
User:Lommes - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, i am Lommes. I am a long-time (though often only occasional) Wikipedia editor, starting in late 2002, and utilising a number of usernames since then. This current account is from November 2013. All accounts taken together, I have made several thousand edits, and uploaded close to 500 files to commons. I am not completely sure, but I do not think I ever created an article page.

I read Wikipedia daily. I usually correct any problems i find immediately. And then I sometimes create things, mostly maps on the Map workshop, where I do stuff like this:

  • Maps of Ancient states

    Maps of Ancient states

  • Distribution maps of species

    Distribution maps of species

  • Location maps

    Location maps

  • Maps to illustrate change over time

    Maps to illustrate change over time

  • Maps to illustrate occurence of a phenomenon

    Maps to illustrate occurence of a phenomenon

  • Maps to show historic journeys

    Maps to show historic journeys

I also hang out at the related Illustration workshop, where I do stuff like this:

  • SVG replacement of bitmap logos

    SVG replacement of bitmap logos

  • Transformation of signatures to SVG

    Transformation of signatures to SVG

  • Infographics


  • Flags


For example, I made about half of the Proposed flags of South Africa. If you want to see more, here is a list of my uploads to commons. Perhaps i can help you with your article. Just ask.

I still have to finish this (as of now) ugly) map.

Long-term task: Top 200 logo images that should use vector graphics (see my progress so far), and once I am done with this, there is Top 200 jPG images that should use vector graphics waiting for me.... :-D

I am really angry about https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Top_200_images_which_have_a_vector_version_available_by_usage and would like to discuss a solution.

This user remembers this being the logo.
w/eThis user prefers to be referred to by whatever gender pronoun makes you feel comfortable.
EdThis user has one or more university degrees.

Most recent Contributions
