
User:Quantumavik - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi! I am currently a faculty member. My interests span a broad range of subjects. I am most passionate about physics, in nearly any form, and its implications in fundamental science as well as in applied engineering and technology.

Wikipedia related

This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia.
This user believes in freedom of all types of information for all.

List of pages I am working on (or plan to work on in the future):

  1. Four wave mixing
    1. to add: phase matching,
    2. to add: applications
    3. to add: squeezing using four-wave mixing
    4. to add: materials where fwm is predominant
  2. Klaus Molmer
  3. Optical Parametric Oscillator
  4. Squeezed coherent state
  5. Integrated quantum photonics
  6. Frequency comb
  7. Silicon nitride - add a section about its usage in optics
  8. One-way quantum computer - add the continuous variable model and recent progress in this domain.
  9. Back action (quantum) - expand this stub.
  10. Optical microcavity - add traveling wave configurations and pictures.
  11. Kerr frequency comb


Professional societies
OSAThis user is a member of The Optical Society.
APSThis user is a member of the APS.


This user can program in Python.
This user uses LaTeX and admires its power.
CThis user can program in C.
C++This user can program in C++.