
Template:Infobox election - Wikipedia

  • ️Tue Nov 05 2024

Name given to the election.

2012 United States Senate election in Nevada
Auto value

Country where the election took place.

StringoptionalFlag yearflag_year

For historical elections when an older flag design was in effect, enter the year the flag came into effect (not the election year).

current flag
StringoptionalFlag imageflag_image

For non-country elections, specify the full name of the flag, coat-of-arms, or seal image to display.


The type of election. Must be one of five: presidential, primary, legislative, parliamentary or by-election. The type "Presidential" lists nominee's names; legislative will not. Legislative after the election will display majority and minority party, rather than first and second party.

'presidential', 'primary', 'legislative', 'parliamentary', 'by-election'
Auto value
StringoptionalVote typevote_type

The type of votes recorded at popular_voten


Must be either 'yes' or 'no', whether the election is yet to take place, or completed. 'no' means the election has concluded and results have been declared; 'yes' means the election has yet to occur and be called.

'no', 'yes'
StringoptionalShow party colours?party_colour party_color

To turn off the party colours enter 'no'.

StringoptionalLink to parties?party_name

To turn off linking to the parties, enter 'no'.

StringoptionalLink to alliances?alliance_name

To turn off linking to the alliances, enter 'no'.

StringoptionalPrevious electionprevious_election

The page name of the last election of this type.

2000 United States presidential election
Page nameoptionalPrevious yearprevious_year

The year the last election of this type took place.

NumberoptionalOutgoing membersoutgoing_members

The page name of the legislative term (typically including a list of members) serving between the previous election and this election. Can either be a page title or a wiki link.

StringoptionalElection dateelection_date

Date of election - use {{Start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}.

{{Start date|2020|11|03}}
TemplatesuggestedElected memberselected_members

The page name of the legislative term (typically including a list of members) serving between this election and the next election. Can either be a page title or a wiki link.

StringoptionalNext electionnext_election

The page name of the next election of this type. If red link (it doesn't exist), then it will appear unlinked.

2008 United States presidential election
Page nameoptionalNext yearnext_year

The year the next election of this type took place.

NumberoptionalVotes for electionvotes_for_election

The number of votes for election and the system of voting (eg. Electoral College).

All [[List of United States presidential electors, 2004|538 electoral votes]] of the [[Electoral College (United States)|Electoral College]]
ContentoptionalNeeded votesneeded_votes

The number of votes required to win. If there is an even number of votes, use the number that is said by the media.

270 electoral
StringoptionalSeats for electionseats_for_election

The number of seats for election and the house or chamber the seats are for.

NumberoptionalMajority seatsmajority_seats

The number of seats required for a majority government. If there is an even number of seats in the house or chamber, use the number that is said by the media.

NumberoptionalOpinion pollsopinion_polls

Pagename or section anchor of opinion polls.


no description


Voter turnout for this election.

StringoptionalPercent of votes countedvotes_counted

Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting, or declared. Do not include percentage (%) sign.

LineoptionalPercent reportingreporting

Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting, or declared. Do not include percentage (%) sign.

LineoptionalPercent votes declareddeclared

Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting, or declared. Do not include percentage (%) sign.


no description

UnknownoptionalLast updatelast_update

no description

DateoptionalTime zonetime_zone

Time zone of the time given in the ''last_update'' field. Must be linked as normal similar to an article [[Greenwich mean time|GMT]](e.g. )

[[Greenwich mean time|GMT]]
LineoptionalImage sizeimage_size

Size for images. Can be overridden by image(n)_size

LineoptionalImage uprightimage_upright

Upright for imagen. See WP:UPRIGHT. Can be overridden by imagen_upright


no description


no description

StringdeprecatedImage 1image1

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour1 or party1 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 1 sizeimage1_size

Size for image 1. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 1 uprightimage1_upright

Upright for image1. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 1colour1 color1

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image1. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 1nominee1

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 1candidate1

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 1leader1

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 1party1

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 1alliance1

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 1home_state1

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 1running_mate1

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalElectoral vote 1electoral_vote1

The electoral votes obtained by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

StringoptionalProjected electoral vote 1projected_vote1

The electoral votes projected for the Nominee.

StringoptionalDelegate count 1delegate_count1

The aggregate number of delegates obtained by the candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different candidates at the same time. Intended for use in pre-election processes such as selection of delegates to United States presidential nominating conventions. Intended to be used instead of electoral_vote1 for these cases.

StringoptionalStates carried 1states_carried1

The states carried or won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

StringoptionalDistricts won 1districts_won1

The number of districts won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.


no description


no description

UnknownoptionalLeader since 1leader_since1

The date the Leader took office. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalLeaders seat 1leaders_seat1

The seat the Leader represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalLast election 1last_election1

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 1seats_before1

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 1seats_needed1

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 1seats1

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 1seats_after1

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 1seat_change1

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSwing 1swing1

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 1popular_vote1

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 1percentage1

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalImage 2image2

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour1 or party1 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 2 sizeimage2_size

Size for image 2. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 2 uprightimage2_upright

Upright for image2. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 2colour2 color2

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image2. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 2nominee2

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 2candidate2

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 2leader2

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 2party2

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 2alliance2

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 2home_state2

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 2running_mate2

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[John Edwards]]
LineoptionalElectoral vote 2electoral_vote2

The electoral votes obtained by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

StringoptionalProjected electoral vote 2projected_vote2

The electoral votes projected for the Nominee.

