
User:Jarodalien - Wikipedia

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Hello everyone, I'm Jarod Alien from mainland China, mostly active at Chinese wikipedia, despite the fact I'm a translator, my English is not well, especially at written, listen and talk were better.

At Febuary 2013 (maybe March), I start to tranlate articles from English wikipedia to Chinese, at first is just something I familiar with, like movies, Academy Awards ceremonies, and US constitution. Then try and goes to wider areas, like meteorology, law, education, politics, numismatics, geography, geology, music, religion, sport, video game and military, some of those area I have abosolutely no knowledge at all, but after learn from here, from articles and there sources, I could just get the translation done.

As of May 2016, I have translated over 1000 articles, create about 830, and over 700 are featured articles (lists) or good articles.

Here's some of the featured articles I translated.

Art, architecture, and archaeology


Four Freedoms (Norman Rockwell) · Freedom from Want · Freedom of Worship (painting) · Portrait of a Lady (van der Weyden) · Portrait of a Young Girl (Christus) · The Princesse de Broglie · Statue of Liberty · Weather Machine

Biographies (art, architecture, and archaeology)


Lisa del Giocondo · James B. Longacre

Invisible rail · Oceanic whitetip shark

Biology biographies


Frances Gertrude McGill

Business, economics, and finance


Business, economics, and finance biographies


Adam Eckfeldt

Oliver Typewriter Company

1804 dollar · Alabama Centennial half dollar · Albany Charter half dollar · American Arts Commemorative Series medallions · Oliver Bosbyshell · Bridgeport, Connecticut, Centennial half dollar · Buffalo nickel · California Diamond Jubilee half dollar · California Pacific International Exposition half dollar · Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar · Cleveland Centennial half dollar · Columbian half dollar · Columbia, South Carolina, Sesquicentennial half dollar · Connecticut Tercentenary half dollar · Draped Bust dollar · Eisenhower dollar · Elgin, Illinois, Centennial half dollar · Flowing Hair dollar · Flying Eagle cent · Fort Vancouver Centennial half dollar · Franklin half dollar · Gadsden Purchase half dollar · Gobrecht dollar · Gold dollar · Grant Memorial coinage · Hawaii Sesquicentennial half dollar · Hudson Sesquicentennial half dollar · Huguenot-Walloon half dollar · Illinois Centennial half dollar · Indian Head cent · Indian Head eagle · Indian Head gold pieces · Isabella quarter · Jefferson nickel · Kennedy half dollar · Lafayette dollar · Lewis and Clark Exposition gold dollar · Lexington–Concord Sesquicentennial half dollar · Liberty Head double eagle · Liberty Head nickel · Long Island Tercentenary half dollar · Louisiana Purchase Exposition gold dollar · Louisiana Purchase Sesquicentennial half dollar · Lynchburg Sesquicentennial half dollar · Maine Centennial half dollar · Maryland Tercentenary half dollar · McKinley Birthplace Memorial gold dollar · Mercury dime · Missouri Centennial half dollar · Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar · Morgan dollar · New Rochelle 250th Anniversary half dollar · Nickel (United States coin) · Norfolk, Virginia, Bicentennial half dollar · Norse-American medal · Old Spanish Trail half dollar · Oregon Trail Memorial half dollar · Panama–Pacific commemorative coins · Peace dollar · Pilgrim Tercentenary half dollar · Rhode Island Tercentenary half dollar · Roosevelt dime · Saint-Gaudens double eagle · Sacagawea dollar · San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge half dollar · Seated Liberty dollar · Shield nickel · Standing Liberty quarter · Stone Mountain Memorial half dollar · Susan B. Anthony dollar · Three-cent nickel · Three-cent silver · Three-dollar piece · Trade dollar (United States coin) · Turban Head eagle · Twenty-cent piece (United States coin) · Two-cent piece (United States) · United States Assay Commission · United States Bicentennial coinage · United States Sesquicentennial coinage · Vermont Sesquicentennial half dollar · Walking Liberty half dollar · Washington quarter ·

