
Todote - Wikipedia

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Todote is the Samoyed god of evil and death, identified with the Turkic god Erlik. He lives underground and has his servant-demons Amuke bring him people to consume. The other gods (supreme), Nga (god) and Dia-menyuo, who weaves the book of destines, decide who he will eat. Some versions of myth claim that the two are parents of Todote. It was believed that a person died when Todote blew his breath into a person. [1]

  1. ^ Kistova, Anastasia V.; Pimenova, Natalia N.; Reznikova, Ksenia V.; Sitnikova, Alexandra A.; Kolesnik, Maria A.; Khudonogova, Anastasia E. (2019). "Religion of Dolgans, Nganasans, Nenets and Enets". Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 12 (5): 791–811. ISSN 1997-1370.