StringoptionalDelegate count 2delegate_count2

The aggregate number of delegates obtained by the candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different candidates at the same time. Intended for use in pre-election processes such as selection of delegates to United States presidential nominating conventions. Intended to be used instead of electoral_vote1 for these cases.

StringoptionalStates carried 2states_carried2

The states carried or won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

StringoptionalDistricts won 2districts_won2

The number of districts won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.


no description


no description

UnknownoptionalLeader since 2leader_since2

The date the Leader took office. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalLeaders seat 2leaders_seat2

The seat the Leader represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalLast election 2last_election2

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 2seats_before2

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 2seats_needed2

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 2seats2

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 2seats_after2

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 2seat_change2

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 2popular_vote2

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 2percentage2

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 2swing2

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 datepoll1_date

The date of an opinion poll. The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 sourcepoll1_source

The source or URL of the opinion poll. The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 nominee 1poll1_nominee1

The percentage poll 1 gave to nominee 1. When appropriate, poll1_candidate1 can be used instead. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The nominee or candidate number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 nominee 2poll1_nominee2

The percentage poll 1 gave to nominee 2. When appropriate, poll1_candidate2 can be used instead. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The nominee or candidate number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 party 1poll1_party1

The percentage poll 1 gave to party 1. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The party number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

StringoptionalPoll 1 party 2poll1_party2

The percentage poll 1 gave to party 2. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The party number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

Stringoptional1 blank1blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional1 data 11data1

Data 1 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 21data2

Data 1 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 blank2blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional2 data 12data1

Data 2 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 22data2

Data 2 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 blank3blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional3 data 13data1

Data 3 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 23data2

Data 3 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalMap imagemap_image

Page name for the election map file.

Page nameoptionalMap sizemap_size

Size of image of the election map to be displayed.

LineoptionalMap altmap_alt

Alt text for the election map.


A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.

ContentoptionalMap captionmap_caption

Caption on image of the election map to be displayed.

StringoptionalMap 2 imagemap2_image

Page name for the election map 2 file.

Page nameoptionalMap 2 sizemap2_size

Size of image of the election map 2 to be displayed.

LineoptionalMap 2 altmap2_alt

Alt text for the election map.

StringoptionalMap 2map2

A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.

ContentoptionalMap 2 captionmap2_caption

Caption on image of the election map 2 to be displayed.

StringoptionalMap 3 imagemap3_image

Page name for the election map 3 file.

Page nameoptionalMap 3 sizemap3_size

Size of image of the election map 3 to be displayed.

LineoptionalMap 3 altmap3_alt

Alt text for the election map.

StringoptionalMap 3map3

A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.

ContentoptionalMap 3 captionmap3_caption

Caption on image of the election map 3 to be displayed.

StringoptionalMap 4 imagemap4_image

Page name for the election map 4 file.

Page nameoptionalMap 4 sizemap4_size

Size of image of the election map 4 to be displayed.

LineoptionalMap 4 altmap4_alt

Alt text for the election map.

StringoptionalMap 4map4

A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.

ContentoptionalMap 4 captionmap4_caption

Caption on image of the election map 4 to be displayed.


Title of the leader before the election. (President, Speaker, Government, Prime Minister).

StringoptionalBefore electionbefore_election

The leader in power before the election, labeled incumbent if the election is yet to take place.

StringoptionalBefore partybefore_party

The party in power before the election. This can be set to 'Acting (law)' (which will display as 'Acting') if necessary.


Title of the victor of the election (President-elect, Prime Minister-designate), only if different than before.

StringoptionalAfter electionafter_election

The leader in power as a result of the election. If an election is annulled, it should be noted Election results annulled or other equivalent and the acting office holder should be denoted in small text on the line below it.

StringoptionalAfter partyafter_party

The party in power as a result of the election.

StringoptionalImage 3image3

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour3 or party3 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 3 sizeimage3_size

Size for image 3. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 3 uprightimage3_upright

Upright for image3. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 3colour3 color3

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image3. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 3nominee3

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate3 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 3candidate3

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 3leader3

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 3party3

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 3alliance3

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 3home_state3

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 3running_mate3

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 3last_election3

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 3seats_before3

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 3seats_needed3

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 3seats3

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 3seats_after3

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 3seat_change3

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 3popular_vote3

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 3percentage3

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 3swing3

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 4 sizeimage4_size

Size for image 4. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 4image4

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour4 or party4 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 4 uprightimage4_upright

Upright for image4. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 4colour4 color4

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image4. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 4nominee4

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate4 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 4candidate4

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 4leader4

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 4party4

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 4alliance4

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 4home_state4

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 4running_mate4

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 4last_election4

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 4seats_before4

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 4seats_needed4

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 4seats4

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 4seats_after4

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 4seat_change4

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 4popular_vote4

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 4percentage4

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 4swing4

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 5image5

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour5 or party5 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 5 sizeimage5_size

