User:Steveoc 86 - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey! I live in the U.K. and I have a passion for Science, especially Palaeontology (I have no formal qualifications in palaeontology, the closest qualification would be an A level in Biology). I love creating art, drawing, sculpting, and painting. I mainly use Photoshop for my illustrations, Inkscape for vector charts, and I use Blender for 3d work. I also enjoy Photography and Filmmaking and I have a degree in Animation Filmmaking.
I've created various illustrations for Wikipedia that can be viewed on my Wikimedia Commons page.
Links to Other Wikipedia Artists
This list is not comprehensive.
- User:ArthurWeasley(Old Account) aka User:NobuTamura A variety of Palaeo images (probably one of the most prolific artists Wikipedia has had).
- User:Apokryltaros A variety of Palaeo Images.
- User:Dantheman9758 Photo manipulation of extinct Mammals.
- ru:User:ДиБгд (Russian account) en:User talk:DiBgd A variety of Palaeo images.
- User:Dinoguy2 Dinosaurs and scale charts.
- User:El fosilmaníaco A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:Fred Wierum Dinosaurs.
- User:Ferahgo the Assassin A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams, (mainly deinonychosaurs and birds).
- User:Foolp A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:FunkMonk Mainly Dinosaurs, good at gathering other illustrations/photographs from around the web.
- User:IJReid A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:John.Conway Pterosaurs, Dinosaurs.
- User:LadyofHats Dinosaurs, Anatomy Diagrams.
- User:Levi bernardo A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:Obsidian Soul 3d Palaeo images and some photographs.
- User:PaleoGeekSquared A Variety of Paleo images, mainly diagrams.
- User:Rextron A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:Shyamal SVG images, Birds
- User:Smokeybjb A variety of Palaeo images and diagrams.
- User:Slate Weasel Predominantly vector scale charts.
- User:Tomopteryx Dinosaurs.
Artwork and Diagrams I've Uploaded
I've created various illustrations for Wikipedia which can be seen on my Wikimedia Commons page. These include dinosaur restorations and animal size diagrams.
If you notice any anatomical errors in the illustrations or have suggestions for changes, just drop a note on my talk page. Please feel free to request an image and I'll see what I can do.
Note: I often update my images; If you want to post any of these images on other websites, if possible, please consider linking to the original file on the Wikimedia Commons. This will allow others to see the most recent version. Thanks.
Pages I've Created!!
Yes people, that's right! It may just be the best Wikipedia article ever! ...or it was until Dollodon got lumped into Mantellisaurus....
This User has some of those funny boxes everyone else seems to have.
Some I.P. address posted this...I thought it was cool.
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