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Transforming Agriculture with IoT – Crop Monitoring and Precision Farming


The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in agriculture has brought about a significant transformation in farming practices. By leveraging IoT, farmers can achieve higher efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. This wiki will delve into the purpose, applications, principles, and characteristics of IoT systems in crop monitoring and precision farming, and provide an evaluation of key devices used in these sectors.

Purpose and Applications


Purpose of Crop Monitoring


The key purpose of using IoT in crop monitoring is to collect data specific to crop farming to monitor the overall crop growth and to identify any diseases or infestations that can harm the field. Farmers can use these data to make decisions about irrigation, fertilization and pest control there by it reduces the crop yields, resource optimization and reduce waste.

Applications of Crop Monitoring


Soil moisture sensors


The moisture of soil is an essential metric to check. The soil moisture sensors are one of the sensors which used to measure the volumetric content of water in the soil (moisture level).

Example: Decagon Devices 5TE Soil Moisture Sensors, Teros 12 Soil Moisture Sensors, Aqua Spy Soil Moisture Sensors etc.

This IoT application play a big role in crop growth and development. Weather stations provide accurate real time weather data gather from weather stations to farmers. So, farmers can make decisions easily about pest controls, harvestings etc. there are sensors that measure temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and solar radiation.

Example: Dais Vantage Pro2, Netatmo Smart Weather Station, Pessl Instruments METOS Weather Stations etc.

Disease detection systems


This system includes sensors and cameras that detect the presence of plant diseases. They find the disease trough identifying the changes in plant colors, shape and obvious growth.

Examples: Trapview Automated Pest Monitoring, AgriSense IoT Disease Detection, e-Nose Technology etc.

Automated irrigations systems


Automated irrigation systems use to operate the irrigation structures. The change of flow of water from bays can occur because of the unproper irrigator. So, in this system automate the start and stop irrigation through supply channel outlets, start and stop the pumps and cut the flow of the water in one irrigation area processes are automated in these systems.

Example: Rain Bird Smart Irrigation System, Hydrawise Smart Irrigation Controllers, JAIN Logic Automated Irrigation etc.

Purpose of Precision Farming


The key purpose of using IoT in precision farming is allowing farmers to control the exact number of fertilizers, herbicides and chemicals needed for the field. To optimize the use of water, fuel and electricity and reduce the waste can be done by using IoT in this precision farming.

Applications of Precision Farming


Environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring used to monitor crops, soil health, water quality and weather conditions which means air quality, humidity, temperature and the weather prediction. It measures the parameters such as wind speed, light intensity etc.

Example: Libelium Smart Agriculture Solutions, Pessl Instruments iMETOS, Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 etc.

Remote monitoring and control

Remote monitoring and controlling application are to remotely monitor the fields, machines used for farming, health of crop trough a mobile app or through a website which update on time in every data.

Example: Farmobile PUC, John Deere Operations Center, CropX Farm Management System etc.

Smart greenhouse

Because of IoT there are smart greenhouses now. In smart greenhouses weather stations are enable. Because of that it automatically adjusts the climate conditions according to the instructions. Because of smart greenhouse, the human interactions are lot eliminated also make entire process cost effective and accurate in same time.

Example: Priva Climate Control, Autogrow IntelliClimate, Argus Control Systems etc.

Field mapping and crop scouting

Trough this application, it creates detailed maps of agriculture fields and do regular inspecting fields to monitor crop health, detect pests and diseases and the growth stages. Mapping use various GPS, drones, sensors and data analytics to gather and to process the information’s. crop scouting use also use sensors, drones and mobile apps to automate the process.

Example: John Deere Field Connect, DroneDeploy, Ag Leader SMS Software etc.

Principles and Characteristics


Principles of Crop Monitoring


IoT principles are applied in crop monitoring surrounded with several key guidelines that ensure the effective data gathering and analysis which helps to enhance the processes in crop monitoring. here are the basic key IoT principles that use in crop monitoring.


Devices, sensors, software’s and systems that use in crop monitoring network are able to connect and communicate with other devices, sensors, software’s and systems effortlessly. These IoT devices have seamless integration. And use these IoT technology according to standard communication protocols such as LoRa, Zigbee etc.