Culture and society


Freedom for the Thought That We Hate · Fuck: Word Taboo and Protecting Our First Amendment Liberties · Hands Across Hawthorne · Lynching of Jesse Washington · Murder of Dwayne Jones · Murder of Yvonne Fletcher · Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

Culture and society biographies


Charles Domery · Monroe Edwards · Stanley Green · Grace Sherwood

John Early (educator) · Florida Atlantic University

Engineering and technology


2013 Rosario gas explosion · Apollo 7 · Apollo 9 · Apollo 14 · Atomic line filter · Space Shuttle · World Science Festival, 2008

Everything Tastes Better with Bacon

Geography and places


Falkland Islands · Forest Park (Portland, Oregon) · Madagascar · Roxy Ann Peak · Rwanda · Yellowstone National Park

Geology and geophysics


1867 Manhattan, Kansas earthquake · 1949 Ambato earthquake · 1968 Illinois earthquake · 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens · 1997 Qayen earthquake · 2002 Bou'in-Zahra earthquake · 2005 Qeshm earthquake · 2007–2008 Nazko earthquakes · Harry Glicken

Heraldry, honors, and vexillology


Flag of Lithuania · Victoria Cross for Australia · Victoria Cross for New Zealand

1689 Boston revolt · 1789 Virginia's 5th congressional district election · 1880 United States presidential election · 1958 US–UK Mutual Defence Agreement · 1974 White House helicopter incident · Abuwtiyuw · Assassination of William McKinley · British contribution to the Manhattan Project · Confederate government of Kentucky · George S. Patton slapping incidents · Oklahoma City bombing · Operation Boomerang · Project E · Spaghetti House siege

History biographies


Isaac Brock · Henry Cornelius Burnett · Death of Blair Peach · Joseph Desha · James Garrard · Richard Hawes · John W. Johnston · Charles Edward Magoon · Francis Nash · Elizabeth Needham · Mary Margaret O'Reilly · William F. Raynolds · Tarrare · Harry R. Truman

Language and linguistics


Black American Sign Language

Accurate News and Information Act · Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy · Beauchamp–Sharp Tragedy · Coinage Act of 1873 · Coinage Act of 1965 · CSI effect · Death of Ian Tomlinson · Jena Six · Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident · Murder of Leigh Leigh · Murder of Joanna Yeates · Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke · Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia · Shooting of James Ashley · United States v. Progressive, Inc. · United States v. Wong Kim Ark · Washington v. Texas

Disappearance of Natalee Holloway · Henry W. Sawyer · Elliott Fitch Shepard

Literature and theatre


Magazines and comics


Amazing Stories Quarterly · Archie vs. Predator · Beyond Fantasy Fiction · Cosmic Stories and Stirring Science Stories · Famous Fantastic Mysteries · Fantastic Novels · Fantasy Book · Ghost Stories (magazine) · Imagination (magazine) · Imaginative Tales · Infinity Science Fiction · Marvel Science Stories · Nebula Science Fiction · Other Worlds, Universe Science Fiction, and Science Stories · Satellite Science Fiction · Saturn (magazine) · Science-Fiction Plus · Science Fiction Quarterly · Scientific Detective Monthly · Scoops (magazine) · Super-Science Fiction · Super Science Stories · Tales of Wonder (magazine)

Novels, including graphic novels


Casino Royale (novel) · A Contract with God · Diamonds Are Forever (novel) · Dr. No (novel) · The Fox and the Hound (novel) · Gods' Man · Goldfinger (novel) · Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book · I Never Liked You · Irish Thoroughbred · Live and Let Die (novel) · Madman's Drum · Maus · Moonraker (novel) · The Playboy · Southern Cross (wordless novel) · Vision in White · Wordless novel

Biographies (literature and theatre)


R. V. C. Bodley

Politics and government


Politics and government biographies


Religion, mysticism and mythology


Religion, mysticism and mythology biographies


Royalty and nobility


Royalty and nobility biographies


Sport and recreation


Sport and recreation biographies


Wars, battles and events


Warfare biographies
