User:Ash - Wikipedia
1 April 2010
After a disturbing personal attack and sustained wikihounding, I have decided that I do not wish to be a target for further abuse.
As these events have distressed others more than myself I am forced to break with my history of 23,000 edits. I may continue to check this account in order to support remaining dispute resolution processes or related policy discussion.
Up until recent weeks, my years on Wikipedia had been an enjoyable experience of collaborating with others on a wide range of topics, heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped me in the past.
Committed identity: 1e56866a3822ba95c19f035ecd4efb7a1a2ab385e5ec16aa8c82556c25928557767590a976a63ed32d21f9a75daa7147d248b9aea22c05bc6965f3c3ca25b940 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.