When devices, sensors they do exchange data. Then this technology needs to protect and secure the data when storing when exchanging when sharing. from data encrypting it ensures data is encrypted both in transit and at rest to protect against any unauthorized accesses.

  Context awareness

Context awareness principle is something like understanding the environment and then make adaptive the developing system to the given context. IoT technology should be aware of the environmental context such as the weather condition and soil types etc. to provide a very suitable data and insights.

  Energy efficiency

Lots of devices operate on battery or have limited energy resources. IoT devices, systems and sensors design to operate efficiently, particularly important for battery operated sensors in remote locations. They have low power consumption.


Providing a clear, simple and easy to use interfaces for farmers to interact with systems, monitor the conditions are must. Having automated alert system to send notifications to farmer to inform any emergency issues, notify alerts to inform farmers about critical conditions that needs faster actions is leads to a good usability of the IoT systems.

Characteristics of Crop Monitoring


Crop monitoring involves a good observation and data collection of crop health to optimize and improve the yields. From IoT leveraging good observations and data collections are can do automatically and better than before.

  Security, risks and threats

Data that collected from sensors and devices in the field is encrypted. It protects sensitive data such as crop health, environmental conditions, harvest amount etc. from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Only authorized people can access to the devices, systems and to sensitive data and to IoT network. From secure login, control policies ensuring the legitimate interact with system.

  Legal and Regulatory compliance

IoT has adhering to legal and regulatory compliance. In IoT technology, they ensure the data collection and processing are comply with according to the data privacy regulations. Such as GDPR, CCPA. It includes obtaining in data is used transparently.

  Time controlled data exchange

Crop monitoring needs to continuous monitoring of the crop conditions, soil health and weather conditions. Real time adjustments of farming are had to do, such as irrigation and fertilization schedules because of the continuous monitoring of soil health, crop conditions etc. Also think if soil moisture drops below a certain level, an alert or a notification can be sent to initiate the irrigation. 

  Event monitoring

When event monitoring, actions are trigger based. Monitoring for specific events such as changes in soil moisture, temperature changes or pest detections. When such an event detected. Automated actions are triggered.

  Low power consumption

IoT technologies have created low power consuming sensors, devices to extend battery life and reduce the need of frequent maintenance. Implementing power management techniques, like duty cycling. Which when sensors need to transmit or exchange data at a specific time, in a specific interval not continuously.

Principles of Precision Farming


In precision farming they also use IoT technology to optimize the farming. The principles guiding precision farming to ensure that these technologies are used effectively to improve the yields, reduce waste and enhance the sustainability. Here are the basic key IoT principles use in precision farming.

  Data collection and sensing

To collect data and sensing in real time need continuous monitoring. sensors continuously collect real time data on soil moisture, temperature, humidity and in other parameters too. And because of the high qualities sensors ensures to error free measurements. So can provide reliable data for farmers without any hesitation.

  Data processing and analytics

Data processing and analyzing is done by collected data from sensors. From two ways collect data. Can collect data from the near source such as from field, from farm etc. and can collect data from the cloud platforms. If need past data to the analyses, can collect them from data bases from cloud platforms.


IoT systems are designed to handle increasing number of devices and data volumes as the farm expand as possible or need to possible to monitor additional fields. And the units, parts of the systems can easily upgrade or expand to accommodate new sensors or devices.

  Reliability and resilience

If a system is built it need to reliable and resilience for users. User can rely on the system. IoT systems are work well, operate effectively even when individual components fail.

Characteristics of Precision Farming


In precision farming, IoT characteristics play a crucial role. It helps to do the collections, transmissions and analysis of data better than before. Because of IoT special characteristics these precision farming improves their performance and efficient the tasks. Here are some key characteristics which is useful in precision farming.

  Ethical and privacy considerations

There are ethical and privacy considerations have to adhere. Protect the personal and sensitive data information of farmers and ensures that data collected from their fields is used ethically and it goes according to the protection regulations. When collecting data, farmers must know that we going to use, store and share the data they give to us. Transparency is must to have with the users.


