User:Pajz - Wikipedia
My main areas of interest and expertise are comparative and international copyright law and intellectual property law more broadly.
Some of the articles that I have written (all in German): Panoramafreiheit (freedom of panorama), Ausstellungsrecht (exhibition right), Doppelschöpfung (‘double creation’), Droit de non-paternité, Wittem-Projekt (Wittem project), Zugangsrecht (right of access), Zweckübertragungslehre (principle of purpose-oriented transfer). Non-law-related articles include Zweitpreisauktion (second-price auction) and Marshallsche Nachfragefunktion (Marshallian demand function).
I have previously served as a volunteer response team member (2007–19), a Wikipedia administrator (dewiki) (2007–16), an OTRS admin (2013–15), and a member of the Ombudsman Commission (2016–19).
I have received support in the past through Wikimedia Deutschland's Zugang zu Fachliteratur reimbursement programme (details). I also have free-of-charge access to several databases through The Wikipedia Library.