User:Michel Mapaliey/Cross - Wikipedia
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Christian cross.svg
Croix copte égyptienne.svg
Original Coptic cross.svg
Coptic Cross Black Small.png
Simple crossed circle.svg
Small crucifix.jpg
Greek cross.svg
St Brigid.png
Croix de Lorraine.png
Marian Cross.jpg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Cathar cross.svg
Patriarchal cross.svg
USVA headstone emb-04.svg
Flag of the Red Cross.svg
A Commonwealth Cross of Sacrifice or War Cross.jpg
Flag of Georgia.svg
Nasrani menorah.JPG
Flag of Scotland.svg
Flag of England.svg
Peter's Cross.svg
Te cross.svg
Mariner's Cross.svg
Cross of the Military Order of Christ.svg
Celtic-style crossed circle.svg
Serbian Cross1.svg
Several flags have crosses, including all the nations of Scandinavia, whose crosses are known as Scandinavian crosses, and many nations in the Southern Hemisphere, which incorporate the Southern Cross. The Flag of Switzerland since the 17th century has displayed an equilateral cross in a square (the only square flag of a sovereign state apart from the Flag of the Vatican City); the Red Cross emblem was based on the Swiss flag.
Sovereign state flags with crosses
Other selected flags and arms with crosses
Flag of Scotland and San Andres
Southern cross appearing on a number of flags
Cross in Christian Art
Carved panel of the 5th century wooden door of Santa Sabina in Rome, believed to be the oldest surviving depiction of the Crucifixion, apart from the Alexamenos graffito.
Crucifixion in the Rabbula Gospels, completed in 586. The claim by Blochet that the miniatures are of the 10th or 11th century is not generally accepted.
Drawing by Paolo Frisi (1728-1784) of a perhaps 11th-century depiction of the Crucifixion
Crucifixion by Cimabue (Gothic period, thirteenth century)
Christ on the cross, St. Maria im Kapitol, Gabelkreuz, Germany, (1304)
Y-shaped cross -
Crucifixion of Christ, Russian Orthodox icon of about 1350
Icon of the Crucifixion, mid-sixteenth century, following traditional style of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Crucifixion, by Conrad Witz (c. 1444)
T-shaped cross -
Christ on the cross, by Rogier van der Weyden (1400-1464)
Almost T-shaped cross -
Christ on the cross, with two thieves crucified on trees, by Antonello da Messina (1430-1479)
Christ on the Cross, El Greco (1541-1614)
T-shaped cross -
Jansenist crucifix: belief in limited number of the predestined, by Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743)
Church of Holmen, Copenhagen, Denmark. The position of the arms does not necessarily indicate a Jansenist view
Crucifixion (modern) omitting representation of cross (cf. ancient door of Santa Sabina)