is symmetric.

This article incorporates material from symmetric set on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.