Using IoT to apply water, fertilizers and pesticides only where needed and when needed reduces the waste and minimize any environmental issues. By IoT devices, systems energy efficient, lower the carbon that create from farming operations. Because IoT use low power sensors and renewable energy source. Such as solar panels etc.

  Social impact

IoT has significantly helps and change the way of people and their work. It gives a big impact to social. So IoT give a big impact for farmers too. IoT provides farmers with data and insights to make decision, enhancements of their knowledge and to ability manage the farm more efficiently. which leads to a better income and more yields. Increment of productivity is enhancing the food security and do a big contribution to the overall well being of the communities. Also, when using IoT, it needs to maintain and develop more.

  Economic implications

IoT helps to have economic implications. From using IoT applications, systems and sensors reduce the waste and leading to cost savings for farmers. Optimize the growth of the crop yields because IOT helps to reduce the losses from pests and diseases which resulting in higher profitability.

  Location specific trigger

In IoT devices, sensors there is a location specific trigger specialty. It applies in various moments. GPS and other location technologies identify areas which needs to collect data from different areas in farm. Which allows precise management of small plots within larger farms.

Crop Monitoring vs Precision Farming


Comparison of Purpose


  • Crop Monitoring is focuses on optimizing resource use, improving yields, and ensuring sustainability through monitoring soil, weather, and crop health.
  • Precision farming enhances farm management practices with precise, data-driven approaches for overall efficiency and productivity.

Comparison of Applications


  • In crop monitoring, Soil moisture sensors, weather stations, disease detection systems, automated irrigation systems.
  • In precision farming, Environmental monitoring, remote monitoring and control, smart greenhouses, field mapping and crop scouting.

Comparison of Principles


  • Crop monitoring principles are emphasizes connectivity, context awareness, energy efficiency, and usability.
  • Precision farming principles are focuses on data collection and sensing, data processing and analytics, scalability, reliability, and resilience.

Comparison of Characteristics


  • Crop monitoring characteristics are security risks and threats, legal and regulatory compliance, time-controlled data exchange, event monitoring, low power consumption.
  • Precision farming are ethical and privacy considerations, sustainability, social impact, economic implications, location-specific triggers.

IoT technology improves productivity, efficiency, and optimization in agriculture, which has a profoundly revolutionary effect. I will discuss the purposes, applications, principles and characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT) systems and services in this evaluation, which will include at least four distinct precision farming and crop monitoring devices. We'll also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

Soil Moisture Sensors


The purpose of using IoT in these systems is to measure the water content in soil using different types of IoT sensors which sensors will provide clear data and can optimize irrigation practices.

Inside this soil moisture sensors there are three key IoT applications using to make these systems more efficient in work. Irrigation scheduling, water conservation and crop health monitoring.

  Irrigation scheduling

The process in this application is creates the right times and amount of watering that is required in field.

  Water conservation

This process in this application is to prevents over irrigations. It means preventing over watering to crops.

  Crop health monitoring

This process in this application is to make sure that the crops get enough moisture for them to grow healthy.

There are some IoT principles that are impact on this IoT sensors to make it more optimized. By applying these IoT principles this system now works well and do better because of that. Let’s see how these principles are use.


This principle says to have great connectivity within each device, sensors. IoT sensors and devices are connected to the internet or other networks and it allows to communicate with each other and central servers or cloud platforms. And after applied this principle in these systems now through systems can transmit data to a central system or directly to farmer’s mobile phone.

  Sensing and data collection

This principle says that data is collected sooner analyzed in real time or near real time to identify actions. After applied this principle into system now when sensors sense the soil condition is in low-level sensors are automatically do a real time analysis and they start to actioned. They first send alerts to farmer and work on with the soil moisture process.

  Energy efficiency

This principle says that in many IoT devices operates on battery power or it has only limited energy resource. So, designing according to energy efficiency extend devices sensors life span. And after applied this principle into these systems now the sensors are working a long time more than before and now it doesn’t need frequent replacements too.

Apart from principles there are IoT characteristics that need to apply in IoT devices and systems or services which also will make more efficient and optimized the system. So here are main characteristics that apply in this soil moisture sensors.