Size for image 5. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 5 uprightimage5_upright

Upright for image5. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 5colour5 color5

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image5. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 5nominee5

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate5 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 5candidate5

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 5leader5

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 5party5

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 5alliance5

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 5home_state5

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 5running_mate5

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 5last_election5

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 5seats_before5

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 5seats_needed5

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 5seats5

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 5seats_after5

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 5seat_change5

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 5popular_vote5

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 5percentage5

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 5swing5

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 6image6

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour6 or party6 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 6 sizeimage6_size

Size for image 6. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 6 uprightimage6_upright

Upright for image6. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 6colour6 color6

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image6. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 6nominee6

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate6 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 6candidate6

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 6leader6

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 6party6

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 6alliance6

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 6home_state6

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 6running_mate6

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 6last_election6

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 6seats_before6

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 6seats_needed6

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 6seats6

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 6seats_after6

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 6seat_change6

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 6popular_vote6

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 6percentage6

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 6swing6

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 7image7

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour7 or party7 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 7 sizeimage7_size

Size for image 7. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 7 uprightimage7_upright

Upright for image7. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 7colour7 color7

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image7. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 7nominee7

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate7 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 7candidate7

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 7leader7

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 7party7

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 7alliance7

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 7home_state7

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 7running_mate7

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 7last_election7

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 7seats_before7

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 7seats_needed7

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 7seats7

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 7seats_after7

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 7seat_change7

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 7popular_vote7

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 7percentage7

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 7swing7

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 8image8

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour8 or party8 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 8 sizeimage8_size

Size for image 8. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 8 uprightimage8_upright

Upright for image8. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 8colour8 color8

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image8. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 8nominee8

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate8 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 8candidate8

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 8leader8

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 8party8

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 8alliance8

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 8home_state8

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 8running_mate8

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 8last_election8

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 8seats_before8

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 8seats_needed8

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 8seats8

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 8seats_after8

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 8seat_change8

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 8popular_vote8

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 8percentage8

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 8swing8

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalImage 9image9

Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour9 or party9 must be entered.

Page nameoptionalImage 9 sizeimage9_size

Size for image 9. Overrides image_size

LineoptionalImage 9 uprightimage9_upright

Upright for image9. See WP:UPRIGHT. Overrides image_upright

StringoptionalColour 9colour9 color9

Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image9. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.

StringoptionalNominee 9nominee9

Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate9 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalCandidate 9candidate9

Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.

StringoptionalLeader 9leader9

Name of head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalParty 9party9

Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalAlliance 9alliance9

Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.

StringoptionalHome state 9home_state9

The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

LineoptionalRunning mate 9running_mate9

The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.

[[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
LineoptionalLast election 9last_election9

The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats before 9seats_before9

The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats needed 9seats_needed9

The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats 9seats9

The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeats after 9seats_after9

The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalSeat change 9seat_change9

The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPopular vote 9popular_vote9

The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

StringoptionalPercentage 9percentage9

The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

LineoptionalSwing 9swing9

The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 blank4blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional4 data 14data1

Data 4 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 24data2

Data 4 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 blank5blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional5 data 15data1

Data 5 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 25data2

Data 5 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 blank6blank

Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.

Stringoptional6 data 16data1

Data 6 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 26data2

Data 6 for nominee or party 2. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 31data3

Data 1 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 41data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 51data5

Data 1 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 61data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 71data7

Data 1 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 81data8

Data 1 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional1 data 91data9

Data 1 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 32data3

Data 2 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 42data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 52data5

Data 2 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 62data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 72data7

Data 2 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 82data8

Data 2 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional2 data 92data9

Data 2 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 33data3

Data 3 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 43data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 53data5

Data 3 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 63data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 73data7

Data 3 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 83data8

Data 3 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional3 data 93data9

Data 3 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 34data3

Data 4 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 44data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 54data5

Data 4 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 64data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 74data7

Data 4 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 84data8

Data 4 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional4 data 94data9

Data 4 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 35data3

Data 5 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 45data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 55data5

Data 5 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 65data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 75data7

Data 5 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 85data8

Data 5 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional5 data 95data9

Data 5 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 36data3

Data 6 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 46data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 56data5

Data 6 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 66data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 76data7

Data 6 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 86data8

Data 6 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional6 data 96data9

Data 6 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 37data3

Data 7 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 47data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 57data5

Data 7 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 67data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 77data7

Data 7 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 87data8

Data 7 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional7 data 97data9

Data 7 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 38data3

Data 8 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 48data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 58data5

Data 8 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 68data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 78data7

Data 8 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 88data8

Data 8 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional8 data 98data9

Data 8 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 39data3

Data 9 for nominee or party 3. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 49data4

Data 4 for nominee or party 4. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 59data5

Data 9 for nominee or party 5. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 69data6

Data 6 for nominee or party 6. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 79data7

Data 9 for nominee or party 7. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 89data8

Data 9 for nominee or party 8. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.

Stringoptional9 data 99data9

Data 9 for nominee or party 9. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.


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