Additional notes
April 13
Joined Wikipedia
April 13
Edited The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
First edit
April 17
Created Age Eternal
- First article overall
- First album article
August 19
Created The Naked Archaeologist
First TV show article
August 29
Created John Haughm
January 13
Created Dreamscape (band)
First band/musical ensemble article
January 20
Created Espedal, Norway
First and, to date, only geographical article
April 18
Created Template:Vintersorg
- First template overall
- First music template
May 29
Created Twilight of the Thunder God article
- Closely monitored and further developed/updated
- Have made ~70% of article's edits
July 12
Created Alison Haislip article
Article mentioned in Askmen interview
July 21
Created Runhild Gammelsæter article
August 8
Awarded first barnstar, the Tireless Contributor
Achieved highest personal yearly edit count
January 9
Created After (Ihsahn album)
First article of the 2010s
Participated in first Backlog elimination drive
Is my most active drive to date. Copyedited 20 pages including:
Achieved highest personal monthly edit count
August 1
Awarded Tireless Contributor Barnstar
For efforts related to July 2010 backlog drive
Participated in second Backlog elimination drive
Copyedited three articles including Miracles of Gautama Buddha and Raï
Participated in October 2010 Wikification Drive
Wikified 13 articles including GK Dürnrohr and Friedrich Wührer
October 3
Awarded the Modest Barnstar
For efforts related to September 2010 backlog drive
Participated in third Backlog elimination drive
Copyedited six articles including Digital Underground and Mar de Copas
November 3
Awarded the Cleanup Barnstar
For efforts related to November 2010 Backlog elimination drive. Due to clerical error, I received the barnstar twice, but oh well.
December 3
Awarded the Minor Barnstar
For efforts related to November 2010 backlog drive
April 18
Awarded the What a Brilliant Idea Barnstar
For sharing this idea in the summary of an edit to Deftones.
September 17
Awarded the Original Barnstar
For "helpful deeds and works" regarding pages created by Gazaneh (i.e. Arctic Plateau, Celestial Lineage, The Grey (Agalloch EP))
November 26
Published Genre warring and genre warriors
First Wikipedia essay
February 6
Created Tragic Idol article
Played role in permanently removing an especially serious genre vandal
Was a serial IP hopper active on metal pages for 3+ years
Participated in fourth Backlog elimination drive
Copyedited five articles including Rainbow (South Korean band) and Helium (band)
August 11
Awarded the Minor Barnstar
For efforts related to July 2012 backlog drive
January 10
Changed username to Mungo Kitsch
August 19
Created Wounded (Landmine Marathon album)
Last article before retirement
August 31
Retired from Wikipedia
January 19
Returned to Wikipedia
April 21
Added NBA career stats of Chuck Nevitt
- First stat tables created for mainspace
- First sports stat tables
- First basketball stats tables
- First NBA stats tables
August 29
Cleaned up, condensed Political life of Clint Eastwood
- Reduced repetition and redundancy
- On a later date, added 1986 Carmel, California mayoral election voting stats
- First electoral stat table
- First mayoral electoral stat table
November 16
Created Anika Nilles
First article since return
March 11
Created Template:Billy Graham
- First religion template
- First template since return
March 17
Added career stats of Karlie Samuelson
First WNBA stats tables
March 22
Awarded the LGBT barnstar
- For tactful and neutral approach regarding gender of Asia Kate Dillon
- First barnstar since return
May 5
Created The Firefly (2015 film)
First film article
January 23
Created Karina Eibatova article
- First visual artist biography
- First article created in the 2020s
- Was within 400 articles of being English Wikipedia's 6,000,000th
April 1-5
Expanded Chris Dudley article
- Added new and expanded existing sections
- Added college stats and electoral history
- Previously added NBA career stats
April 3
Added college playing stats to Tim Duncan
- First college sports stat table
- First college basketball stats table
April 6
Added county voting stats to 2010 Oregon gubernatorial election
- First electoral stat table by county
- First gubernatorial electoral stat table
April 26
Published NSBM: The Demagogues, the Innocents, and the Gray Areas Between Black Metal and White Exceptionalism
Second Wikipedia essay
May 22
Added NBA playing stats of Jerry Sloan
Sloan died earlier in the day
June 18
Created Template:Montana county seats
- First geographical template
- First United States template
- First county seat template
October 6
Created Template:Seattle Storm 2020 WNBA champions
- First sports template
- First basketball template
- First WNBA template
May 22
Created Women in music userbox
First userbox
June 16
Added D-League stats of Malcolm Thomas
- First D-League/G League stats table
- First D-League/G League playing stats table
- Had added Thomas's NBA stats the previous day
September 14
Added coaching stats of Steve Gansey
- First coaching stats table
- First basketball coaching stats table
- First D-League/G League coaching stats table
March 7
Created 2022 WNBA season
- First sports article
- First basketball article
- First WNBA article
- First sports season article
- First WNBA sports season article
March 13
Completed United States county seat templates task
April 9
Created Progressive list of scoring leaders for WNBA
- First table for all-time cumulative sports stats
- First table for all-time cumulative WNBA stats
April 27
Created and proposed Template:The Women's National Basketball Association Barnstar
- First barnstar both created and proposed
- First sports-related barnstar both created and proposed
September 22
Added county voting stats for 2010 United States House of Representatives election in Montana
- First US House electoral stat table
November 13
Added county voting stats for 2006 United States Senate election in Montana
- First US Senate electoral stat table
November 15–December 19
Assembled List of NBA player articles without statistics tables
- First editor guide
- First sports-related editor guide
- First basketball-related editor guide
- Originally listed ABA player articles too, which were split away in May 2023 to form their own list
November 17
Added NFL playing stats for Bud Grant
- First football stats table
- First NFL stats table
- Had also added his NBA playing stats earlier in the day
January 23–February 9
Assembled List of WNBA player articles without statistics tables
- Second editor guide
- Second sports-related editor guide
- Second basketball-related editor guide
May 20
Completed stat transcription for 1949-50 NBA rookie class
- First long-term season-wide stat task
- Final pre-1950 statless NBA player was Rollie Seltz
December 24
Completed stat transcription of all 1950s-debuting NBA players
August 31
Completed stat transcription of all 1960s-debuting NBA players
October 6
Added county voting stats for 2022 United States Senate election in Ohio Republican primary
- First electoral stat table of a primary
- First electoral stat table of a primary by county
- Winner of this primary was JD Vance, who won the Senate general election and later became the 50th Vice President
December 7
Created Yvette Angel article
- First WNBA player article