  Real time monitoring



As we discussed about the soil moisture sensors. The IoT has integrate with the system in many ways. By the integration, it impacts on system optimization and also some parts of the systems have been complex. So, there are benefits and risks from the integration. Let’s see what are the benefits and risks that IoT has impact on this soil moisture sensor.

  Improved the water management.

  Increased and enhance the growth of the crop and crop yields.

  Reduces water waste leads to cost saving.

  Improves forecast accuracy because IoT facilitate predictive modelling and analysis from historical real time data.

  Notify alerts to inform farmers about critical conditions

  To implement need to invest a big amount of money.

  Required often maintenance.

  Need technical experts to work on with the system.

  Reliable on internet or network connectivity.

  Farmers aren’t good in technical side.

The purpose of using IoT in this system is to collect data, measure weather conditions and to do analyzing to predict. So IoT sensors, IoT devices and IoT analytical tools are using to give a better result and to improve the accuracy.

Inside this weather station system there are three key IoT applications using to make these systems more efficient in work. Weather forecasting, pest and disease management and crop management.

  Weather forecasting

The process in this application is to provide accurate weather forecasts for plan the agriculture activities such as when to cut the crops when to seed the crops.

  Pest and disease management

The process in this application is to predict pest and disease outbreaks based on the weather patterns and then inform about that to the farmers.

  Crop management

The process of this application is to guide the planting process and harvesting schedules.

There are some IoT principles that are impact on this IoT sensors, devices to make it more optimized. By applying these IoT principles this system now works well and do better because of that. Let’s see how these principles are use.

  Context awareness

This principle says like understanding the environment and then make adaptive the developing system to the given context. Such as be aware of the place, populations and location. So, after applied this principle to the system it analyzes environmental data to provide insights into weather conditions.


This principle says the build system is need to reliable. User can rely on the system. IoT systems are work well, operate effectively even when individual components fail. So, after applied this principle to the system tolerates any faults that happens (if the collected data on weather measurements are false then recollect data again). And to have a continuously work, IoT keeps backup systems and data paths so there won’t be any disruptions.


This principle says IoT systems are designed to handle increasing number of devices and data volumes as the farm expand as possible or need to possible to monitor additional fields. So, after applied this principle into weather station, when the farm gets expand and the if there are big amount of data to work with then the systems is expandable. System can expand until all the requirements are met.

Apart from principles there are IoT characteristics that need to apply in IoT devices and systems or services which also will make more efficient and optimized this weather station system. So here are main characteristics that apply in.

  Event monitoring

  Low power consumption


As we talked about the sensors, devices that measure weather conditions. The systems and IoT has integrate in a variety of ways. System efficiency is impacted by the integrations and also high cost. So, there are benefits and risks. Let’s examine the benefits and risks that internet of things brings for weather station.

  Improves the decision making

  Helps to mitigate the risks related to system

  Enhanced the productivity of the work

  Farmer can optimize the resource use

  Can easily adapt to climate changes

  Need to spend a high cost to install the system

  Only rely on wreathe data may lead to false predictions.

  Depend on only weather data

  Systems is complex more than before

  Need technical support

The purpose of using IoT in this system is to create a controlled environments for the plant growth and to independent f external weather conditions. From using weather measuring sensors, devices and watering devices, plan cutting devices, AI robots and using different various IoT systems helps to do all the tasks that manually do.

Inside this smart greenhouse sensors, devices and systems there are three key IoT applications using to make these systems more efficient in work. Climate control, resource management and crop monitoring.

  Climate control

The process in this application is its automated management of temperature, humidity and light levels.

  Resource management

The process in this application is it efficient the use of water, nutrients and energy.

  Crop monitoring

The process of this application is to continuously monitor the plants health and growth conditions.

There are some IoT principles that are impact on this IoT sensors, devices and systems to make it more optimized. By applying these IoT principles this smart greenhouse system now works well and do better because of that. Let’s see how these principles are use.


This principle says to have great connectivity within each device, sensors. IoT sensors and devices are connected to the internet or other networks and it allows to communicate with each other and central servers or cloud platforms. After applied this principle to the systems farmers can control the systems for real time monitoring and automation and also can have notifications about the condition.

  Context awareness

This principle says like understanding the environment and then make adaptive the developing system to the given context. Such as be aware of the weather, soil and location. So, after applied the principle to this system can easily adjust conditions inside the green house based on different external data such as weather data and internal climate needs.


This principle says IoT systems are designed to handle increasing number of devices and data volumes as the greenhouse expand as possible or need to possible to monitor additional greenhouses. So, after applied this principle into smart greenhouse it facilitates to accommodate different crop types and sizes of greenhouses.

Apart from principles there are IoT characteristics that need to apply in IoT devices and systems or services which also will make more accurate and supportive this smart greenhouse system. So here are main characteristics that apply.


  Energy efficiency


As we talked about the IoT technology that help to greenhouse tasks. The systems and IoT has integrate in a variety of ways. System. High quality yields are impacted by the integrations and also often maintenance. So, there are benefits and risks. Let’s find out the benefits and risks that internet of things brings for smart greenhouse.

  Enable consistent crop production in every year

  Resource efficiency

  High quality yields are creating

  Human interactions are lot eliminated

  cost effective and accurate

  High initial investment



  Requires specialized knowledge

Remote monitoring and control systems


The purpose of using IoT in this system is to facilitate farmers with control on various aspects of their farming operations remotely. From using AI to do the operations, cloud computing to transmit data or store data, IoT sensors to collect data, IoT applications to send alerts and monitor tasks inside farms can do.

Inside this remote monitoring and control sensors, devices and systems there are three key IoT applications using to make these systems more efficient in work. Irrigation control, equipment management and crop health monitoring.

  Irrigation control

The process in this application is to adjusts the irrigation systems remotely based on real time data.

  Equipment management

The process in this application is do monitoring and controlling the farm machinery and other equipment’s, robots etc.

  Crop health monitoring

The process in this application is remotely observing the crop health, crop growth through checking sensors and cameras and devices.

There are some IoT principles that are impact on this IoT sensors, devices and systems to make it more optimized. By applying these IoT principles this remote monitoring and control system now works well and do better because of that. Let’s see how these principles are use.


This principle says to have great connectivity within each device, sensors. IoT sensors and devices are connected to the internet or other networks and it allows to communicate with each other and central servers or cloud platforms. After applied this principle to the system it enables to communicate between remote devices and central control systems.

  Data processing and analytics

This principle says to process and analyze the data collecting from sensors. Such as filtering, aggregating and deriving insight from the raw data. After applied this principle to this system it analyzes data from various sources to inform to control the actions.


This principle says that the ability of systems to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service where faults and challenges are had to normal operations. So, after applied this principle to the systems it helps to ensures the system robustness and recovery from disruptions.

Apart from principles there are IoT characteristics that need to apply in IoT devices and systems or services which also will make faster and more effective this remote monitoring and control systems system. So here are main characteristics that apply.



  Time controlled data

As we talked about the IoT technology that help to enable remote control and monitoring the tasks. The systems and IoT has integrate in a variety of ways. System. Operational efficiency is impacted by the integrations and also dependency on connectivity. So, there are benefits and risks. Let’s find out the benefits and risks that internet of things brings for remote monitoring and control system.

  Decrement of physical presence

  Save time and labor cost

  Provide real time data to decision making


  Farmers can manage operations from anywhere

  Dependency on connectivity

  Can have security attacks

  High cost

 Broad integration

Integrated solutions that bring together several IoT apps which ensures smooth data transfer and thorough farm management. An integrated dashboard for tracking and making decisions can be offered by integrated platforms. 

funding and financial support

Seek funding for the investments of technology in agriculture from government programs and look into loans specially designed to technological upgrades. 

Education and Training

Invest in continuing education and training programs for agricultural laborers and farmers to improve their knowledge of and ability to use IoT technologies.

 Cooperation & partnership 

To keep in a row, of the most recent developments and industry best practices in IoT applications for agriculture, cultivate partnerships with research centers, companies that provide agricultural technology, and farmer cooperatives.


Make environmentally friendly and energy-efficient technology. highlight the long term environmental and financial advantages of these approaches to promote implementations.